Major Oak Pop Choir
The Major Oak Pop Choir is an adult choir exclusively for Ladies, singing popular chart hits old & new
• No Auditions
• No need to read music LADIES!!!!!
Want to improve your feeling of well-being?
Fancy a new challenge which just that little bit different?
Then come and join us at the Major Oak Pop Choir.
Why join us?
• singing is good for you!
• no auditions & if you can’t read music – no
• meet new friends
Rehearsals: Monday 7.00pm - 9.00pm
Church Rooms, Mansfield Road, Edwinstowe
Each session costs just £4.00.
Interested in joining?
Contact Pauline on 07450 316756
Tell your friends
facebook.comAfter working so hard this season to prepare for our Summer concerts the ladies of the Major Oak Pop Choir finally were able to relax and let their hair down at their summer social evening. We were treated to a fabulous vocal performance by Peter Jones which got us all in the party mood, and then we enjoyed good food, lots of laughs and a karaoke! Hope you all have a wonderful summer break and look forward to seeing you all in September!
So proud of the Major Oak Pop Choir Ladies. Over £1700 raised for Bluebell Wood Children's Hospice. Oh what a night!
The Major Oak Pop Choir received a standing ovation for their fabulous concert last Saturday evening We raised £1287.25 which will be divided between St Mary's Church, Edwinstowe and the Nottinghamshire Blood Bikes Well done to everyone involved. Photos to follow soon!!!
The Ladies of the Major Oak Pop Choir are thrilled to be performing a charity concert in aid of The Bluebell Wood Children's Hospice. Saturday 22nd July 2017, 7.30pm. Retford Town Hall.
Some of the members of the Major Oak Pop Choir who have just spent a fabulous day at Worksop College, in the company of the inspirational English choral composer, John Rutter. Click on the link to hear what he has to say about the importance of a choir.
The Major Oak Pop Choir will perform a Charity Concert of classic chart hits, old and new, in aid of St Mary's Church, Edwinstowe, and Nottinghamshire Blood Bikes. 7pm Saturday 15th July 2017.