Alice Calcasola at All in One Season
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We are in blush blossom heaven 🌸#creatingbeauty #bespoke #weddings #blossomtrees
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The new XXL AiOS blossom tree, for hire now 🌸
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Lots of wonderful projects being worked on in the AiOS workshop #floralgarlands #flowerwalls #fiddlydiddlywork #wiring
Photos from Alice Calcasola at All in One Season's post
Our first Dutch Summer House last weekend was a great success, impression of the kids joining in the floral fun, we had workshops going on & lots of Summer inspiration #summerhouseherts ~ photography by Hannah Kelly
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Our blossom display during our #Summerhouseherts event 🌸
Photos from Alice Calcasola at All in One Season's post
Sneak preview, prepping with Team AiOS for our very first #Summer floral taster day tomorrow, all welcome to join us 🌸 #workshops #Summerhouseherts #floraltaster #Dutchstyle
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The variety of floral & green materials in Dutch wholesalers is incredible #inlove 💚
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It's been a while since I've been in the papers, but I'm back in the Letchworth & Hitchin editions of The Comet this week :-)
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Just seen the email from Muddy Stilettos and this picture of Team AiOS #awardwinners
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Can't resist whilst in Holland #inspiration #Summerstock #moodyblues & #turqoise
Photos from Alice Calcasola at All in One Season's post
This afternoon we picked up our Best Herts Florist award :-) and had a good team pow wow as well. Pippa Chappell thanks for a great get together! #chuffed Now, I'm off to Holland!
Dutch Floral Taster Workshop - 11am
Join us at our Dutch Floral Design Taster workshop on Saturday 25th June at 11am, with Hertfordshire's Best Florist 2016 - Alice Calcasola van-der List from All In One Season!