Robinsons the Master Bakers
Robinsons the Master Bakers is Manchester's Oldest Family Run Craft Bakery.
Voted Most Loved Bakery 2015.
As seen on TV! We are Manchester's oldest family run craft bakery, established in 1864!
Tell your friends
facebook.comAll our gingerbread is handmade from start to finish by our confectioner @karens1961 #gingerbread #confectionery #rabbit #bakery #bake #baking
Hot Cross Buns just out of the oven 😋 come and get them whilst they are hot! #hotcrossbuns
Farmers are essential. Buy British. Go one step further- shop local. Make a start this Sunday at Ashton Market & Farmers' Market
Wow another extremely busy day for our team. Pat on the back guys 👏 👏👏
On the counter today Lemon Cake! #lemon #lemons #lemoncake 🍋 🍋 🍋
Anyone for bread? ALL made by us- skilled craftsmen and women. The art of baking.
No words necessary.
Would you rather slice it in half for a big butty or in slices for little butties? #bigvslittle #juniorhovis #hovis
Treating yourself today? Or maybe someone else? Grab a Monster Cupcake or two. #cupcake #monster #mintaero #smarties #rolos #munchies
Saturday special... Honey and Fennel Seed Sourdough. #sourdough #saturdayspecial #honey #fennelseeds #realbread #shoplocal
Tomorrow's Special Sourdough is Honey and Fennel Seed. Limited number so don't stay in bed too long tomorrow morning!!
It's Friday! Are you having a treat today?
Preparing for a big weekend! Find a Thurs, Fri and Sat in Piccadilly Gardens Saturday at Failsworth Fundraiser, Holy Family Church and Saturday at Great Get Together, St Ann's Sq. #love #ilovemanchester #ilovemcr #ilovethiscity #shortbread #gingerbread #welovemcr

Good morning! It's Monday - new week, new start! #multiseed #sourdough #seededsourdough #monday #breakfast

Have you tried our new flapjack? Made with sunflower and pumpkin seeds and raisins. #seeds #flapjack #breakfast

How much is too much?? Ha ha! #flour #bakery #bake #mixer #spiralmixer

Doesn't matter how you're feeling today - cake is the answer!! Come and get yours #failsworth #newmoston #piccadilly #manchester #cake

What's more Mancunian than a Manchester Tart? #manchester #manchestertart #manchestertarts #mancunian #mancandproud #ilovemcr #ilovethiscity #ilovemanchester

Good morning. #manchester #ilovemcr #ilovemanchester #ilovethiscity #vote #dontforgettovote #thisisourcity #gingerbread #handmade

Good morning beautiful. Have yourselves a lovely day. #haveaniceday #sourdough #ilovemcr #ilovemanchester #ilovethiscity #thisisourcity

After the terrible attack on Monday evening the market in Piccadilly Gardens will not be taking place this weekend. You can always come to our bakery at 69/71 Ashton Rd East, Failsworth Our shop at 164 Nuthurst Road, New Moston or if you are in the centre of Manchester visit Ancoats General Store where they stock a lot of our items. This Sunday we will be at Ashton Market & Farmers' Market and then at Tameside General Hospital market on Tuesday next week. Keep your heads held high <3

Hold your loved ones a little closer tonight. Share a smile with a stranger. Spare a thought for those not as lucky as ourselves. #ilovemcr #ilovemanchester #manchesterbee #manchesterbees #standtogether #staystrong #staystrongourkid #staystrongmanchester #youllneverbreakus #welovemcr #manchesterbee #thisisourcity #acityunited

22 balloons for 22 lives. #unbreakable #spiritofmanchester #together #cityunited #staystrongourkid #standtogether #standtogethermanchester #westandtogether #manchester #balloon #balloons #pinkballoons #respect #family #acityunited

Happy with the crust on today's wholemeal sourdough. #happy #happybaker #craftbakers #masterbaker #wholemeal #wholemealsourdough #sourdough #flourwatersalt #simple #delicious #realbread #realbaking

Today's wholemeal sourdough #wholemeal #sourdough #wholemealsourdough #flourwatersalt #burst #crust #natural #realbread #realbaking #bake #baker #bakery #baking #familybakery

Did you get any of our Peanut Butter &Jam Cookie Dough slice today? Made by @nvoncannibal herself. #peanutbutter #peanutbutterjellytime #peanutbutterandjam #cookiedough #handmade #baker #bake

A baker's dinner. But who's? #baker #bakers #bakersdinner #dinner #pie #potatoandmeat #hp #hpsauce #trifle #robinsonsbakery #robinsonsbakers #eatwhatyoumake #eatwhatyouwant
