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Unicorn Grocery

89 Albany Road, Manchester, United Kingdom



Named ‘Best Food Retailer’ at the 2017 BBC Food & Farming Awards, we offer our Manchester customer base an unbeatable range of affordable, fresh and nourishing food with an emphasis on organic, fair-trade and local produce. Unicorn was established in 1996 by a small group of people committed to social change, who had a vision for the kind of place they wanted to shop in themselves. A place where a really wide range of wholesome, tasty food, sourced with care, would be sold at affordable prices. A shop owned and run by motivated worker-owners following a shared social and environmental agenda. A friendly, diverse and welcoming space that would act as a hub in the community.

Although we’ve grown a lot since then, those things remain true today. We’re proud to have proved that a worker-owned business with values can compete with national chains and provide a genuine alternative to the supermarket, and we’re now more or less the size of one.

Co-op members still aim to run the kind of shop they love shopping in. We hope you enjoy it too.


Come to our deli counter today and try this celeriac, spelt and red onion salad. Celeriac is our Veg of the Month all through February! #EatSeasonal #unicorngrocery

Hear how FairTrade works for a co-operative of Panama banana growers - Marcial Quintero of the Coobana Cooperative will be speaking in Chorlton as part of a Fairtrade event on Saturday 3rd March! Organised by Chorlton Co-op Cluster

Embedded energy, marine health, ground pollution...there's lots of issues to think about when it comes to packaging, but we reckon re-use is what we should be aiming for, where it's possible. We're thinking of changing the way we charge for deli packaging to help folk remember to bring tubs back for refilling, but what do you think?? Take our short survey and let us know...

We had a great time showing round 40 architecture students from the University of Liverpool earlier this week. They are designing an (imaginary) replica Unicorn, we are looking forward to seeing what it will look like! What would you change about the way the shop's laid out, if you were designing it from scratch?!

Our recycling friends at Fairfield Recycling are hiring! Join 25 team members; 5 trucks; 5,000 tonnes of food waste; many, many thousands of tonnes of cardboard, plastic, wood; lorry loads of compost and lots and lots of potential! Go to, closing date 25th Feb.

If you’re passionate about soil and want to learn more about making your growing space even better, why not become a citizen scientist with GROW Observatory? Free online course starting 19th Feb...

If you bought these noodles thinking they were part of the gluten free promotion this week, big apologies, they were there by mistake, they do contain wheat. Please bring back for a refund if you wish.

On our deli counter today we have two fresh salads featuring our Veg of the Month, Celeriac from our growers in Cornwall. #seasonalfood #unicorngrocery

On our deli counter today we have two fresh salads featuring our Veg of the Month, Celeriac from our growers in Cornwall. #seasonalfood #unicorngrocery


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