Hillbrook Apiaries
Small family run business selling raw local honey from our hives located in Staffordshire and Cheshire county. Mike is a third generation bee keeper, turning his passion for all things bees, honey and gardens, into a family run business, with his wife Sadhana. We have apiaries in and around Cheshire and Staffordshire counties. We sell quality, pure, untreated, raw, local honey. We do not and will not blend, mix, heat or process our honey in any way other than cold filter straight from the hive. We pride ourselves on the delicious taste of our honey and the variety of flavours that occur naturally, depending on the different flowers surrounding each apiary. In addition to selling our honey to local shops, we also sell small jars of honey as wedding favours.
You can find our honey at the following places:
Cheadle: Bee HealthFoods
Chelford: Jones Deli
Congleton: Bare Health
Leek: Pronto Deli, Breckles Wholefoods and Live Love Loaf
Longnor: Longnor General Store
Newcastle-under-Lyme: Magic Health
Macclesfield: The Cheshire Gap
Naturally Different Health Food Store
and Flour Water Salt
Sandbach: Demeter Wholefoods
Foodlife Doorstep Deliveries: Cheadle Hulme
local organic delivery box scheme
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The first of the Summer honey from our Leek apiary has been delivered this weekend to Breckles Wholefoods and The Roaches Tea Rooms and Restaurant in Leek. Get it while you can! #Honey #HoneyBees #LocalRawSimple #Leek #StaffordshireMoorlands #ShopLocal #SmallBusiness #Summer
Photos from Hillbrook Apiaries's post
Delighted to be featured in Sauce magazine! Lots of delicious local Staffordshire food. #Honey #HoneyBees #LocalRawSimple #StaffordshireMoorlands #ShopLocal #SupportSmallBusinesses
Photos from Hillbrook Apiaries's post
Full restock to Denstone Hall Farm Shop and Café today, with Spring Honey from our Alton Apiary. Checking through the hives and lots of honey coming in and the bees taking full advantage of the gorgeous sunshine of the past few days. Long may it continue. #Honey #HoneyBees #LocalRawSimple #SummerSun #Pollination #Wildflowers #Leek #Alton #StaffordshireMoorlands #ShopLocal #SmallBusiness
Full restock today to Breckles Wholefoods, Live Love Loaf and Pronto Deli in Leek and Longnor General Store in Longnor. #Honey #HoneyBees #LocalRawSimple #SmallBusiness #ShopLocal #Leek #Alton #StaffordshireMoorlands
It was nice to see this queen bee busy laying this afternoon in our Rushton apiary. The rubbish weather has meant the bees have not been out to forage as much as they should, so they have eaten most of the spring honey we would have harvested. So whilst we may not have much, if any spring honey to sell this year, at least the bees are well supplied on their own stores to see them through this rainy period. Cross fingers for a sunny summer with good foraging! #QueenBees #Honey #PleaseStopRaining #HoneyBees #LocalRawSimple #SmallBusiness
Great little up close video of a swarm I collected today in the beautiful orchards of The Random Apple Company! If you see a honeybee swarm, don't be alarmed, just call your local beekeeper to come and get it. Full re-stock to The Random Apple Company in Bollington, Bare Health in Congleton and Denstone Hall Farm Shop in Alton! #HoneyBees #Honey #LocalRawSimple #Swarms #SpringTime #Hayfever #SmallBusiness #ShopLocal #Leek #Staffordshire #Cheshire
Photos from Hillbrook Apiaries's post
Full re-stock to Breckles Wholefoods in Leek, Bare Health in Congleton, Jacksons Nurseries Tea Room and Farm Shop in Bagnall and Feed General Store in Heaton Chapel. It's great seeing dandelions everywhere, it's such an important food for bees!! Keep letting them grow and feed all pollinators #BeeFood #Pollinators #Dandelions #PesticideFree #Honey #HoneyBees #LocalRawSimple #Leek #StaffordshireMoorlands #Cheshire #SmallBusiness #ShopLocal
Full re-stock this week of our delicious honey from our Deer Park Farm apiary in Holmes Chapel, to Demeter Health Foods & Nutrition in Sandbach, Bare Health in Congleton and The Cheshire Gap in Macclesfield. Now that the dandelions are growing again, please remember they are a vital food for bees after winter! #SaveTheBees #BeeFood #HoneyBees #Honey #LocalRawSimple #Hayfever #Pollen #Spring #Leek #ShopLocal #Macclesfield #Sandbach #Congleton #SmallBusiness #StaffordshireMoorlands #Cheshire
Full re-stock today to Breckles Wholefoods in Leek, Jacksons Nurseries and Tea Rooms in Bagnall and Longnor General Store in Longnor. 🐝🐝🐝 #Honey #HoneyBees #LocalRawSimple #SmallBusiness #ShopLocal #WhatHappenedToSpring #Leek #StaffordshireMoorlands
Great little video of the bees last week. Very busy bringing in lots of pollen. Noisy too, listen with the sound on! Very interesting reading about the natural anti-microbial properties of honey in the news today. www.itv.com/news/central/2019-04-03/honey-developed-by-university-of-birmingham-to-fight-antibiotic-resistance/ We've always known how amazing honey and honeybees! #Honey #HoneyBees #Spring #PollenPockets #Pollination #LocalRawSimple #SmallBusiness #AllNatural
Photos from Hillbrook Apiaries's post
Full restocks for Breckles Wholefoods and the Roaches Tea Rooms and Café in Leek, Bare Health in Congleton and Feed General Store in Stockport. Mike did a quick check on several apiaries at the weekend and the bees are in great health. They were flying in the sunshine, the queens are laying and the workers are bringing in pollen. All the hives have survived the winter so far! #Honey #HoneyBees #QueenBees #SpringIsComing #LocalRawSimple #SmallBusiness