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Beautiful Life Tarot

, London, United Kingdom
Astrologist & Psychic



Offering insights, guidance and readings based in the timeless wisdom of Tarot, a tool for spiritual growth and evolution.



Tarot Guidance: Full Moon in Aries, 1st October The new month kicks off with a powerful Full Moon in Aries that initiates a potent new beginning in a certain area of your life, probably one that's closely linked with your long term grounding and security. You may not be able to fully assess or appreciate the changes coming your way, as it's likely the next few weeks could feel jumbled and chaotic. You might struggle in some ways to adapt to these changes that have probably been thrust upon you, rather than being fully aligned with your free will. Nevertheless, you are in unknown territory and the future could seem daunting and unclear. This is why there could be some underlying frustration, anger and irritability that surfaces this Full Moon. Rather than identifying with these emotions and lashing out, try and make adjustments and take advantage of the opportunities this new start will bring. A positive and creative approach towards your changed circumstances could place you in a much better position down the line, when the true significance of these changes start to become clearer. Any resistance or getting drawn into drama or division could complicate your future potential. So find your balance this Full Moon and don't give in to emotions. Work your way around difficulties or inconveniences and find constructive solutions. You may not have everything going your way, however, there is the possibility of finding equilibrium. Have faith and courage this Full Moon to step outside your comfort zone. Find patience and fortitude within to weather any storms. It's true there will be a variety of emotions stirred up this Full Moon. Choose to identify yourself with the positive ones. Doing so brings a sense of acceptance and freedom. It creates opportunities for release and transformation. A transition awaits us at the end of this cycle that will run into early next year. Once you've been through the upheaval and readjustment, you will be able to assess your options. They will most likely bring a major transformation. You may feel ready to let go of a past that hasn't worked in your favour. In order to find a new path and to embrace it fully, you will need to first navigate the highs and lows of the next few months. The process isn't easy but will be rewarding and the results should be the fulfilment of your long term vision. So hold on this Full Moon to your hopes, dreams and decisions. Open yourself to both inner and outer transformation. You cannot see what lies ahead as yet but with faith, courage and intuition, you can believe and keep moving towards that, which feels like your chosen destination. And you can count on the support of the Universe, as it joins you in helping you achieve your aspirations!

Tarot Guidance: Full Moon in Aries, 1st October

The new month kicks off with a powerful Full Moon in Aries that initiates a potent new beginning in a certain area of your life, probably one that's closely linked with your long term grounding and security. You may not be able to fully assess or appreciate the changes coming your way, as it's likely the next few weeks could  feel jumbled and  chaotic. You might struggle in some ways to adapt to these changes that have probably been thrust upon you, rather than being fully aligned with your free will. Nevertheless, you are in unknown territory and the future could seem daunting and unclear. This is why there could be some underlying frustration, anger and irritability that surfaces this Full Moon. Rather than identifying with these emotions and lashing out, try and make adjustments and take advantage of the opportunities this new start will bring. 

A positive and creative approach towards your changed circumstances could place you in a much better position down the line, when the true significance of these changes start to become clearer. Any resistance or getting drawn into drama or division could complicate your future potential. So find your balance this Full Moon and don't give in to emotions. Work your way around difficulties or inconveniences and find constructive solutions. You may not have everything going your way, however, there is the possibility of finding equilibrium. 

Have faith and courage this Full Moon to step outside your comfort zone. Find patience and fortitude within to weather any storms. It's true there will be a variety of emotions stirred up this Full Moon. Choose to identify yourself with the positive ones. Doing so brings a sense of acceptance and freedom. It creates opportunities for release and transformation. 

A transition awaits us at the end of this cycle that will run into early next year. Once you've been through the upheaval and readjustment, you will be able to assess your options. They will most likely bring a major transformation. You may feel ready to let go of a past that hasn't worked in your favour. In order to find a new path and to embrace it fully, you will need to first navigate the highs and lows of the next few months. The process isn't easy but will be rewarding and the results should be the fulfilment of your long term vision. 

