The Sanctuary Cafe Morecambe
The Sanctuary is a friendly and welcoming community based tea room and cafe with a creative twist! Workshops include baking, sewing, knitting, crafts! We are a charity and community based venue. All purchases go towards supporting our local community.
Coffee shop selling food to eat in or take out.
Sunday lunch bookings only.
Homemade Jams,cakes,bread and pickles.
Handcrafted cards and gifts.
Handknit garments childrens and Adults sizes. Can be made to order.
Kids cake and bake parties ages 5 to 12years. Min 7 to 12 children.
We have a venue to hire for meetings,Christenings,Baby showers,Wakes etc. from 5 to 40 people.
Buffets catered for with venue or to deliver selection of menu's available on request.
Groups already set up are Bookclub, Knitting and sewing for beginner or the experienced all welcome.
Tell your friends
Knit and natter 2pm till 4pm tomorrow Tuesday 1st November. At the Sanctuary cafe, Heysham Road .All welcome.Also craft class on Wednesday 2nd November 2pm till 4pm. There is charge of £5.00 for the craft class but this includes tea/ coffee ans cake. Look forward to seeing you there.
Photos from The Sanctuary Cafe Morecambe's post
Our first week of Chair-aerobics at the Sanctuary. Thank you to all who took part. You all worked very hard and i'm glad you enjoyed it. Next week we are going to be a little more ambitious and place our legs behind our neck. Now don't panic cos ive got the paramedics booked so no worries. If you would like to join us every Friday at 2pm please contact us on 874100. We are getting quite busy with this particular class and need to book in two sessions. The first class starts at 2pm and the second starts at 3pm. We look forward to hearing from you but don't delay because places are being taken up quickly.xx
Photos from The Sanctuary Cafe Morecambe's post
Coming soon to a market stall near you.!!. Just to give you a taster of some of the hand knitted cable jumpers and cardigans we are selling at the market from Sunday 6th November. Lovely work Sue and Anita thank you.Watch out for the christmas stockings........
Hi everyone. Would any of you be interested in learning to Lindy Hop or Jive. We have a venue in Morecambe available to us, and are looking to start classes in November. This will be run by a group of young people who already have classes in Lancaster. You may have seen them performing at the Platform at the Vintage weekend recently. I'm definately putting my name down, just need to lubricate my hips first.The class will be in an evening[ yet to be arranged] Come on let's get boogying. Hope this interests you all. Ask your friends and you can let us know either via facebook or ring us at the sanctuary cafe on 874100
Pre-Loved Hand Dressed Doll Sale
Looking forward to the vintage festival this weekend. Been busy getting our wares ready and praying for good weather.!!!!!!
Miller Howe Hotel
Photos from The Sanctuary Cafe Morecambe's post
Nedwin and Togwin have a narrow escape when on one of their escapades. The giants arrive unexpectedly and they have to run for cover.Thank goodness for the giant bobbins.
Please take advantage of this wonderful opportunity and don't complain that the young people of our community have nothing to do..Everyone of you can benefit from this and everyone of you has something to offer. These workshops will prove this to you. Go on what have you got to lose.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Photos from The Sanctuary Cafe Morecambe's post
Just a few pics to show Mrs Saccarins works of art. Well it's her designs and Mr Saccarins work. Can't wait to see his shed.
Photos from The Sanctuary Cafe Morecambe's post
Mrs Saccarin has been a very busy Lady recently. She has always had an eye for design and since arriving in their new world she has been able to develop her artistic bent. This has been aided by Nedwin and Togwin due to their secret daily expeditions venturing out from behind the skirtings..Each day they have returned with numerous items of treasure that has delighted Mrs Saccarin..This arrangement suits both parties because Mrs Saccarin is very happy designing her new home, whilst the boys are allowed to venture out to have their fun' with the exception of the giant cotton reels. [ to come ] Meanwhile Mr Saccarin is waiting for his escape to continue with his MAN SHED. Huh no surprises there then eh?Watch this space!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!