The Troubadour
The Troubadour Live Music Venue, Club, Garden Café, Restaurant, Wine Bar are open 7 days a week. The likes of Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix and Joni Mitchell all got their starts here. Come see tomorrow's new bands and artists today. Established 1954.
Enjoy! Interested in playing live at The Troubadour? Are you amazing on your instrument, do you have show stopping vocals or a style that no one has ever heard before? Just email, briefly describe your sound, and include a link to your music online. No mp3 files please - only live links. Thank you!
Tell your friends
facebook.comThis Thursday Malcom Bruce and Nick Judd at The Troubadour! Get your tickets now at ticketweb!! 🎫🎫🎫
Enjoy one (or two) of our delicious mulled wines to get you feeling festive ✨🍷 #troubadour #london #mulledwine #merry
Don’t miss the Montreal duo Coco Melies Wednesday night supported by Jaimi Faulkner! #troubadourlondon #livemusic #london #cocomelies #jaimifaulkner #earlscourt
Check out Lydian Collective tonight starting at 7pm! #troubadourlondon #lydiancollective #earlscourt #livemusic #music
James Morton Qrt “Big, phat and funky” MOJO “Maceo Parker on acid” FRED WESLEY “Raw and direct” BLUES and SOUL James has worked with some of the most influential artists in the world including Fred Wesley and The New JB’s, Pee Wee Ellis, Andy Sheppard, The NPG Hornz, Liv Warfield, Kasabian, Pendulum, Roni Size and Raphael Saadiq to name a few. James is also a member of UK Hip-hop legends The Herbaliser.
Don't miss James Morton at The Troubadour Troubadour tonight!
Sunday at 7PM in The Troubadour Gallery Scarlett Sabet will be displaying her beautiful poetry alongside Jim Marshall's photographs of the peace sign. Join us for an evening of poetry reading and art! pc 📷: Scarlet Page
Next week come learn about your dog with Mark Eurich! All proceeds go to Medical Detection Dogs!
Get your Christmas jam on in our West London Legend!
Rock Out this Holiday! Pick up some threads from the famed Troubadour!
This Thursday and Friday evening and a matinee on Saturday The 7 Deadly Sins comes to The Troubadour! 🎭
Don't Miss Ella!
11.02.17 Date for your diary 😃 @troubadourlondon #beebakareband #comingsoon #originalsongs #mslaurynhill #tracychapman #indiaarie #joanarmatrading #emelisande #singersongwriter #livemusiclondon #londonmusicscene #ep2017 #femalesoul #soulsinger #britishsoul #upbeat #beebakarelive #soulband #earlscourt #thetroubadour #londongigs #timeoutlondon @timeoutlondon #liannelahavas #excited #songwriter #afrohair

Perfect find for a freezing cold morning in London! We stumbled upon a true gem that has been host to Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, Morrissey, Led Zeppelin & The Rolling Stones as a successful live music venue since 1954! #london #travel #england #bobdylan #jimihendrix #morrissey #ledzeppelin #therollingstones #thetroubadour #earlscourt #music #coffee

When bae says she's never seen bee movie !!!! 😒


My first gig of 2017! Im excited to be back at the legendary Troubadour in West London this Wednesday On stage at 8.30pm The Troubadour London - 263-267 Old Brompton Road, London

It's this man @joetraxlermusic tomorrow night for #songwritersshowcase at @troubadourlondon. We'll also have music from @annieafrilu, @eveconwaymusic and @juliamillang. Tickets just £4 advance - See you there! #livemusic #london #earlscourt #livemusic #london #keepmusiclive #newmusic #bobdylan #jimihendrix #adele #ledzeppelin #edsheeran #music #venue #club #supportsmallbusiness #londonclub #guitar #songwriter #est1954 #legendary #stage #rocknroll #music #cocktails #unsigned #fun #talent

Last night! #axlrose #axldc #gunsnroses #camden #london #duffmckagan #gnr #sleazerock #chinesedemocracy #slash #duffmckagan #acdc #axldc #ginger #izzystradlin #chloewould #gingerlikechloe #gnrreunion #metalworks #guns2roses #glastonbudget #rock #gunsnrosesreunion #appetitefordysfunction #appetitefordestruction

Behind the scenes last night! #axlrose #axldc #gunsnroses #camden #london #duffmckagan #gnr #sleazerock #chinesedemocracy #slash #duffmckagan #acdc #axldc #ginger #izzystradlin #chloewould #gingerlikechloe #gnrreunion #metalworks #guns2roses #glastonbudget #rock #gunsnrosesreunion #appetitefordysfunction #appetitefordestruction

Had a great time supporting @gavfelvus and G2R last night at the Troubadour 😈🐵