So hold on this Full Moon to your hopes, dreams and decisions. Open yourself to both inner and outer transformation. You cannot see what lies ahead as yet but with faith, courage and intuition, you can believe and keep moving towards that, which feels like your chosen destination. And you can count on the support of the Universe, as it joins you in helping you achieve your aspirations!

Weekly Tarot Guidance: September 28th- October 3rd The cards this week reveal a clearer picture, showing some positive progress towards goals. The Full Moon in Aries brings a sense of climax to some uncertain energies that were restrictive and oppressive in nature. You could feel a lot freer and less constrained, however don't expect to feel totally off the hook. There could still be some disturbances and heightened emotions that may continue until the New Moon in Libra in mid October. The release and balance you seek is on its way but not for another couple of weeks. This week is a mixed bag with some moments of optimism and hope but also some difficulties and emotional lows. Overall the energy is positive so whatever comes your way, you should be able to handle without losing your focus. Keep going until you reach calmer waters and can relax, knowing you are where you need to be. Until then remember to keep trusting the Universe and the bigger picture, that's guiding you towards a new approach.

Weekly Tarot Guidance: September 28th- October 3rd

The cards this week reveal a clearer picture, showing some positive progress towards goals. The Full Moon in Aries brings a sense of climax to some uncertain energies that were restrictive and oppressive in nature. You could feel a lot freer and less constrained, however don't expect to feel totally off the hook. There could still be some disturbances and heightened emotions that may continue until the New Moon in Libra in mid October. The release and balance you seek is on its way but not for another couple of weeks. This week is a mixed bag with some moments of optimism and hope but also some difficulties and emotional lows. Overall the energy is positive so whatever comes your way, you should be able to handle without losing your focus. Keep going until you reach calmer waters and can relax, knowing you are where you need to be. Until then remember to keep trusting the Universe and the bigger picture, that's guiding you towards a new approach.

Weekly Tarot Guidance: September 21st- 27th This is quite a significant week as you may be getting prepared to initiate something new, following the New Moon in Virgo, that lends impetus to starting or persevering with a practical issue/project. Things may initially seem a bit daunting and restrictive, however as the week progresses, you will find yourself becoming freer and lighter and looking forward to the changes that may be arriving soon. Some doubts and difficulties could persist relating to health or finances, but chances are overall there will be an improvement in most things, giving you a sense of confidence and empowerment. You will take strides towards your immediate goals and endeavour to keep any long term concerns away from your mind. The Universe needs your trust right now, for even if everything feels slightly overwhelming and the future is still unclear, there is a path meant for you that will become visible in time. For now, the best you can do is take one step at a time and keep focusing on your immediate situation that's probably undergoing important changes. Use the earthy, grounded energy that's available this week to firm up your ongoing projects and plans. Be prepared to cut some ties that have held you back as you move forward with your goals.

Weekly Tarot Guidance: September 21st- 27th

This is quite a significant week as you may be getting prepared to initiate something new, following the New Moon in Virgo, that lends  impetus to starting or persevering with a practical issue/project. Things may initially seem a bit daunting and restrictive, however as the week progresses, you will find yourself becoming freer and lighter and looking forward to the changes that may be arriving soon. Some doubts and difficulties could persist relating to health or finances, but chances are overall there will be an improvement in most things, giving you a sense of confidence and empowerment. You will take strides towards your immediate goals and endeavour to keep any long term concerns away from your mind. The Universe needs your trust right now, for even if everything feels slightly overwhelming and the future is still unclear, there is a path meant for you that will become visible in time. For now, the best you can do is take one step at a time and keep focusing on your immediate situation that's probably undergoing important changes. Use the earthy, grounded energy that's available this week to firm up your ongoing projects and plans. Be prepared to cut some ties that have held you back as you move forward with your goals.

