Jimackie pet services".
jimackie pet services will look after your pets in our own home in a warm safe environment
We also do dog walking doggy day care
Please try and book as early as you can as we are extremely busy just so you are not disappointed or myself
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facebook.comMeet Bella here for her trial stay she's a bit tired after her walk today
tia holly going daft all good
frosty at park today but dogs running about mad ha
Due to some shuffling around of schedules etc, we actually now have space for 2 day cares. As usual, I would expect these to be filled quickly. If anyone would like to join our big family of pooches please get in touch soon if you're interested in filling these.
Meeting ruby sp and baxter much excitement
Our walk today
Lovely watch today
It was lovely for our walk today
Bit rolling in the snow
Beach walk all they have done is eat razor clam shells hehe
Beach walk today
Walk along the beach today baltic he