St Bartholomew's School
St Bart’s is at the heart of the Newbury Community. The school has a long history and has preserved many of its traditions. It has a philosophy of Enterprise and a clear vision for the future. The outstanding facilities across the curriculum and real attention to the needs of all students enable them to build for a promising future on solid educational foundations.
St Bart’s is a forward thinking comprehensive school. Time after time, our results and achievements place us as one of the top secondary schools in the country. A large vibrant Sixth Form offers a wide range of subjects and attracts students from around the area.
The school celebrated outstanding GCSE and A Level results for 2016. At GCSE 78% gained five or more A* – C grades including English and Mathematics whilst 41% of all grades achieved were at A* and A and 85% at C grade or better. 63 students (more than a quarter of the Year group) gained at least 8 A* and A grades. Over 52% achieved the ‘gold standard’ EBacc qualification of C grades or better in English, Mathematics, Science, Languages and Humanities. At A Level 80% of all grades were of a C grade or better and well over 50% of the results achieved were at A*, A or B grade.
Tell your friends
facebook.comThe Parents’ Association thanks the 150 people who came to the PA Quiz on Saturday night despite the snow. The various teams of students, parents and staff raised over £900 for student extra curricular activities! Read more in BartholoNews:
When the final Sunday Ten Tors training walk was cancelled, due to the snow, the staff decided to demonstrate the importance of having the right equipment for the conditions! Follow the team's progress in BartholoNews:
St Bart's Wins Young Enterprise Awards, read more in this week's BartholoNews:
Sport Relief Events are taking place in school tomorrow and Friday. Find out more in BartholoNews:
Recent analysis places St Bart’s Sixth Form within the top 25% nationally and indicates it is an inclusive school with all abilities making good progress. Read more in BartholoNews:
Get advice on how to reduce exam stress and anxiety from 6:30pm tomorrow evening in the Main Hall at St Bart's. All students, parents and carers welcome.
We have opportunities for a Teacher of Product Design and a Head of House, both starting in September. For more information please visit
*Snow Update - 18/03/18* SCHOOL OPEN AS NORMAL TOMORROW Having reflected on the forecast and the current state of the roads, it has been decided that the school will be open as normal tomorrow.
Keep your child safe online with this workshop run by Thames Valley Police at St Bart's next Tuesday evening.
Keep your child safe online with this workshop run by Thames Valley Police at St Bart's next Tuesday evening. In the Robinson Rooms, access via Reception.
Don't forget that the deadline for this half term's photography competition is coming up, 28th March. The theme this time is "Start"...
We currently have a vacancy for a Technician in our Expressive Arts Faculty. Please visit for full details.