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Wild Swimming Club

PO Box 13, Midhurst, United Kingdom
Recreation & Sports Website



From riverside camping to waterfall plunging, enjoy a summer of watery fun and adventure with our books



Only 50 places left on the inaugural / pilot event swimming a bore up the Mawddach estuary next month! Outdoor Swimming Society

What do you think of Jetskis? Please sign the petition and share.

A nice little wild swim camp adventure. Thanks GatherOutdoors

Lovely little #wildswimming film from Microadventures with text from Waterlog, visiting some classic spots...

Riding with the current every morning, this man swims the Isar river into Munich

Secret beaches of Scotland on CNTraveler today. extracted from our Wild Guide Scotland book.

This is a very cute little booklet of inspiring tips and quotes about wild swimming, written by Flora Jamieson. Lovely illustrations by Gemma Koomen. A perfect little gift.

River swim in Hertford, just north of London, in September...

Come join a Big Jump event on the River Taff near Cardiff!

A new open water swimming event to be staged in the heart of London. Swim Serpentine will be held in the Serpentine, Hyde Park, which was the venue for London 2012’s open water swimming competition. 6,000 swimmers will take part in this exciting new mass participation event over a one-mile course. There will be 18 waves of swimmers setting off at regular intervals through the day. Swimmers must be 16 years or over on the day of the event. Tommy’s charity have guaranteed places in Swim Serpentine 2017. This exciting open water swim challenge is held in the beautiful Serpentine in Hyde Park, the venue for the open water swimming competition at the London 2012 Olympic Games. Jump in at the deep end for #TeamTommys, sign up here:

Would anyone like to beta test our new apps? If so please send us your email address and let us know if iphone or android ( and which title you would like to test. WS Britain v. 2.0 WS Spain v.1.1 WG Scandinavia 1.4 WG Yorkshire Dales 1.4 Baignades Sauvages France 1.4 Wild Guide Lake District 1.5 Wild Swimming France 1.4 Wild Guide South West 1.5 Wild Guide South East 1.4 Wild Garden Weekends 1.0.7 Wild Guide Scotland 0.3 Wild Guide Portugal 0.4 Hidden Beaches 2.0

Anyone had any issues with blue green algae ever? t tends to be a problem in lakes with too many fertilisers from farming, in hot weather, though any lake can succumb. This new free app (search Bloomin' Algae) helps you identify blue green algae - quite handy. For android and iphone.
