Stitchin Crew
Stitchin Crew
Ironing Service
Curtain & Blind making service
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facebook.comNew books just in and see our range of Clarke and Clarke beautiful fabric ,,
Collecting of curtain poles just in .. just a wee reminder we can put eyelets on to your curtains. We also do the very popular memory cushion..
We do all types of alterations..busy with holy communion dresses need any help sure just call down
Have not been on here for good while have been very busy.. we are a one stop shop for all your laundry and ironing very quick turnaround ::
Cushions and chair covers
Few Christmas cushions for sale
One of our beautiful displays
Some of the beautiful memory cushions
Peggy Convery,Elema Reid Danielle Mcmullan
Well done Maghera strollers