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*DOMINION MANDATE DEVOTIONAL* MONDAY, APRIL 9, 2018 Bible in one year: Exo 5-8 *WE HAVE BEEN WASHED AND CLEANSED* Read: 1 John 1:7 *…but if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus Christ His son cleanses us from all sin” (1John1:7)* Sin cannot be washed away by detergent or water. The only thing that washes and cleans from sin is the blood of Jesus. Under the old covenant, the blood of goats and calves could only atone for our sins (cover them). However, in the new covenant the blood of Jesus provides remission (total wiping away of sin) and cleansing. Sin defiles the man and his garment. Therefore even after forgiveness of sin, the man needs to be cleansed and washed. The old hymn says “Lay aside the garments that are stained with sin and be washed in the blood of the lamb, there’s a fountain flowing for the soul unclean, o be washed in the blood of lamb.” There is no sin greater, thicker or more stubborn than the blood of Jesus. The only condition is repentance. The blood wipes away every stain of sin. One key to making the rapture is the ministry of the blood, the Bible speaks of those who were raptured as those who had washed their garments in the blood of the lamb. Without the blood, a single sin can damn our lives and destiny like it happened to a Adam. The blood washes and cleanses. The blood of Jesus cries out, “YOU ARE WASHED.” *ACTION:* *Thank God for the blood of Jesus by which all things are cleansed and sanctified. Ask Him to cleanse you with His blood.*
*DOMINION MANDATE DEVOTIONAL* SUNDAY, APRIL 8, 2018 Bible in one year: 1 Cor. 13 -14 *THE BLOOD SAYS YOU ARE JUSTIFIED* Read: Hebrews 12:22-24 Did you know that the blood of Jesus Christ speaks to us? The Bible while speaking about the New Covenant says, *“But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels, to the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven, to God the Judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect, to Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than that of Abel. Hebrews 12:22-24(NKJV)* The blood speaks! But what does the blood say? It says better things than that of Abel. When Cain killed Abel, God asked him, "Where is your brother, Abel?" Cain answered, "How do I know? Am I my brother's keeper?" God said, The voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the the ground (Genesis 4:10). The blood of Abel cried out to God for vengeance, but the blood of Jesus Christ speaks better things than the blood of Abel. Thank God, where the blood of Abel cried out for vengeance, the blood of Jesus Christ cries out for mercy. Mercy! The blood of Jesus cries out to God on our behalf. There are a number of things the blood of Jesus Christ says to us. One of the declarations of the Blood of Jesus is that, “YOU ARE JUSTIFIED”. Romans 5:9 says, Being now justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him. Justified is a legal term which means "acquitted, declared innocent, not guilty." When you go into a court of law, the judge hears all the evidence of the case being tried. The judge then ponders on the evidence presented and then gives a verdict. The verdict of the judge can either be “guilty” or “not guilty”. That is exactly what happened at the Cross of Calvary. There was a great court session held for whole the human race. We had a favorable position because God, the Judge, was our Father, and the Lawyer was our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. The judge gave the verdict for all who would ever accept Jesus into their hearts- “YOU ARE JUSTIFIED! YOU ARE NOT GUILTY!!” We have been acquitted. Not because we were not guilty, but because somebody paid our penalty. By the Law of Substitution, Jesus died in our place and today, we live in His place. Romans 6:23 says, “The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord”. *CONFESSION:* *The Blood of Jesus that speaks better things declares that “I AM JUSTIFIED!” God’s verdict on my case is that, I am vindicated; I am not guilty; and I am acquitted. Never again shall sin weigh me down. I am no longer a slave to sin and depravity, I AM FREE!*
*DOMINION MANDATE DEVOTIONAL* SATURDAY, APRIL 7TH, 2018 Bible in one year: Mark 7-8 COMMUNION AND SPIRITUAL UNDERSTANDING Read: Luke 24:31 And their eyes were opened, and they knew him... (Luke 24:31) When God made man in His image and likeness endowing him with divine capabilities to enable him function like God. One of these capabilities is called the sound mind. However the fail of Adam affected the mind of the natural man, darkening his understanding and robbing him of precious revelations. Remember that the first law of dominion is light. Once a man is surrounded with darkness or ignorance he can never be in dominion. In fact he is vulnerable and can easily be a prey for the devil. "My people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge" Hosea 4:6 As important as knowledge or revelation is, it is not found easily. It doesn't come cheaply. It comes with a great price which includes study. However study alone does not illuminate the human heart. You need what is called the spirit of wisdom and revelation. This can be accessed through the communion table. It is one of the benefits of the blood. The same blood that cleanses is from sins also cleanses our minds, purges our spirits and makes us more receptive to divine wisdom. Jesus had stayed with the disciples showing them scriptures but when He introduced communion, their eyes became open and they had understanding. And it came to pass, as he sat at meat with them, he took bread, and blessed it, and brake, and gave to them. And their eyes were opened, and they knew him; and he vanished out of their sight. And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures? (Luke 24:30-33) Sin has a blinding effect on the mind. The only thing that can cause that thing to be broken and spiritual understanding is ushered in is the blood of Jesus which the communion table signifies. PRAYER: Pray for the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Christ. Ask Him to grant and increase you in spiritual understanding every time you come before His table.