Tarot Guidance: New Moon in Virgo, September 17th The New Moon in Virgo brings some form of stability and grounding, to what's been a chaotic and insecure few months, by formalising a practical arrangement and making way for a new beginning of some kind. This fresh start may give you what you need to feel a sense of security and easiness, after the restrictions and challenges you may have faced. The arrangement, whether it relates to work, finance, family or a living situation may only be temporary, but it will offer the respite and release you most likely need. In order to move ahead and manifest this beginning, you will need to make some efforts, even though at times, they could feel quite daunting. The Virgo energy is very practical, methodical and focused on getting the details right. Every move is well planned, every approach well analysed and every action carefully executed to reach the desired outcome. There is no room for error as mistakes can be costly and overlooking important details can get one into unnecessary trouble. This is why it's important this New Moon to consider every thought, intention and action with sincerity and integrity. Don't take things lightly as you could pay a big price if are not careful in the way you conduct your business. Be attentive and vigilant, alert and aware of what needs your attention. Diligence, focus and application of forethought will help immensely, especially if you are embarking on a new venture or undertaking a unfamiliar journey. The energy surrounding this New Moon is positive and it should bring success, achievement and comfort but only if and when you have taken your responsibilities seriously. There are rewards on the other side of your efforts, so trust that all the energy you invest in the new path will lead to something tangible and lasting. The results may not be fully visible for at least a few months, but you should have glimpses of success and positivity along the way, as you keep persevering. Without your dedication and persistence, it's unlikely the results will manifest on their own, so your initiative and hard work have a big role to play in the creation of a fulfilling future. Get serious this New Moon and focus on tasks that need your attention. Don't let your energy dissipate and avoid distractions. Work through that to do list with diligence and focus. Invest in opportunities that arise and follow them up to ensure completion. There is no magic formula for success nor is there an easy way out of problems. We have to apply ourselves, body, mind and soul to realign our existence and to find peace, harmony and freedom. Don't shy away from responsibility this New Moon, even if you feel pushed and pressured. Trust the Universe has a plan and every action of yours is linked to a far greater vision, one that will bring a new dawn and light up the corners of your world with joy, happiness and abundance! By just taking small steps each day and focusing on the present, you will soon manifest your most cherished intentions. So let this Moon show you the way forward out of your predicaments.

Tarot Guidance: New Moon in Virgo, September 17th 

The New Moon in Virgo brings some form of stability and grounding, to what's been a chaotic and insecure few months, by formalising a practical arrangement and making way for a new beginning of some kind. This fresh start may give you what you need to feel a sense of security and easiness, after the restrictions and challenges you may have faced. The arrangement, whether it relates to work, finance, family or a living situation may only be temporary, but it will offer the respite and release you most likely need. In order to move  ahead and manifest this beginning, you will need to make some efforts, even though at times, they could feel quite daunting. 

The Virgo energy is very practical, methodical and focused on getting the details right. Every move is well planned, every approach well analysed and every action carefully executed to reach the desired outcome. There is no room for error as mistakes can be costly and overlooking important details can get one into unnecessary trouble. This is why it's important this New Moon to consider every thought, intention and action with sincerity and integrity. Don't take things lightly as you could pay a big price if are not careful in the way you conduct your business. Be attentive and vigilant, alert and aware of what needs your attention. Diligence, focus and application of forethought will help immensely, especially if you are embarking on a new venture or undertaking a unfamiliar journey. 

The energy surrounding this New Moon is positive and it should bring success, achievement and comfort but only if and when you have taken your responsibilities seriously. There are rewards on the other side of your efforts, so trust that all the energy you invest in the new path will lead to something tangible and lasting. The results may not be fully visible for at least a few months, but you should have glimpses of success and positivity along the way, as you keep persevering. Without your dedication and persistence, it's unlikely the results will manifest on their own, so your initiative and hard work have a big role to play in the creation of a fulfilling future. 

