The Consult Centre Ltd
Providers of Learning and Development for Personal, Career and Business.
Based in the Northwest of England, Morecambe
Providers of Learning and Development for Personal, Career and Business.
Based in the Northwest of England, Morecambe
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facebook.comTo recommend a Page: Go to the Page click Recommend below the Page's cover photo Click What do you recommend about it? Your recommendation will appear on your timeline and in News Feed. Keep in mind that Pages can't recommend other Pages.
How do I turn off commenting on a post in a group? You must be admin or moderator To turn off commenting on your own post or a post in a group you admin or moderate: Go to the post you want to turn off comments for. Click and then select Turn off commenting.
The next in our series of Member Q & A interviews. Meet Catherine Hunt of Prime Wellbeing .
Admin and moderator badges distinguish group admins and moderators from the rest of the group by making them easy to identify. Badges will appear next to an admin or moderator's name. Right now, badges are automatically displayed in groups that have 250 or more members.
The end of term.. it's been a pleasure ladies ..
When you know, you know... Leadership Academy - The Consult Centre 2018
here you go ladies Catherine Hunt Janet CarterSally Wilkinson Kirsty Bob Wendy Butler Vicky Dixon
How do I ban or unban someone from my Page? We recommend banning people who continually publish spam on your Page. You can choose to unban them at any time. When you ban someone from your Page, they'll still be able to share content from your Page to other places on Facebook, but they'll no longer be able to publish to your Page, like or comment on your Page's posts, message your Page or like your Page. You may also remove someone who likes your Page. When you remove someone from your Page, they'll no longer like it. This is a good option for people you don't want following your Page's posts in their News Feeds or the News Feeds of their friends. However, Pages are public spaces and people you've removed can choose to like your Page again. Ban Someone There are several ways to ban a person or another Page from your Page. From the people who like your Page: Click Settings at the top of your Page Click People and Other Pages in the left column Search for the person or click to check the box next to the name of the person you want to ban Click and select Ban From Page Click Confirm From a comment on a Page post: Hover over a comment by the person or Page you want to ban and click Click Hide Comment Click Ban [Name] From a message to your Page: Click Inbox or Messages at the top of your Page Click the message on the left from the person you want to ban Click Actions at the top and select Ban From Page Click OK From a post on your Page or a post your Page has been mentioned in: Click Posts in the left column of your Page Click Visitor Posts on the right side of your Page Click in the top right of the post by the person or Page you want to ban Select Ban From Page and click Confirm Unban Someone To unban someone from your Page: Click Settings at the top of your Page Click People and Other Pages in the left column Click People Who Like This Page and select Banned People and Pages Click to check the box next to the name of the person you want to unban Click and select Unban From Page Click Confirm
What role does a Page have in a linked group? A Page linked to a group will be displayed in the group as an admin. However, for the individual person who is managing the Page, their role in the linked group will depend on the specific Page role that they have.
How do I change my Page's category? Computer Help Mobile Helpadditional tabs menu shareShare Article Different features may be available based on the category you choose. To change your Page's category: Click About on the left side of your Page Below General, click Edit next to Category Type in up to 3 categories and select an option from the dropdown list that appears Click Save There's no limit to the number of times that you can change the category of your Page. If you don't see a category that describes your Page, choose the closest available option.
Can a member of a group block an admin of the same group? A group member can block the group admin, but that member's group activity will still be visible to the admin. Outside of the group, the group admin won't be able to see the member's activity. Learn more about what happens when you block someone. You can block someone to prevent them from seeing things you post on your profile, starting conversations with you or adding you as a friend. Blocking someone you're friends with will automatically unfriend them. People you block won't be able to: See things you post on your profile Tag you in posts, comments or photos Invite you to events or groups Start a conversation with you Add you as a friend When you block someone, you also won't be able to do things like start a conversation with them or add them as a friend. Keep in mind that blocking someone may not prevent all communications or interactions (ex: in apps or groups) and only affects your interactions with that person on Facebook. Note: When you unblock someone, you won't automatically be friends again. If you block a friend and then unblock them, you'll need to send them a new friend request.