St Charalambos Greek Orthodox Church
Letting people know about vespers,Liturgies & events taking place at the church. The church was originally started in 1980 in Luton by Charalampia Sakka and Katina Melanarkitis whose zeal and courage to start a Greek community have been achieved with very hard work.The church was purchased with funds from donations and situated in Luton town until 2009.Structural problems in the building made the community move to the new site in East Hyde, which was an abandoned, non-Functioning Anglican church.The church building has undergone major repairs such as the roof which was very costly and has made the church fall into an ongoing big debt.However the church committee has managed to create a beautiful church with a crafted temple adoring the front and new icons installed.The 3 chandeliers kindly donated by a shop in Cyprus have been installed which brightened and liven the church.Our future plans are to build an adjacent hall and other facilities urgently needed.Our aim is to ensure the church will be the legacy to the generations of Christian Orthodox in Luton and the District but also for all pilgrims and visitors who like to pray and ask for St.Charalambos help.
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celebrating St Charalambos Feast Day.
Celebrating St Charalambos Feast Day.
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Celebrating St Charalambos Feast Day.
To all members and friends of the Greek Orthodox Church of St Charalambos – Luton. Dear all, I am delighted to inform you about our plans for the celebration of the Feast Day of our Patron Saint Charalambos on Friday 10th and Sunday 12th February 2017. On Friday 10th February Archimandrite Chrysostomos will honour us with his presence and will celebrate the Divine Liturgy. After the Divine Liturgy lunch will follow at the hall of the Sacred Heart, Catholic Church at 148 Ascroft Road, Luton LU2 9AY. The 3 course lunch plus drinks will cost £10 per person. On Sunday 12th February 2017, His Eminence Archbishop Gregorios of Thyateira and Great Britain will officiate at the Divine Liturgy. After the Liturgy His Eminence will officially inaugurate our newly build Church Hall and will unveil a special plaque to honour all those unsung heroes who helped to built our Hall. Later on He will be joining us for lunch at the Coop Sports & Social Club, Stockingstone Road, Luton LU2 7NF. The 3 course lunch plus drinks will cost £12 per person. For booking information for both meals please speak to any member of the Church Committee or call Christos on: 07563 713 433. We are looking forward to welcoming you all. God bless, Christos
Orthodox Christianity
Βήμα Ορθοδοξίας -
Christmas to Epiphany Services ΜΜΑ ΙΕΡΩΝ ΑΚΟΛΟΥΘΙΩΝ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΥΓΕΝΝΩΝ, ΝΕΟΥ ΕΤΟΥΣ & ΘΕΟΦΑΝΕΙΩΝ 23/12/2016 08:30 π.μ. Ακολουθία των Μεγάλων Ωρών και εν συνεχεία το Μυστήριο του Ευχελαίου 24/12/2016 05:00 μ.μ. Μέγας Εσπερινός των Χριστουγέννων 25/12/2016 08.30 Όρθρος & Θ. Λειτουργία (Χριστούγεννα) 26/12/2016 08.30 Όρθρος & Θ. Λειτουργία (Σύναξις Θεοτόκου, Αγ. Στεφάνου, Οσίου Νικοδήμου) 31/12/2016 05:00 μ.μ. Εσπερινός 01/01/2017 08:45 π.