The Norwegian School in London (Den norske skolen i London)
NSL er godkjent som en engelsk "independent school" og norsk privatskole for 1.-10. trinn. En norskspråklig barnehage holder til i samme bygg.
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Vi har planleggingsdag i dag! Juhuu!!! 😃 Skolegården er derfor stengt mellom 08.30-16.00. ---------------------------------------------- We have our Planning Day today! Juhuu! 😃 The outdoors area is therefore closed between 08.30 and 16.00.
Photos from The Norwegian School in London (Den norske skolen i London)'s post
Natt til 2.juni var det klart for den årlige overnattingen med 1-2 trinn. I år kom det profesjonelle klatrere som lærte alle elevene å klatre opp skolens høyeste tre. Og det er høyt! Det var skikkelig spennende og utrolig gøy, men også litt slitsomt. Så da var det godt med litt middag ute i sommerkvelden, før det var tid for tannpuss, en liten film og å krype ned i soveposen. Etter en liten nattahistorie tok det ikke lang tid før alle sov søtt. Og etter en fin kveld og natt venter vi nå spent på alle foreldrene som kommer til frokost.
Photos from The Norwegian School in London (Den norske skolen i London)'s post
17. mai i London er alltid en skoledag for oss men for en herlig opplevelse i england! ------------------------------------------------------ 17th May is always a school day for The Norwegian School in London but what an amazing experience it is!
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Da var neste års 1. klassinger innskrevet! Gratulerer! ----------------------------------------- Congratulations and welcome to our next Year 1 class!
Photos from The Norwegian School in London (Den norske skolen i London)'s post
I dag øvde barna til 17. mai. La oss håper at selve dagen har like bra vær 🇳🇴🌞
Photos from The Norwegian School in London (Den norske skolen i London)'s post
Last week the children enjoyed a very active and fun sports day at Wimbledon Athletics ground.
Photos from The Norwegian School in London (Den norske skolen i London)'s post
A memorable open day 2017
Red Nose Day | Comic Relief
Last Friday we held our annual fundraising event to support Comic Relief, a British charity that helps children in need around the world as well in the UK. It was a fabulous day with such great enthusiasm from parents, children and staff alike. We had lots of fun and games, a pizza van, cafe with delicious homemade Norwegian cakes plus a popular bring and buy sale run by the children themselves. We are proud to announce that £700 was raised! A big thank you to all that supported or took part.
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Lyst på en spennende og givende jobb i London? Søk rektorstillingen innen 5. april!
Open Day at the school
come and see the children's work in their classrooms, talk to the parents and staff as well as the children, buy coffee and cakes and other Norwegian goodies brought by the Norwegian Church. Play outside in our loevly garden, or sit and enjoy and chat over Norwegian cakes or chocolate.
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Saturday 1st April we are holding an open afternoon, 12-2pm. Welcome to all, please share the invite!
The face of a baby who has just tried solid food for the first time. Do you think she liked it? #badnappy #whatgoesinmustcomeout #babyfood #daddyslittlegirl #dadlife #mumlife #parenting

After a series whitewashes in the #cricket I've been searching for talent in the youth of England. This girl's got it all. Initially we thought she was going to be a footballer as her dribbling was so on point. Now we know she's going to be the first female captain of the male cricket team. Even at #5monthsold she nailed this slip catch one handed when I threw the ball at her. Impressive considering the size of those tiny little hands. #nextcaptain of #englandcricket #hero #highexpectations #gobigorgohome #nopressure #fatherhood #iwanttowatchfreecricket #pension #child #parentsbelike #catch #baby #womeninsport #daddyslittlegirl

A school with a view #england #wimbledon #sunset #school #trees

We all laughed when @rachelbanyard suggested that #Edieban was going to start sleeping through the night. She has other ideas: namely pretending to sleep until her parents nod off and then flailing around like a possessed octopus and farting so loudly that everyone wakes up thinking that there's an earthquake. She's a comedian. #evilbaby #shellbethedeathofus #fatherdaughter #daddyslittlegirl #daddysgirl #fatherhood #babysleeps #baby #dadanddaughter #dadlife #parentsbelike #parenthood #parentsofinstagram

They said the Kray twins were tough but they've got nothing on us. This was the look we gave the cats when they were clawing the carpet; they instantly reacted to the stern glances, stopped and apologised profusely before bowing down to #edieban. Queen Edith is stern but she is fair. #evilbaby #stern #daddyslittlegirl #queenofthehouse #dadandbaby #disapprovalface #dadsofinstagram #parentsbelike #twins #mumlife #mumsofinstagram #dontforgetdads #fatherdaughter #fatherhood #father

#Edieban tried to dress herself for #haloween🎃 but all she had to hand was some nappies and a wry smile that says both "I'm not going to kick off, i understand the premise of my father's attempt at humour" whilst simultaneously letting me know that she will poop everywhere unless that nappy is placed in its proper location. You win little lady, very well played. #evilbaby #shessmarterthanme #nappyhead #babygirl #baby #babiesofinstagram #dadsofinstagram #dadlife #daddyslittlegirl #mumlife #mumsofinstagram #parentsbelike #fancydress

Eye-eye! When you see things through the eyes of a #threemonthsold #edieban you see the old tired and boring scenes with a different light. Instead of seeing a worn out carpet covered in wine stains you see a target for covering in poo. Instead of a cheap nappy changing mat it's a magic carpet to take you to the magical world of 'notcoveredinpoo'. Essentially I see my child's faeces in everything now. #babypoo #poo #dadlife #cleanthecarpet #evilbaby #eyebrows #dadanddaughter #babytime #monkey #mumsofinstagram #mumlife #parenting #mumanddad

After waking us up at four o'clock i decided to take it upon myself to try give Edith the human pacifier I learnt from Lenny in 'of mice and men'. Unfortunately Rachel caught me so we decided to pretend it was a cuddle. Shortly following this Edith got her own back by properly head butting me in the face. The battle lines have been drawn. There can be only one. #babybattle #usingmysizeadvantage #dadlife #evilbaby #dribbler #babylife #babysleeping #parentingquotes #fatherdaughter #fatherhood #dadlove #edieban #sleep #threemonthold #littlegirl #mumlife

#aimhigh #evenifsometimesyouhavetolookaway #myboy #joakimjack

Street o and pimms on Sindre's birthday #pimms #streeto #London #Wimbledon #BirthdayCelebrations #Winning #Sindre40

#pimms #lemonade #drink #england #britain #wimbledon #birthday
