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Dippiù Italian Bottega

64 Queen Street, Newton Abbot, United Kingdom



When I first came to Newton Abbot, with a friend, by car and I had an instant knowing that this would be the place where I would make my dream When I first came to Newton Abbot, I was passing through with a friend, by car and I had an instant knowing that this would be the place where I would make my dream come true . In my dreams, I had always imagined a place that would be smaller than a restaurant, in an English city with people sitting at the tables, tasting delicacies from my country, prepared well and speedily, such as cold cuts, extra virgin olive oil, and after having tasted them, the satisfied customer would be able to directly buy the products from the shelves, so that they could prepare the same Italian dishes at home, also with the help of my recipes.
I didn’t immediately get discouraged by the things that could have proven to be challenging stumbling blocks and I was determined to carry out my ideas. I knew that I would need a lot of patience in between the periods of joy at living my dream and the times when I felt insecure.
Today, after more than a year after my decision to follow my dream, and thanks to the help of two friends that I got to know here and who have supported me from the very beginning of this process, I am pleased  to inaugurate my deli “Dippiu’” with the authenticity of food products ‘Made in Italy” and more precisely “Made in Calabria”.
My ambition is to create a corner where it is possible to have an authentic taste of Italy, right here in Newton Abbot through products of excellence, which I have personally selected and in the respect of our ancient traditions, and which are not readily found in supermarkets or big food distribution.

I chose Newton Abbot because I amtaken by the quality of life, and that it isn’t a too big a city, and the attention given to health also in terms of quality of products and therefore to healthy eating. Furthermore, being a pioneer in this area, I am sure will prove  interesting and engaging.

Quando arrivai per la prima volta a Newton Abbot nell’estate del 2014, passando in auto con un amico, ebbi una folgorazione: questo sarebbe stato il posto in cui avrei realizzato il mio sogno. Ho sempre immaginato un posto che fosse qualcosa in meno di un ristorante e qualcosa più di una bottega, in una cittadina inglese, con persone sedute ai tavoli che degustano piatti veloci preparati con delizie alimentari della mia terra quali formaggi, salumi, olio extravergine di oliva e che alla fine soddisfatti andassero a scegliere direttamente dallo scaffale il prodotto degustato in modo da preparare in casa piatti italiani anche con l’aiuto di mie ricette.
Non mi feci smontare subito da quelle che potevano essere gli intoppi iniziali e portai avanti la mia idea, sapevo che mi sarei dovuto armare di tanta pazienza tra periodi di euforia e periodi di insicurezza.
Oggi, dopo più di un anno dalla mia decisione, grazie all’aiuto di 2 amici che ho conosciuto qui e che mi hanno sostenuto fin dall’inizio del mio percorso, sono lieto di inaugurare il mio punto vendita “Dippiù” con l’autenticità del “Made in Italy” più precisamente del “Made in Calabria” in materia di cibi.


Live a longer, healthier life with the #MediterraneanDiet 🍝🍝🍝 ‼

Have a lovely day.

Have a good evening


Good morning

Good morning another week is starting. Have a nice day

Happy mothers day. Have great lovely day.

Have a good weekend

Good morning, is a lovely day.

Good morning back to normal ☕☕☕

Good day and good weekend


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