St Annes Sand Dunes
Enhance public appreciation and enjoyment of the Dunes. St Annes Sand Dunes: the main areas of interest are the coastal habitats from Squire's Gate in the north (at the northern limit of the Fylde Council boundary), continuing southwards and eastwards around the coast to the western edge of Lytham Green; most of which is owned by Fylde or Blackpool Council.
The main aims for management of the Fylde Sand Dunes are to:
• enhance the nature conservation interest of the coastal habitats,
• improve the efficiency of the dunes and saltmarsh as soft sea-defence (with associated cost savings in maintenance of hard sea-defences) and
• enhance public appreciation and enjoyment of the dunes.
Management works to achieve these aims will include enabling natural seaward accretion of
the dunes by removing the current causes of man-induced erosion (both to increase the area of wildlife habitat and to improve the efficiency of flood defence), together with grassland and scrub management works to enhance the nature conservation value of the existing dunes.
The Dunes are also extremely important because of their flood-defence properties; both by providing a barrier to inundation and by releasing sand during storm conditions to reduce wave action. This natural coastal defence is hugely cost-effective compared to the expenses incurred in maintaining the alternative sea-walls and other hard coastal defences, and often far more efficient. While much depleted, the remnant dunes in Fylde Borough still form the most significant part of the Borough's coastal defence.
Sand dunes are also popular for informal recreation and hence indirectly generate revenue for the local economy.
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facebook.comCome and join us today down the slipway at Beach Café, St Annes. We'll be exploring the seaside showcasing the fascinating marine environment with a series of activities including mud dipping, a strand line search, a mini beach clean, and a marine themed sand sculpture competition! Please dress for the weather, wear wellies for mud dipping, and bring a bucket and spade if you wish to enter the sand sculpture competition. We hope to see you there at 2pm!
Amazing weather today out on the dunes with the volunteers 🌞 If you'd like to get involved with practical conservation work just email 👍 We're out every Thursday; planting marram, removing invasive species, digging dune slacks and at this time of year still burying lots of Christmas trees!
Image credit: Brian Jones
One more video about the Christmas Tree Planting with Geoff and Kate from the Fylde Sand Dunes Project 🎄 Thanks Lytham St Annes Express and thanks again to everyone who came down to help us, we still can't believe how many people came along! Full video at the link >>>
Nice to be joined by a few people on the walk, despite the weather yesterday! Lots of interesting finds on the beach and the dune slacks looking really full.. complete with heron, coot and mallard! Join us for the next walk on Saturday the 17th March :)
@lancashirewildlifetrust have made a great video about our Christmas tree planting this week! We had over 2000 trees donated, 400 hours of volunteer time and between us demolished 400 biscuits :) Thanks so much to everyone who has helped!
Geoff from the Fylde Sand Dunes Project talking about the amazing number of trees and volunteers we've had for our annual Christmas tree planting event, despite the snow :)
Geoff from the Fylde Sand Dunes Project talking about the amazing number of trees and volunteers we've had for our annual Christmas tree planting event, despite the snow :)
Join us for the first guided walk of the year this Saturday! We'll be meeting at North Beach Car Park at 10am :) Our walk leaders will talk about dune wildlife, why dunes are so important and all of the conservation work going on here🐦 🌊 Walks and free and no need to book, just bring lots of warm clothes and sturdy footwear 👍
Another great day out in the dunes, with lots of sunshine :) thanks for joining us everyone, we're definitely making progress with the 2000 trees.. Last day tomorrow, if you fancy coming down we'll be meeting at North Prom car park at 10am!