Evolution Functional Fitness
Fife’s largest & friendliest CrossFit Community helping local people with their health, fitness & nutrition through CrossFit methodology and constantly varied functional exercise.
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Quality effort from Stav getting himself a gold in today’s Scottish indoor rowing championships https://instagram.com/p/BbpEv5elakH/ #scottishindoorrowingchampionships #evolutionfunctionalfitnessfife
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Extremely informative nutritional talk given this morning by Kerri @the_dietitian_kitchen thank you 🤜🏻💪🏻
Yes you Can Can!!
#crossfitcommunity #crossfitlochgelly #lochgelly #fitness #aeternumcrossfit #crossfit #crossfitcommunity
10am class core work
Come join our fitness community, Crossfit, Metafit, Circuits and Kettlebells @evolutionfunctionalfitness #lochgelly #kirkcaldy #crossfitlochgelly #glenrothes #fife #cowdenbeath #crossfitcommunity #aeternumcrossfit #fitnessfifestyle #fitness #fitnessmotivation #fitnessaddict #instagramfitness #lifestyle
SATURDAY MORNING #crossfitlochgelly #lochgelly #crossfitcommunity #aeternumcrossfit #evolutionfunctionalfitnessfife #cowdenbeath #kirkcaldy #glenrothes #fife
#crossfitcommunity #crossfitlochgelly #aeternumcrossfit #crossfitter #crossfitfamily #crossfitlife #lochgelly #glenrothes #kirkcaldy #cowdenbeath