Get serious this New Moon and focus on tasks that need your attention. Don't let your energy dissipate and avoid distractions. Work through that to do list with diligence and focus. Invest in opportunities that arise and follow them up to ensure completion. There is no magic formula for success nor is there an easy way out of problems. We have to apply ourselves, body, mind and soul to realign our existence and to find peace, harmony and freedom. Don't shy away from responsibility this New Moon, even if you feel pushed and pressured. 

Trust the Universe has a plan and every action of yours is linked to a far greater vision, one that will bring a new dawn and light up the corners of your world with joy, happiness and abundance! By just taking small steps each day and focusing on the present, you will soon manifest your most cherished intentions. So let this Moon show you the way forward out of your predicaments.

Weekly Tarot Guidance: September 14th-20th After the breakthrough that came last week, the cards this week suggest a following up and making efforts aimed at getting you out of a situation, that doesn't resonate with you fully. You may have managed to reach a balance and will continue to keep the harmony until you naturally part ways. This conclusion should then lead you to a new phase that will present it's own challenges. However, there will be far greater acceptance and flow, and by and large the coming few months will bring a positive energy. It will support healing on all levels, and realign you with your motive and purpose. You will be able to look beyond the short term disappointments and failures, and welcome some big changes that promise stability, freedom and release from restrictions. There will be an opportunity to rehaul your life and to give it the shape and form that suits you most, in the current phase of your existence. This could mean leaving the past behind with all its' trials and tribulations. Whilst all this is a process that unfolds gradually and slowly, the catalyst is the changes that are upcoming in the next few weeks, that will make it possible to shift and transform life significantly. Stay positive and devote your energy towards moving forward. The difficulties will dissolve and give way to clarity, as the week progresses. Have faith in the actions of the Universe and the bigger picture behind it.

Weekly Tarot Guidance: September 14th-20th

After the breakthrough that came last week, the cards this week suggest a following up and making efforts aimed at getting you out of a situation, that doesn't resonate with you fully. You may have managed to reach a balance and will continue to keep the harmony until you naturally part ways. This conclusion should then lead you to a new phase that will present it's own challenges. However, there will be far greater acceptance and flow, and by and large the coming few months will bring a positive energy. It will support healing on all levels, and realign you with your motive and purpose. You will be able to look beyond the short term disappointments and failures, and welcome some big changes that promise stability, freedom and release from restrictions. There will be an opportunity to rehaul your life and to give it the shape and form that suits you most, in the current phase of your existence. This could mean leaving the past behind with all its' trials and tribulations. Whilst all this is a process that unfolds gradually and slowly, the catalyst is the changes that are upcoming in the next few weeks, that will make it possible to shift and transform life significantly. Stay positive and devote your energy towards moving forward. The difficulties will dissolve and give way to clarity, as the week progresses.
Have faith in the actions of the Universe and the bigger picture behind it.

