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Burgess Therapy

Barnes, London, United Kingdom
Medical & Health



Counselling, Therapy for:
Anxiety, depression and panic attacks
Family Intervention
Workaholic tendencies
Alcohol and Substance misuse Brian Burgess is a Barnes, South West London based therapist and counsellor. An associate member of the UK’s National Counselling Society, he holds a psychology degree in addictions and counselling.

Brian is available to provide one-to-one therapy if either you or a loved one is struggling to cope with problems in your lives. Specifically, he helps with:

Anxiety, depression and panic attacks
Family crises
Workaholic tendencies
Alcohol and Substance misuse

He also offers a counselling service to business, in which he works proactively with employees at risk of stress and burn-out – helping them to cope with the pressures and demands of their job.


May Peace Prevail Upon Earth.... Brian B

This way has never worked, even since the 1930s Prohibition Act Brian

Addiction, so often totally misunderstood Brian

That's For Sure! ! Brian

Don't normally do this but Lets just be kind!!! Can't say it enough...Many people think that a suicide attempt is a selfish move because the person just does not care about the people left behind. I can tell you that when a person gets to that point, they truly believe that their loved ones will be much better off with them gone.This is mental illness not selfishness. TRUTH: Depression is a terrible disease and seems relentless. A lot of us have been close to that edge, or dealt with family members in a crisis, and some have lost friends and loved ones. Let's look out for each other and stop sweeping mental illness under the rug. If I don't see your name, I'll understand. May I ask my family and friends wherever you might be, to kindly copy and paste this status for one hour to give a moment of support to all those who have family problems, health struggles, job issues, worries of any kind and just need to know that someone cares. Do it for all of us, for nobody is immune. Hope to see this on the walls of all my family and friends just for moral support. I know some will!!! I did it for those I know who have struggled and you can too. You have to copy and paste this one, no sharing. To copy simply hold your finger on the text and the copy option will appear. Click on it. Then click on your status and paste will appear. <3

The Truth ....

Today's Times .... Interesting Brian

Worth a Thought. .. Brian

Portugal has nearly eliminated drug overdoses by shifting resources from police and prisons to providing addicts with jobs, housing, and treatment.

Peace. . Brian

My Amazing Neighbours
