No.12 Coffee House and delicatessen in Letchworth, Herts
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facebook.comBeer & world food festival this coming weekend in Letchworth! The last one was incredible so get yourself along for it this time!
Charity quiz, Thursday 28th September. Get a team together, come down and join in! Prizes to be won, all for a great cause!
Mix & match any beers, ciders, glasses of wine or prosecco, 2 for a fiver! All summer long!
A lovely poem from one of our regular customers: No.12 Coming & going, to-ing & fro-ing, Voices bubble, rise & fall, the morning unfolding of market stalls. Killing time, sitting & thinking, frothy spoon, coffee drinking. Wood, leather, teas of all kinds, wine, nibbles, opinions, minds. Music, chalkboard, peoples lives, mingle & merge in this lively hive. Much more than a cafe, you'll find when you delve, into the smiles & dreams of No.12
World Gin Day next Saturday! Come in for 20% off our new line of top-shelf gins!
We had a great atmosphere at our prosecco bar all afternoon yesterday, come down and get involved today!
Food festival this weekend!
New wines in stock! We've just had a delivery of some very fancy reds, whites and rosés, come down and take a look!
No.12's cover photo
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THIS MOTHER'S DAY: 2 for 1 on Prosecco! Treat your mum to a glass of Prosecco and get yours for free!
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Lovely to know that even the naked Wonder Woman loves our cakes! Aside from our brownies, we do have a luxurious new range that well... has been selling like hot cakes lol thanks @littlunsofletchworth from @littlunsofletchworth using @RepostRegramApp - Lovely mid morning coffee and snacks for us and the #littluns today @no12coffeehouse these brownies are so delicious 😋 naked Wonder Woman had a great outing too! 😂
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#recipeoftheweek #no12choice this week we have been inspired by @maikinmokomin from #finland . The perfect lunch with our @atkinsandpotts #balsalmicjelly . ***** Ingredients **** An another way to use peanut butter. So good. Wholegrain ryebread, toasted Peanut butter (+ pinch of salt) Pear, thinly sliced Balsamic syrup