Tarot Guidance: Full Moon in Pisces, September 3rd The Full Moon in Pisces on September 3rd carries strong and intense, yet soft and subtle energies at the same time. This means there is a potent energy to this Moon but its not harsh, overbearing or oppressive. Its power lies in the depth and possibility for transformation that's available. This Moon reminds us to return to our soul essence and to view our lives from this standpoint. It calls us to align our purpose with something higher and meaningful and to leave behind all that keeps us stuck in outdated and negative patterns of behaviour. As such, it is an invitation to change our lives around for the better. Guided by your intuition and inner sense, you can look for solutions to existing situations. If you find yourself stuck or restricted, know that there is a new beginning coming your way. However, while you are in this place, learn to honour your journey and experiences. They are here to teach you lessons and to awaken your courage and wisdom. Nothing is ever wasted and if we treat everything we go through as a precious opportunity to grow and learn, then we engage with life in a mature and wise way. We can surrender to our difficulties and allow the Universe to guide us through patience, faith and commitment. Love is a strong force that brings healing, connection and compassion. This Full Moon activates a higher energy of devotion, surrender and true union. Use these vibrations to go deeper and to cleanse your heart and purify it. Feel the love that is always showering and the bliss that comes from your own being. Share this with others and invite them to experience their inner truth. Spread the message of peace and love that goes beyond divisions. Connect with your heart and be honest about what it really needs right now. Finally, accept that life is a mystery that we can't always fathom and despite our best efforts, the only choice available sometimes is to drop all ideas, beliefs and expectations. By doing so we completely embrace what is available right now and stop fighting with ourselves. Whether the mind considers it to be good or bad, happy or sad, ultimately each experience is transitory and fleeting just like everything in our lives. The only changeless truth is our awareness and the one that witnesses every experience in each moment. Devote yourself to finding that space in you which transcends the mind and everything it labels as pleasant or unpleasant. True freedom is available to us when we can truly discern what is real and lasting from what comes and goes, just like the wind. And in this awakening, there is always an acceptance and gratitude for whatever life is choosing to give us or to take away.

Tarot Guidance: Full Moon in Pisces, September 3rd

The Full Moon in Pisces on September 3rd carries strong and intense, yet soft and subtle energies at the same time. This means there is a potent energy to this Moon but its not harsh, overbearing or oppressive. Its power lies in the depth and possibility for transformation that's available. This Moon reminds us to return to our soul essence and to view our lives from this standpoint. It calls us to align our purpose with something higher and meaningful and to leave behind all that keeps us stuck in outdated and negative patterns of behaviour. As such, it is an invitation to change our lives around for the better. 

Guided by your intuition and inner sense, you can look for solutions to existing situations. If you find yourself stuck or restricted, know that there is a new beginning coming your way. However, while you are in this place, learn to honour your journey and experiences. They are here to teach you lessons and to awaken your courage and wisdom. Nothing is ever wasted and if we treat everything we go through as a precious opportunity to grow and learn, then we engage with life in a mature and wise way. We can surrender to our difficulties and allow the Universe to guide us through patience, faith and commitment. 

Love is a strong force that brings healing, connection and compassion. This Full Moon activates a higher energy of devotion, surrender and true union. Use these vibrations to go deeper and to cleanse your heart and purify it. Feel the love that is always showering and the bliss that comes from your own being. Share this with others and invite them to experience their inner truth. Spread the message of peace and love that goes beyond divisions. Connect with your heart and be honest about what it really needs right now. 

Finally, accept that life is a mystery that we can't always fathom and despite our best efforts, the only choice available sometimes is to drop all ideas, beliefs and expectations. By doing so we completely embrace what is available right now and stop fighting with ourselves. Whether the mind considers it to be good or bad, happy or sad, ultimately each experience is transitory and fleeting just like everything in our lives. 

The only changeless truth is our awareness and the one that witnesses every experience in each moment. Devote yourself to finding that space in you which transcends the mind and everything it labels as pleasant or unpleasant. True freedom is available to us when we can truly discern what is real and lasting from what comes and goes, just like the wind. And in this awakening, there is always an acceptance and gratitude for whatever life is choosing to give us or to take away.

Weekly Tarot Guidance: August 31st- Sep 6th The cards this week point towards a balance and adjustment of energies. The New Moon in Leo could have brought a positive new start but there may have been challenges too. With the Full Moon in Pisces this week, there is a softening of energy and a more emotional vibe that brings a higher understanding, compassion and care for yourself and those around you. While you may feel less strained than you have in previous weeks and the spirit of connection and cooperation is strong, don't give up on your long term plans. Keep looking out for options that resonate deeply with you and will serve you in the long run. Until they appear and you can count on them working out, you will need to manage the situation you are in and do your best to keep things clear and calm. This should feel easier this week, so use the opportunity to relax and nourish your body, mind and soul. In time, you will need to make some further changes but until then, stick with what you have and let it serve its purpose in your life right now!

