Reach TPY - Access Platform Hire
For All Those Working At Height Challenges. My name is Tim Young and before making the career switch into MEWP rental I was employed as a Technical Specialist responsible for designing and maintaining Computer Storage Area Network infrastructures throughout the UK and Switzerland.
I have been interested in MEWP’s for the past 8 years or so but up until now have not been in a position to make the career switch. I am a fully certified IPAF MEWP’s Operator and Demonstrator and was trained at Bolton Hire and Training LTD. I am fully licensed for the following categories :
Static Boom
Mobile Vertical
Mobile Boom
Push Around Vertical.
I currently own 3 machines:
- The Niftylift 170 Trailer Mount
- The Oil and Steel Octopussy 1465
- The TP9000 Scissor Lift .
I provide hire services for each of my machines, aimed at making your work at heights easy, safe and efficient.
Please browse the page for further information and should you have any further enquiries please get in touch and I'll be more than happy to assist you.
I look forward to working with you soon!
Tell your friends
When I first started up my business I never really envisaged that it was going to be so diverse. Last week was a prime example! One day I am working with a film crew, hotelier and makeup artist who were all very busy making a promotational video for two local Blackpool hotels! The Elgin and the Hotel Sheraton who are run and owned by Mr Nigel Seddon. I think the video is now in the editing phase so as soon as it arrives onto the You Tube platform i'll post you a link to it. Its a far cry from your normal promotional video and should prove to be very entertaining, enough said! Oh, and if you need any faceprinting for a party or makeup for a wedding function etc! Then why not get in touch with Laura at Laura's a local young girl who started up her own business whilst still studying at school, fantastic achievement really! Pixie Dust Pamper Parties Then a few days later I'm out again working with the volunteers of the Lytham St Annes Spitfire Visitors Centre up at Hangar 42 Blackpool Airport. Hangar 42 is where the heritage keep their aircraft and support vehicles, its such an amazing building especially for somebody like me who originates from an engineering background. Its a World War II hangar with all of its original internal steelwork still in place, most impressive. At present John Coombes and all his support boys n girls are really busy getting the hangar ready for their forthcoming open day events. Everybody that works for the memorial is a volunteer and the whole project is totally self funded. So if you've got a spare few quid or any good unwanted equipment that may be of use to them then why not make a donation ! after all it is a big part of our heritage! Or perhaps show your support by popping along and maybe have a go at flying a Spitfire simulator which is currently being developed by Andrew. You'll be amazed with all the real life acoustic sounds and flight sim graphics. I believe that the team are also in the process of planning a swinging 40's evening! So thats another one to watch out for ! Its quite weird sometimes when your quite happily going about your business and you bump into an old colleague from the past. Whilst at hangar 42 I spotted a very familiar face from my days working in the Technical Support Group at the former Insurance company Guardian Royal Exchange. One of my former managers Mike Ormand is a pilot that works out of hangar 8 which is next hangar along to the Spitfire memorial and on this particular Sunday Mick was busy giving flight experiences in a Cherokee 140 light aircraft. I think that over the years Blackpool has had some really undeserved bad press about its beaches etc! Personally, I think that its just such an amazing place with its new multi million pound promenade, vintage Trams and its fabulous Blue Flag beaches and sea water. If you take a bike ride from the tram depot south shore into town on a beautiful summers day like today! there's absolutely nothing better! Its like being on Coney Island in New York but so much better!
Reach TPY - Access Platform Hire
Reach TPY - Access Platform Hire
Painting and decorating season
Well, its that time of year again when the local Paint & Decorators are out freshening up our facias, apexes, front doors and windows frames with their magic paint brushes! Living in and around the Fylde coast resort of Lytham St Annes and Blackpool means that a couple of coats of paint is essential every couple of years in order to keep that intense sun, salty sea air and sand at bay! I don't really think that there are any hard and fast rules about how often you should paint your property(s) as most of it really depends on your geographic location and ecological climate. However, around the Fylde coast we are exposed to a lot of extremes so your property(s) probably need repainting far more often than somebody that lives in the city of London for example. Hats off to all those people living in period Georgian, Victorian and Art Deco houses who haven't gone down the route of covering up their ornate wooden mouldings etc with that really poor aesthetically looking UPC plastic alternative. If you ever walk along East Beach in Lytham by the Windmill and look across at some of the absolutely stunning wooden finials and ornate facia boards on the peaks on the houses there! How can you possibly compare these with a 6 inch piece of badly shaped plastic! Absolutely no comparison whatsoever! As you've probably guessed, I'm not a fan of UPC being used on period properties! Forgive me! But I'm all for keeping old houses looking old or alternatively keeping old houses looking old but with a modern / contemporary twist.
Paul Green Period Mouldings of Lytham
During my time hiring machines I have been blessed with working alongside a lot of very good trades people. Paul Green Period Mouldings of Lytham are one of those companies who I would recommend very highly should you ever need a gas / wood burning fire fitting. I have worked with Mark and James on many projects now and their attention to detail and professionalism is absolutely outstanding, which is more than I can say about Mark's jokes! lol ! Just kidding, it's always a fun day really! even if your jokes are terrible! Mark, don't give up the day job!
Reach TPY - Access Platform Hire
Lytham St Annes Spitfire
It's always nice to work with John and the chaps from the Lytham St Annes Spitfire Memorial Team down at Fairhaven Lake. Luckily it was a nice sunny day for this years annual maintenance slot. This year along with a deep clean of the aircraft the team added a new cockpit mirror to the exterior frame on the aircraft making it even more authentic.
Rebellion Punk Fest - Blackpool 2015
It's great seeing some of punks from the Winter Gardens Rebellion Festival wandering around town during early autumn...... Here's a couple of really cool looking punks we spotted! As well as pogoing at the weekends they can also fix leaky roofs ! So if you've got a leaky roof problem or issues with your Ridge n valleys then perhaps give lead vocalist Mark "the viscous" Kenyon or Drummer Dave "the blowtorch" Horrocks a call ! Lol !
My apologies for not keeping my Facebook page up to date of late! Anyway, during the summer whilst working along the Inner Promenade with mark from Death2Pest I could not help but notice a couple of cyclists whom have strayed a little due North off the Tour De France circuit ! lol !