The Skatehouse Newhaven
We are The Skatehouse CIC. We are a community interest company set up to provide an indoor skate facility for all wheeled sports. Sadly we are currently closed, as The Phoenix Estate is due to be redeveloped.
But don't worry! We are currently working hard, behind the scenes to secure a venue and build you a brand new park - reopening some time in 2017! Keen an eye on this page for more info and updates.
Thank you for all your custom and for being part of the magic. You made us all feel at home and for that we thank you all. Now it's time to get excited about the next phase!
The Skatehouse was an indoor skate facility for all wheeled sports. Used on average by 1000 people per month, it was one of the biggest youth centers in Lewes and the only dedicated indoor facility in East Sussex providing this type of activity at non-commercial rates.
The Skatehouse will again be open to all people from the age of 5 years upwards. With specific groups run for girls only, men aged 25 and over (aimed at but not exclusive to Fathers), 5-11 year old all wheeled sports, BMX only and private lessons. Regularly used by local families for birthday parties and other celebrations.
Additionally Artist workshop spaces were available for use by local Artists in return for a small monthly financial contribution and helping with the upkeep and development of the building.
Activities included Screen printing, Ceramics and Mosaic workshops, Wood work, Metal work, Musical and Theatrical entertainment, Graphic Design and Bike repairs.
Skatehouse is a not-for-profit organisation set up as a Community Interest Company run entirely by volunteers for the benefit of the local community. The facilities in the building have been provided entirely by volunteer work, fund raising and donations. All building and development of the skate park is done in consultation with the stakeholders.
In addition to providing wheeled sport and art activities, Skatehouse provided work experience for Sussex Downs College, local secondary schools and the Job Centre.
Other organisations including Lewes Old Grammar School hire the venue for dedicated periods.
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facebook.comNew Lewes Skatepark
Hands up who went to the jam! Everyone had a great day! Well done guys for making this a reality!
The Skatehouse Newhaven
Hey everyone, this is a repost from late last year. However we really appreciate the feedback. Have your say on what you would like to see in the future with our new premises in Newhaven -Jordie
Skatehouse Jr Team
This popped up on my memories today....
True Skateboarding
This weather is rubbish! A big reminder of why we need an indoor park... There's lots going on behind the scenes currently to make this happen! Keep filling in our survey (scroll down our page for the link) and keep an eye on our page for updates! And don't forget... keep on pushing!
The Skatehouse Newhaven
Rocking the electric sofa with the Gus man! Awesome day this! Thank you to everyone involved and keeping the dream alive -Jordie
Source Skate Shop
Maverick Skateparks
Freestyle Sports
Check this little dude out!!!
Timeline Photos
Check out The Source's skate comp day! Get yourself over there. It's gonna be sick!
Timeline Photos
Team Skatehouse meeting last night! We keep getting excited! More developments shortly... Keep an eye on this page! Plus, if you haven't, don't forget to complete and share our survey!!
New Lewes Skatepark
New Lewes skatepark has begun!!!! Exciting times!