μ. Όρθρος, Θ. Λειτουργία & Ευλογία Βασιλόπιττας (Περιτομή Κυρίου, Αγ. Βασιλείου) 05/01/2017 08:30 π.μ. Ακολουθία των Μεγάλων Ωρών, Εσπερινός, Λειτουργία Μ. Βασιλείου & Μέγας Αγιασμός (ημέρα αυστηρής νηστείας) 06/01/2017 08.30 π.μ. Όρθρος, Θ. Λειτουργία & Μέγας Αγιασμός (Θεοφάνεια) 07/01/2017 08.30 π.μ. Όρθρος, Θ. Λειτουργία (Τιμίου Προδρόμου) DIVINE SERVICES SCHEDULE FOR CHRISTMAS, NEW YEAR & EPIPHANY 23/12/2016 08:30 am Service of Royal Hours followed by the Sacrament of Holy Unction 24/12/2016 05:00 pm Great Vespers for Christmas 25/12/2016 08.30 am Matins & Divine Liturgy (Christmas) 26/12/2016 08.30 am Matins & Divine Liturgy (Synaxis of the Theotokos, St. Stephen, Ven. Nicodim) 31/12/2016 05:00 pm Vespers 01/01/2017 08:45 am Matins, Divine Liturgy & Blessing of Vasilopita (Περιτομή Κυρίου, Αγ. Βασιλείου) 05/01/2017 08:30 am Service of Royal Hours, Vespers, Liturgy of St. Basil & Great Blessing of Water (strict fast) 06/01/2017 08.30 am Matins, Divine Liturgy & Great Blessing of Water (Epiphany) 07/01/2017 08.30 am Matins & Divine Liturgy (St. John the Baptist) PROGRAMUL SLUJBELOR DE CRĂCIUN, ANUL NOU & BOBOTEAZA 23/12/2016 08:30 Rânduiala Ceasurilor Impărăteşti, urmată de Taina Sfântului Maslu 24/12/2016 17:00 Vecernia Mare de Crăciun 25/12/2016 08.30 Utrenia și Sfânta Liturghie (Crăciun) 26/12/2016 08.30 Utrenia și Sfânta Liturghie (Soborul Maicii Domnului, Sf. Ștefan, Sf. Nicodim de la Tismana) 31/12/2016 17.00 Vecernie 01/01/2017 08:45 Utrenia, Sfânta Liturghie, binecuvântarea & Tăierea Vasilopitei- Pâinea Sf. Vasilie (Tăierea împrejur cea după trup a Domnului, Sf. Vasilie cel Mare) 05/01/2017 08:30 Rânduiala Ceasurilor împărăteşti, Vecernie, Liturghia Sf. Vasilie & Slujba Aghiasmei Mari (Ajunul Botezului Domnului- ajunare/zi de post negru) 06/01/2017 08.30 Utrenia, Sfânta Liturghie și Slujba Aghiasmei Mari (Boboteaza) 07/01/2017 08.30 Utrenia și Sfânta Liturghie (Sf. Ioan Botezătorul) Wishing you all a Very Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Dear friends, We would like to inform you that there will be a slight change in the schedule of Christmas services as follows: 23/12/2016 starting at 08:30 am Service of Royal Hours followed by the Sacrament of Holy Unction 24/12/2016 starting at 05:00 pm Great Vespers for Christmas The services on Christmas and Boxing Day remain as before. We wish you a blessed Christmas! Aγαπητοί φίλοι, Σας ενημερώνουμε ότι θα γίνει μια μικρή αλλαγή στο πρόγραμμα των ακολουθιών των Χριστουγέννων ως εξής: 23/12/2016 με ώρα έναρξης 08:30 π.μ. Ακολουθία των Μεγάλων Ωρών και εν συνεχεία το Μυστήριο του Ευχελαίου 24/12/2016 με ώρα έναρξης 05:000 Μέγας Εσπερινός των Χριστουγέννων Οι ακολουθίες για 25 και 26 Δεκεμβρίου παραμένουν ως έχουν. Σας ευχόμαστε καλά Χριστούγεννα! Dragi prieteni, Va informam ca va exista o ușoară modificare în programul slujbelor de Crăciun, după cum urmează: 23/12/2016 începând de la 08:30, Rânduiala Ceasurilor Impărăteşti, urmata de Taina Sfântului Maslu 24/12/2016 începând de la 17:00 Vecernia Mare de Crăciun Slujbele de 25/12 și 26/12 rămân la fel ca înainte. Vă dorim un Crăciun binecuvântat!
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Orthodox Christianity