Crystal Singing Bowls UK
The official recommended UK temple and the original distributer of Crystal Tones Singing Bowls
The official recommended UK temple and the original distributer of Crystal Tones Singing Bowls
We stock the largest collection of Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls in the UK and are able to offer a FREE bespoke advisory service to all our clients.
All year round viewing and enquiry appointments are available - in person or Skype. Discounts available for larger orders. Please get in touch today.
Lewes/Brighton- 01273 499054
Individual alchemy crystal sonic healing sessions - Crystal sound baths and meditations - Bowl accessories - Quartz singing pyramids - Quartz didgeridoos and Harps - Day/Weekend Workshops throughout 2017 -
Regular pop up shop & viewing gallery in central London - Crystal Sonic practitioner training begins May 2017 in Glastonbury, UK
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facebook.comThis beautiful Chrysoprase crystal singing being is one of the many alchemies available to buy through the Crystal Singing Bowls UK (est. 2011) This being expresses the vibration of divine truth as it promotes joy and happiness. Whilst supporting healing the heart of depression and anxiety. Chrysoprase attracts new love, abundance and prosperity. Other attributes - Connection, wholeness, love, truth, hope, insight, creativity. Heart and Sacral Chakras. Brings universal energy into the physical body. Calming, openness, acceptance of oneself. Peaceful sleep, fertility. Increases absorption of vitamin C. Detoxifying and stimulates liver function. 💚For help finding your Alchemy crystal singing bowl please contact Genevra 01273 499054 Appointments, crystal sound healing sessions and professional training available. Direct train less than an hour from London Victoria. Located in Lewes - the heart of the South Downs - 10 mins from Brighton Photography: Earl Smith 🙏
The Laughing Buddah Bowl is a life-enhancing sonic journey into childlike wonder where laughter, delicious 'sacral cremesicle' colours and smiles come out to play. This bowl is all about relaxation, letting go, Divine creative ideas, prosperity, peace and wisdom. The body loves a belly laugh! We birth more peptides and endorphins through laughter - a life enhancer at its very core, keeping us in the higher frequencies knowing laughter really is the best medicine. The Laughing Buddha Bowl radiates love, compassion and joviality of eastern teachings. This particular little hand held crystal bowl is an accelerating B note and resonates with the crown chakra - For more details contact Genevra on 01273 499 054 #ironquartz #laughingbuddha #crystalsingingbowls #crystaltones #joyandlaughter #crownchakra #wisdom #relaxation #creativity #soundhealing #artlover #genevra 🔸💛☀️🎶
The most unique, diverse and beautiful collection of alchemy crystal singing bowls in the UK. High level experience Private viewings and consultancy by appointment - 01273499054. #artlover #crystalsingingbowls
#crystalsoundbath with #genevra #soundartist #soundshaman at #crystalsingingbowlsuk 💙🎶🦋
2 Minute Crystal Sound Meditation. Alpha
Thank You beautiful Lisa for the absolutely divine crystalline blends you have lovingly created for Deby and I. They have just arrived (blessing the postman on route with a heavenly aroma) Now resting in the loving embrace of the Rose Quartz Alchemy Bowl So much love 💗
Beautiful day with beautiful people #lovefriendship #beautifulhearts #susan_rozo #marcomedicine Lewes and London - Crystal sound advice, sessions and sales 💗🎶🦋🌈 #crystalsingingbowlsuk #crystalsoundhealing #londonworkshops #retreats #lifestyle #crystaltonesuk
💗Heart harmonic alchemy - Love loves loving and to be loved Individual healing sessions available with Genevra x #hearthealing #crystalsingingbowls #loveyourself #lovecrystals #pinkhymalayansalt #rhodochrosite #rose-quartz #pinkaqua #magdalene #divinefeminine #iloveyoume #freetolove
A little sound check x #soundlove #crystalsonichealing #peace #relaxation #letgo #crystalsingingbowls
Timeline Photos
Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls UK Sound Art Genevra Jolie 🦋 Appointments available in London & Lewes #crystalsingingbowlsuk #crystals #soundart #soundhealing #fengshui #crystaltones #crystalsingingbowls #crystalsingingingbowlslondon #meditation #relax #beautifulthings
Timeline Photos
Crystal beings 🐝Singing silence #feel #listen #bathe #love #dream #awaken #bliss #crystalsingingbowls 🦋🌍💙
Crystal Singing Bowls UK's cover photo