Arun East Children & Family Centres
Arun East Children & Family Centres are made up of 3 local children & family centres. Littlehampton, East Preston & Angmering.
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Can't Make it to the LIGHTS ON EVENT on the 24th November? Do you already have a ticket to see Father Christmas and/or get your Family Photo Portrait and can no longer make it? If so can you please call Littlehampton Children and Family Centre on 01903 276840 and let us know so we can offer your place to another child who is on the waiting list. Thank you you will make another family very happyXX
Arun East Children & Family Centres
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Its that time of year again......the christmas baby disco!!!! Please contact reception to book your tickets....spaces will sell out quickly!!!!
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A Christmas sensory story!
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SKYLARKS - 'Last week we brought the outside in at Skylarks - using puppets to tell stories amongst the crunchy leaves. Next week we will be painting with cars, exploring how water flows down guttering and building with natural materials! Skylarks is a play and learn session for children with additional needs and their families. We run every Tuesday 1- 2.30pm at East Preston Children and Family Centre. If you would like to join us, we would love to see you there - so please contact us on 01903 270470
REMINDER - TICKLEMETOO COME and PLAY will not be running this morning (14/11/2016) COME and PLAY will now run only 3 weeks out of 4 so the following dates it will NOT run: 14th November 2016 12th December 2016
Can my baby eat everything my family eats? (9 to 12 months)
Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust
IMPORTANT DATES FOR YOUR INFO!! :) Dear Children and Families we would like to remind and give notice that next week the "Ticklemetoo Come and Play" Group will not be running on Monday 14th November however they will be back on Monday 21st November. The "Discover and Play Group" will not be running on Thursday 17th and the 24th November, this is due to the Centre's Christmas Lights on event. We thank you for your support with this from all of the team.
Youth Emotional Support (YES) service - West Sussex County Council
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