Barcroft Community Association
Barcroft Community Association is a registered charity run by volunteers. We provide activities and events for the general population and manage the community centre in partnership with Newry, Mourne and Down District Council. The committee organises various events and programmes for the betterment of local residents and those from neighbouring areas in a totally inclusive manner. The Association is responsible for the management of the community centre in partnership with Newry & Mourne District Council and this includes bookings at reasonable rates from local and external groups and organisations.
The Chairperson of Barcroft Community Association Committee is Darren Thompson, Vice Chair Micheal Mc Parland, Secretary Bernice Shiel, Treasurer Melissa Lennon
The other committee members are: Ewan Morgan, Cliona Doran, Colin Hanna, Gary Torley, Paul Kavanagh
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facebook.comAnybody age 16+ living in neighbourhood renewal area interested in barista training?
Action cancer big bus will be in the area on Wed 31st Jan located in the square at loanda crescent.. Could we please ask the residents to keep the area clear until the bus Is set up Thanks for ur co operation
Due to adverse weather and all surrounding schools closing little stars will also be close tomorrow ☹️
Due to the weather youth club tonight is cancelled. Sorry ☹️
*missing* Has any1 saw this young boy or know where he is, he has been missing since yesterday and his family are extremely concerned
Community Centre Bookings Barcroft Community Association manage the community centre in partnership with the local council. We are preparing for new bookings at the Community Centre, this includes Children’s Birthday Parties. The Council has updated booking forms and birthday party agreements and we have to implement these changes. People making booking requests should NOT under any circumstances send out invites or advertise events in print or social media until their booking is approved. Failure to adhere to this particular Council policy could lead to a booking being suspended. This measure will avoid double bookings. For bookings send requests by email to or via pm to Facebook page Many thanks
Toddler group back tomorrow 10.30am til 12. £2.50 per family, all welcome