Weekly Tarot Guidance: August 31st- Sep 6th

The cards this week point towards a balance and adjustment of energies. The New Moon in Leo could have brought a positive new start but there may have been challenges too. With the Full Moon in Pisces this week, there is a softening of energy and a more emotional vibe that brings a higher understanding, compassion and care for yourself and those around you. While you may feel less strained than you have in previous weeks and the spirit of connection and cooperation is strong, don't give up on your long term plans. Keep looking out for options that resonate deeply with you and will serve you in the long run. Until they appear and you can count on them working out, you will need to manage the situation you are in and do your best to keep things clear and calm. This should feel easier this week, so use the opportunity to relax and nourish your body, mind and soul. In time, you will need to make some further changes but until then, stick with what you have and let it serve its purpose in your life right now!

Weekly Tarot Guidance: Aug 24th-30th The cards show a mixed picture this week as there are certain positive energies around that bring renewal, hope and healing. At the same time some challenges may also arise, and you will need to be diplomatic and sensible to avoid any difficulties. Just remember the tough times aren't behind you yet and some compromises are still necessary. If this means being a little less impatient, and a bit more forthcoming and forbearing, then it is the right approach for the circumstances you are in. Things will gradually evolve and you will regain a sense of clarity, strength and purpose. Until then try to put your energy into nourishing yourself and finding ways to alleviate any ongoing issues. It is a process you may be going through and it's important to allow time for things to gain equilibrium and balance.

Weekly Tarot Guidance: Aug 24th-30th

The cards show a mixed picture this week as there are certain positive energies around that bring renewal, hope and healing. At the same time some challenges may also arise, and you will need to be diplomatic and sensible to avoid any difficulties. Just remember the tough times aren't behind you yet and some compromises are still necessary. If this means being a little less impatient, and a bit more forthcoming and forbearing, then it is the right approach for the circumstances you are in. Things will gradually evolve and you will regain a sense of clarity, strength and purpose. Until then try to put your energy into nourishing yourself and finding ways to alleviate any ongoing issues. It is a process you may be going through and it's important to allow time for things to gain equilibrium and balance.

Tarot Guidance: New Moon in Leo, 18th/19th Aug The New Moon in Leo represents a significant turning point in our journey towards healing, transformation and freedom, from some very restrictive and intense energies that may have dominated our lives in the last few months. The change may only be gradual and in slow stages, however this New Moon marks the beginning of a phase of recovery and rehabilitation. Whichever area of your life has been predominantly affected; be it health, home, relationships, finances or career, should begin to go through a process of being slowly resurrected. It could still be a few weeks at least however, before you notice any significant improvements. This New Moon is guiding us to be pragmatic and realistic. Although you may feel strong urges to break free or to be rash and impulsive, it's important to not give in to these instincts. Use the positive and uplifting energy of this Moon to boost your inner confidence. Find a creative outlet for self expression. But keep maintaining the codes of safety and discipline. The time is not yet to abandon all caution, we must respect the conditions that help us function without endangering ourself and others. A positive approach will really enable you to face challenges and find solutions this New Moon. Sometimes it helps to think outside the box and to invent or follow alternative routes to our destination. Whatever your goals are and whether they are focused on your overall well being or on finding abundance, love, peace or freedom, it's important to keep pursuing them and not resting until you've got what you need. Losing hope or feeding despair is just not an option, as this New Moon encourages us to find the light and to let it lead us out of any difficulties, we may be experiencing. The road ahead may not be full of roses but it's not as gloomy as the mind sometimes imagines. Things are constantly changing and we must have faith in that truth, that no matter how hard things seem, there will always be a way out of situations. So hold on to your courage and wisdom, embrace the beauty and joy in every moment. Even when things are not perfect, there is still something whole and meaningful to our existence. Light a candle in your heart this New Moon and let the light spread to your whole being. Imagine yourself being comforted and nourished by the love of existence. You are a part of this vast mystery and have a place in its unfolding. Your life purpose is connected with the universal process. You have never been isolated or alone, you belong to an interconnected universe where everything has deep value. Remember your essence this New Moon and let it show you the way to wholeness.

