Rockerbie Music Festival
Not for profit organisation bringing great music to Lockerbie
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facebook.comA wee bit of The Hollows to enjoy, have you got your wristbands yet ? 19/05/18 Lockerbie Town Hall, be there, it's going to be Epic 😎
Get over the midweek blues by listening to the Barstow Bats. This is just a taste of what to expect at this years Rockerbie. Going to be a brilliant night, get a wristband now
Heading into the Aliveradio 107.3 studio tomorrow evening for drive time with Kenny and the Cheese man. Ostensibly to talk about Rockerbie but more likely just to tease them a wee bit lol. Tune in if you can, programme starts at 4 I'll be in by 5 (maybe a bit earlier)
North, South, East, West and all points in between. No matter which direction that you are from make sure that get your hands on a wristband for this year's Rockerbie. This is going to be the greatest night of music that Mid-Annandale will see this year. Five superb bands taking to the stage playing a variety of music and Dumfries Easy Skanking Crew keeping the kettle boiling in between. It's going to be epic, don't miss out \0/ \0/ \0/
Wristbands are now available to buy from - The Brig and The Royal in Lockerbie. Barnstorm Records in Dumfries. The Ram Shack in Moffat. Online sales to followWristbands are now available to buy from - The Brig and The Royal in Lockerbie. Barnstorm Records in Dumfries. The Ram Shack in Moffat. Online sales to follow
It's taken a wee while for them to get here due to the supplier being snowed under with orders but they are finally here. You now have the chance to update your wardrobe and wear limited edition Rockerbie apparel. Get your hands on one of these quality 'Fruit of the Loom' t-shirts soon. Any colour you want as long as it's black, available in sizes S - XL. Bargain price of only £10 (plus a wee bit p+p if necessary) will buy you one and all the money will be going into Rockerbie funds. Send a me a message and I'll get you sorted out 😎
These bad boys made it through the snow this morning. I'll shortly be distributing them to local outlets so you can get your hands on them. I'll also sort out a link so you can get them online too. 19th May, Lockerbie town hall it's going to be awesome 👍
All this snow getting you down? Keep calm and listen to some SUPA & Da Kryptonites That'll cheer you up 😎