Bernadette Davies - Coaching for Change
Personal and small group coaching to help navigate your journey to achieving your goals Do you find yourself 'stuck in a rut'? Is there an area in your life that you need to but are struggling to make a change? As a qualified coach and an NLP Master Practitioner, I can help you to refocus on your priorities and navigate your way to achieving your goals. these may be related to weight loss, career choice, relationship issues or any other issue that you choose to focus on. I offer one to one sessions, and an option of small group sessions specifically in relation to weight loss.
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facebook.comSo I had a ‘fast phobia cure’ a year ago because of my fear of heights and especially fairground rides. I seriously tested it out last week in Eurodisney. I have also had this done in the past to get rid of my irrational fears of spiders! Do you have any fears or phobias that are holding you back or stopping you do something you really want to? Message me to see how I can help.
So another reason for my absence has been because I set myself a goal to run a Marathon for the Samaritans this year and have been busy training for the Newport Marathon which is in just under 3 weeks. Goals keep us focussed. What are yours? Did you set some at the start of the year? Do they need revisiting? Do you need help setting and working towards some clear goals? If so, get in touch.
So, I have been absence for a while from this page whilst busily taking on more training and further developing my skills in Hypnosis, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Coaching and I am pleased to say that I am now Master Practitioner in each and able to offer even more tools and techniques to enable my clients to achieve their full potential. If you have any limiting doubts or beliefs; any fears; feelings of being ‘stuck’ - in work, a relationship, with your weight or anything else that you feel that something is ‘holding you back’, contact me for a free consultation to find out how we can work together to enable you to achieve your dreams!
Keep that focus and reach for your dreams, take those chances in front of you.
Most of us by now will have quit our New Year's Resolution. Use today as a new start and kick start your future. If you need help to stay on track with whatever your goals are, get in touch for a free 45 min consultation to find out how we can work together to achieve your potential
As the decorations are put away, the children go back to school and many of us are back at work - take time to focus on what you want and start today...
I stole this from a friend's post this morning...."I Can" can be so empwering - make it your motto for the day/weekend!!
What skills, support, attitudes do you have that you don't use that you CAN use to achieve your goals and resolutions?
Happy New Year! As you set those goals and resolutions for 2018, remember you can do anything you set your mind to. Take time too to reflect on 2017... what did you achieve?
Remember this when life's demands kick in...
How many of these 'stess busters' can you achieve this weekend? I'm aiming for at least 8 by Monday morning...a chillaxing weekend!! However many you try, do them mindfully, with the focus on bringing down the stress levels.
I was just reading about how stress attacks all the 'good stuff' inside us like: our ability to communicate; cheerfulness; patience; ability to cope, peacefulness - to name a few. If stress is getting to you and affecting your core, get in touch. I can share some techniques to manage stress and/or relieve stress immediately with hypnosis. #look after yourself when life's stresses kick in.