Personal trainer Louth Lincolnshire and registered i-Move Freely instructor
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facebook.comTip: Do Pull-Ups Anywhere Like This | T Nation
Good idea if you are short of equipment there is always a way . Check the knots carefully first 😊
Breaking Muscle
We always say functional training to make life better. This is a good review make the world a better place
Strength Asylum
Awesome strength
Patrick Bet-David
Arnie. ..wise words . No shortcuts
Full Contact
Whatever your level or sport Whatever your goal. Dedication to training will get you results
Hi I appears that I have lost my phone so if you need me please pm me here Thanks
There’s Nothing Wrong With Being Strong
Ladies take note 😊
Al Jazeera English
Great work Super final quote
Evolution Strength & Fitness
Couldn't have put this better myself Just keep going and results will come
Ben Coomber
Never2late . .. Well it's never 2 early to start
Biomechanics Education
Wise words from the founder of i-Move freely And a great reason to join my next course starting 24th April .
Exercising at Home with Bev Johnson First video from ThisGirlCan #Thisgirlcanlincolnshire #exerciseanywhere