Tarot Guidance: New Moon in Leo, 18th/19th Aug

The New Moon in Leo represents a significant turning point in our journey towards healing, transformation and freedom, from some very restrictive and intense energies that may have dominated our lives in the last few months. The change may only be gradual and in slow stages, however this New Moon marks the beginning of a phase of recovery and rehabilitation. Whichever area of your life has been predominantly affected; be it health, home, relationships, finances or career, should begin to go through a process of being slowly resurrected. It could still be a few weeks at least however, before you notice any significant improvements. 

This New Moon is guiding us to be pragmatic and realistic. Although you may feel strong urges to break free or to be rash and impulsive, it's important to not give in to these instincts. Use the positive and uplifting energy of this Moon to boost your inner confidence. Find a creative outlet for self expression. But keep maintaining the codes of safety and discipline. The time is not yet to abandon all caution, we must respect the conditions that help us function without endangering ourself and others. 

A positive approach will really enable you to face challenges and find solutions this New Moon. Sometimes it helps to think outside the box and to invent or follow alternative routes to our destination. Whatever your goals are and whether they are focused on your overall well being or on finding abundance, love, peace or freedom, it's important to keep pursuing them and not resting until you've got what you need. Losing hope or feeding despair is just not an option, as this New Moon encourages us to find the light and to let it lead us out of any difficulties, we may be experiencing. 

The road ahead may not be full of roses but it's not as gloomy as the mind sometimes imagines. Things are constantly changing and we must have faith in that truth, that no matter how hard things seem, there will always be a way out of situations. So hold on to your courage and wisdom, embrace the beauty and joy in every moment. Even when things are not perfect, there is still something whole and meaningful to our existence. 

Light a candle in your heart this New Moon and let the light spread to your whole being. Imagine yourself being comforted and nourished by the love of existence. You are a part of this vast mystery and have a place in its unfolding. Your life purpose is connected with the universal process. You have never been isolated or alone, you belong to an interconnected universe where everything has deep value. Remember your essence this New Moon and let it show you the way to wholeness.

Weekly Tarot Guidance: August 17th- 23rd The cards this week show a relaxed and positive approach to changes that are unfolding in our lives. The resistance and intensity of having to accept or let go of a situation or person that wasn't resonating with us, finally feels manageable and we start moving forward in a new direction. It could be a short term solution that appears, to give us some respite and nourishment, or something more stable and lasting. Whichever it is, it's what we need right now and it could be the stepping stone towards our future goals. With an optimistic attitude we can look ahead to where life is taking us, and be grateful for what is coming our way. Further changes may be due in a few months down the line but for now, enjoy the peacefulness and relief this week brings. Things are coming together to give you the realignment and relaxation you could benefit from. Make the most of this new opportunity and allow it to bring healing, transformation and release.

Weekly Tarot Guidance: August 17th- 23rd

The cards this week show a relaxed and positive approach to changes that are unfolding in our lives. The resistance and intensity of having to accept or let go of a situation or person that wasn't resonating with us, finally feels manageable and we start moving forward in a new direction. It could be a short term solution that appears, to give us some respite and nourishment, or something more stable and lasting. Whichever it is, it's what we need right now and it could be the stepping stone towards our future goals. With an optimistic attitude we can look ahead to where life is taking us, and be grateful for what is coming our way. Further changes may be due in a few months down the line but for now, enjoy the peacefulness and relief this week brings. Things are coming together to give you the realignment and relaxation you could benefit from. Make the most of this new opportunity and allow it to bring healing, transformation and release.

