Bluebean Career Path Consultancy
Personalised Career guidance that sets you off on the right path, tailored one-to-one advice to help you make the decision that's right for you. THE SKY'S THE LIMIT
At BlueBean we understand that setting off on your journey to higher education, an apprenticeship, or a full time job can be daunting, so our tailored, one-to-one advice will help you make the decision that's right for you.
BlueBean is passionate about helping and coaching people to transform their lives; by identifying options for a suitable career, building your CV, identifying skills gaps, preparing you for an interviewer and more. Take a look at the website to see the range of investment services designed and tailored to meet your needs and help you achieve greater success, helping you to take your career and career change ideas to the next level.
Investment Services BlueBean offer:
Don't be fed up, stuck in a rut or frustrated with your job, do something amazing and put a career plan together. BlueBean offer a Career Planning service that helps you to understand yourself, your skills and what actions you need to take in order to point you in the right direction to your first job or make your next career move.
EVERYONE'S GOT TALENT - Skills & Behaviours / USP
With employers looking for people who have the right values and attitudes and who can add value to their business, it's important that you know what your core skills and behaviours are.
Just like products have to be marketed to consumers, people have to market themselves to employers. Known as a personal branding or a value-added statement, your Unique Selling Point (USP) is a succinct, one sentence description who you are, your biggest strength and the major benefit an employer will derive from this strength.
BLOW YOUR OWN TRUMPET - Self-Marketing / Curriculum Vitae
Self-Marketing is a key job-seeking skill which will help you stand out in a competitive job market. Every interaction you have could lead to a job so it is important to treat everyone you speak to as someone who could provide you with employment opportunities.
An effective CV is a crucial document which will increase your chances of being selected for an interview. BlueBean will evaluate the content and layout of your current CV and offer guidance on how it could be improved. What is key to remember is the person reading your CV doesn't know you.
TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR CAREER - Interviewing Skills / Personal Goal Setting
BlueBean will help you to prepare for all that an interview entails, we will offer practical advice on:
> Interview preparation
> How to present yourself
> Typical interview questions
> Different types / formats of interviews
> Interview do's and don'ts
This will help you gain confidence and experience in interview situations, and BlueBean offer a mock interview providing feedback on your performance.
Tell your friends
facebook.comEveryone who knows me, knows I don't do personal FB, only Bluebean. Thank-you for your kind birthday messages.
"aim high in your career but stay humble in your heart" Have a great weekend everyone, stay safe and have fun!
Photos from Bluebean Career Path Consultancy's post
Getting an employer to actually look at your CV takes some doing, after all yours is just one of many they have to sift through. That's why a lot of employers use a bit of software called ATS (Applicant Tracking System) which comes in various forms. This allows employers to 'weed' out the CV's that aren't aligned to the JD and reduce the applications down to a credible size to review. Bluebean formatted CV's have a much higher chance of getting through the ATS software so your CV will actually get looked at by a human being, making an interview a distinct possibility. Don't be tempted to put a 'wacky' CV together in the hope that it catches the attention of an employer, in most cases it simply won't work. These CV's as wacky as they may seem would't have a chance of getting through the ATS system, can't think why not really!!!!
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This has to be the best CV I have ever seen, what an imagination this person has, it's just brilliant!!!!
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Looking forward to meeting a new client tomorrow, always a good excuse to drink coffee and eat delicious pastries while engaging with people who you know you want to help and support. Good job I go to the gym regularly with all the new clients I meet!!
Great mornings work doing mock interviews with clients, and the flapjack and coffee were tremendous too!!!
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Off to Newcastle for some "mock interview" sessions with a couple of clients, you just know we'll have some laughs at some point but by the end of the session it'll be a polished performance that's for sure.............
Work isn’t the only thing that influences happiness, but let's face it it’s where you spend a big chunk of your life. Many factors play a huge part in your happiness at work, the role, the way you’re managed, the organisational culture, how much you like your colleagues etc. however what is really important is doing work that matches your motivation and your interests, that keep you absorbed and reasonably contented. So, what kind of job would make you happiest? Have a go at putting a tick against the one's out of this list that you resonate with. I get a buzz out of … Making a good impression on a customer No interest Mild interest Some interest Definite preference Strong preference Activities focused on physical fitness, health, nutrition, or sport No interest Mild interest Some interest Definite preference Strong preference Researching or investigating, gathering information systematically, using IT effectively No interest Mild interest Some interest Definite preference Strong preference Persuading somebody to accept an idea or an argument No interest Mild interest Some interest Definite preference Strong preference Coming up with new ideas or approaches No interest Mild interest Some interest Definite preference Strong preference Spending time outdoors rather than sitting in front of a screen No interest Mild interest Some interest Definite preference Strong preference Listening, assessing, and responding to people's needs No interest Mild interest Some interest Definite preference Strong preference If you want to share your answers with me then don't be shy, I'd like to see your results
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Careers advice is as much about listening as it is about mapping out a pathway, its amazing what can come from a chat that you weren't expecting. Many times I sit with clients and just listen to their situations and suddenly a solution comes to mind and transforms the meeting.
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Would you like to improve your self-confidence?? have the bottle to boast about what you are good at?? self-market your uniqueness?? Most of us would say yes to all 3 questions, yet few of us seem bothered to do anything about it, why wouldn't you want to invest some time in YOU, after all if you do nothing, guess what will happen.......... A complimentary coffee might be all it takes, so think about the questions and if you answered yes to all 3, give me a call, all details are at
bluebeancpc | Personalised career guidance
Do you have a forthcoming interview? Are you worried about attending an interview? Do you need help with self-confidence? Does your CV need a 'make-over'? If you answered yes to any of these questions, why not let me help you, all you have to do is call me or email me, details at I'm here to help :-)
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Hi, I'm looking for some feedback from my FB friends. I am thinking about hosting a Career event where I cover everything associated with careers, and want to find out if there is enough interest to go ahead with the event. I'll cover things like: Business: Improved staff retention Strengths-based development Improved customer relationships Increased sales and productivity Raised employee engagement Motivated and happier workforce Succession planning Talent pool Training & development Education: Higher attainment levels Improved grades Increased self-confidence Employability skills Strong career path Improved behaviour General: Improved self-confidence Presentation skills CV writing Marketing yourself Unique Selling Point Interviewing techniques If this is an event you would consider going to, can you let me know please, it will probably be in the Newcastle area.