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Aikikai Aikido Dulwich

Kingswood House, Seeley Drive, Kingswood estate, London, United Kingdom
Martial Arts School



"When people think of Budo, they think of fighting. However, true Budo is not about fighting but rather learning tradition and improving oneself."


42 days until the club opening. #AIKIngswooDO #aikidodulwich #aikido #aikikai #zenonwheels #zeninmartialarts #moriheiueshiba #calligraphy #ikigai #shoshin

An other excellent video of Seigo Yamaguchi Shihan. Wonderful to watch his excellence.

We have been quiet for a while. To break this silence here is an other excellent video by Seigo Yamaguchi Shihan. If you want to help our aikido club then you can do that through by clicking the donate button on this page or you could click the link below. Thank you

The Kingswood House looks great even in the snow. #aikido #AIKIngswooDO #aikidodulwich #shoshin #zeninmartialarts #zenonwheels #aikikai #ikigai

We are delighted to announce that our application to Nakmas National Governing Body has come through. We are looking forward to work with them for a long time. Few more things to do before the club opening in May. #aikido #aikikai #shoshin #zenonwheels #nakmas #nakmasngb #aikidodulwich #ikigai #zeninmartialarts #AIKIngswooDO #martialarts #moriheiueshiba

Seigo Yamaguchi Shihan "Stay in motion even when holding tightly Soft in the beginning, always moving somewhere. No matter how tightly he grabs. Move as though you are just walking, slow is fine In other words completely free Your movement is flowing so the line of sword is always unimpeded, Just like the old stories of warriors. Whose sword work was so fluid. In that sense fluid yet heavy. Gentle, and yet fierce. Budo is full of such opposite concepts. Movement in stillness, stillness in movement. In motion, yet immovable. They sound like Zen koans. But with our bodies, We can gain clear understanding of such ideas. We forge such a body, and such a mind, Rather than simply trying to learn techniques. We do this through “right practice” and training. Then, it no longer matters where or how you are attacked. Grabbing and being grabbed, attacking and receiving, are one and the same. In this manner, we learn Tai No Sabaki, as well as true strength. Try to defeat your opponent, and your technique becomes too forced. You lose all accuracy. Decisions are clouded. The physically strong tend to depend on their strength. The wise, on their intelligence. By doing so they lose humility. Yes, it’s better to be physically strong too,but when the strong stop depending on their strength, and the wise do not depend on their intellect, only then,do both mind and body become truly effective. Moving naturally, the important thing is the body never becomes stiff. Don’t become agitated. Keep your feelings quiet. The moment we react, the shoulders tense, and we topple. Keep that in mind. Try not to think so much of throwing. Walking naturally if your partner pulls you, just let yourself be pulled. Then just sit. The power is in your hara and intention. No need to tense up. Calmly give them something to hold. Then don’t rely on muscular strength. Just let yourself be pulled. Powerful, yet….."

We would like to see what is your opinion on an Aikido training. Our aim to build a club that fits for us and for the members. Thank you

An excellent video of Yamaguchi Shihan. Always very enjoyable to watch his extremely high talent in aikido.

Dancing background can help anyone to improve thier aikido😊

We have sent of the affiliation application to Nakmas over the weekend. They will provide us with instructor and student insurance and licence if the application is accepted. Hopefully it will be a smooth, quick process.

A good advice for how to be a good uke. Be flexible. It doesn't mean to be able to put your legs behind your head. Be flexible as an uke means to be able to adopt to any situations. That will lead to improvement as a tori. We train in pairs. That means 50% tori and 50% uke. We should use all of our training time to improve our aikido. Otherwise we are just wasting our time and improvement comes slower. Being a good uke for senpai is very important. 60% of improvement comes from that. If we flexible then we can feel what is happening to us and we can use that to improve our techniques.