Weekly Tarot Guidance: August 10th-17th The cards this week reveal some changes coming up as a result of last week's intense energies triggered by the Full Moon in Aquarius. There isn't an easy way to maintain the status quo and you may feel compelled to let go of a person, situation, place or event that has been a part of your life. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, although the way it plays out could be quite intense and difficult. If you try to hold on or resist, it will only prolong the suffering. So it's advisable to seek new alternatives or ways to cope with the situation. Help should be at hand as new opportunities arise where old doors are closed. Be flexible yet firm in your decisions to move on, and have courage and faith in what's coming next into your life. It may not seem perfect or easy, but it's what is available right now and could keep you going, until there is greater clarity around your future plans. Stay open to receive what the Universe is sending your way and be grateful for the respite and renewal it will bring. You need a shift that realigns your energy and brings healing to your soul. So take the chance that's given and make the best of what's coming your way.

Weekly Tarot Guidance: August 10th-17th 

The cards this week reveal some changes coming up as a result of last week's intense energies triggered by the Full Moon in Aquarius. There isn't an easy way to maintain the status quo and you may feel compelled to let go of a person, situation, place or event that has been a part of your life. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, although the way it plays out could be quite intense and difficult. If you try to hold on or resist, it will only prolong the suffering. So it's advisable to seek new alternatives or ways to cope with the situation. Help should be at hand as new opportunities arise where old doors are closed. Be flexible yet firm in your decisions to move on, and have courage and faith in what's coming next into your life. It may not seem perfect or easy, but it's what is available right now and could keep you going, until there is greater clarity around your future plans. Stay open to receive what the Universe is sending your way and be grateful for the respite and renewal it will bring. You need a shift that realigns your energy and brings healing to your soul. So take the chance that's given and make the best of what's coming your way.

Weekly Tarot Guidance: August 3rd-9th This week's energies are somewhat chaotic and could bring an upheaval of some sort in our lives. The Full Moon in Aquarius brings clarity, vision and understanding although it can also bring conflict, confusion and discord. It's important not to identify with the negative aspects of the Full Moon, choosing rather to focus on positivity, well being and harmony. Let situations come and go, holding on to inner calm and coolness, even when things seem out of control. They will settle down in time, and without any effort, so don't engage or get involved. The bigger the distance you can create between your peace and what disrupts it, whether a person, place or situation, the more likely you are to remain centered and calm. If physical distance is difficult, try to disconnect mentally and emotionally from the triggers in your environment. Meditation, self care, connecting with sources of wisdom and spiritual growth can help to keep hold of the light and loving space. Anything that interferes with this is a negative stimulus and keeping your thoughts focused on yourself will be useful. We are going through some turbulent times and are responsible for our own responses and attitudes towards our experiences. Responding with awareness brings freedom and peace whereas reacting unconsciously could lead to further issues that feed the negativity.

Weekly Tarot Guidance: August 3rd-9th

This week's energies are somewhat chaotic and could bring an upheaval of some sort in our lives. The Full Moon in Aquarius brings clarity, vision and understanding although it can also bring conflict, confusion and discord. It's important not to identify with the negative aspects of the Full Moon, choosing rather to focus on positivity, well being and harmony. Let situations come and go, holding on to inner calm and coolness, even when things seem out of control. They will settle down in time, and without any effort, so don't engage or get involved. The bigger the distance you can create between your peace and what disrupts it, whether a person, place or situation, the more likely you are to remain centered and calm. If physical distance is difficult, try to disconnect mentally and emotionally from the triggers in your environment. Meditation, self care, connecting with sources of wisdom and spiritual growth can help to keep hold of the light and loving space. Anything that interferes with this is a negative stimulus and keeping your thoughts focused on yourself will be useful. We are going through some turbulent times and are responsible for our own responses and attitudes towards our experiences. Responding with awareness brings freedom and peace whereas reacting unconsciously could lead to further issues that feed the negativity.


NEAR Beautiful Life Tarot


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