*DOMINION MANDATE DEVOTIONAL* FRIDAY, APRIL 6TH, 2018 Bible in one year: Jer. 7-11 COMMUNION TABLE Read: 1 Peter 2:24 "But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup. For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to him, not discerning the Lord's body. 1 Cor. 11:28-29 The communion table is so sacred that no man approaches the table a violator of the Covenant, it can bring instant Judgment on such a person. Communion which is a Key attribute of the covenant, symbolizes the exchange between God and man, where God shared his blood as God and man. All parties are required to keep their own side of the bargain. It is so powerful that nothing brought to it remains standing. God himself steps on the scene to fulfill his own side of the covenant. All he has, his power, Glory, life and heath became that of man. God therefore enforce the exchange as the memorial of the covenant is brought before him through the communion table. Are you in covenant with God, do you come to the table a violator of the covenant? Do you understand your obligation to God by these covenant? Are you faithful to this covenant? Do you know the power that can be activated at the communion table? PRAYER: Ask God to grant you a revelation of the communion. Ask Him to open your eyes to the truth it represents.
*DOMINION MANDATE DEVOTIONAL* THURSDAY, APRIL 5TH, 2018 Bible in one year: Job 27-28 HEALING AND HEALTH Read: 1 Peter 2:24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed. (1 Peter 2:24) The covenant brought man to a place of dominion where he became the incarnate God-man. With this nature vested upon me, the power of satanic hold was broken. Man was redeemed from the bond age of sin. Man was redeemed from the law condemning man to death as thus; "the wages of sin is death". The death of Jesus meant the life of man. At the communion table when understanding of Christmas exchange is understood, man can exercise his authority in Christ and break free from every bondage. The communion table therefore is a place where the blood of sacrifice is used for exchange. When a child of God has good understanding of the covenant, acknowledging the fact that the he now has the image and nature of God, hence Hod cannot be sick, it is impossible for us to be sick. This implies therefore that no sickness whatsoever it is, has the right to reign in our body. If by the Covenant the life of Jesus was exchanged so we can have his life, we therefore do not need to plead for healing, it is our right by the covenant. This means therefore that whenever there is any trace of ailment in a believers body, it is the devil trying to take that Christian back to the point of captivity. If that Christian is in covenant with God by accepting Jesus as his lord and personal savior, all he need do is reinstate the content of the covenant, which gives us divine health. Anyone that understands the terms of the covenant God cut with man, will realize that when there is a threat on the health of the believer, it is a violation of the covenant. The one who cut the covenant however has the power to enforce it. The communion table is a place where God is reminded of his covenant with man and he is stirred up to enforce whatever terms violated by Satan. My people perish for lack of knowledge. If you understand what right you have to divine health, Satan cannot afflict you. Christ himself will resist him by the blood of sacrifice. His stripes and blood was shed abroad for all who believe so we may not be afflicted by Satan. The amazing part is we also have the authority of Jesus by the covenant, so we do not need to wait for God to exact it on our behalf. All we need do is to open our mouth and declare what we want to see in the name of Jesus, and God on the other hand has the right to enforce our decree. It is his obligation by the covenant. PRAYER: Lord Jesus, please grant me understanding of the covenant so I can begin to enjoy the benefit of the covenant which is divine health. It is impossible for God to be sick, I therefore cannot be sick. I therefore activate the covenant of the blood of Jesus as I share in his body and his blood in communion. I speak to every sickness, leave this body now in the name of JESUS.
*DOMINION MANDATE DEVOTIONAL* WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 2018 Bible in one year: Ps 39-41 THE CUP OF COVENANT Read: Matthew 18:15-20 After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, this cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as often as ye drink it, in remembrance of me. For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord's death till he come. 1 Corinthian 11:25-26 Jesus the lamb who is God and was also man was laid to the slaughter. His blood was shed on behalf of man and God. The blood sacrificed had two components: God and Man. As statutory for a blood covenant which contains their blood. In this case, Jesus blood represented the blood of man and also God which fulfilled the ordinance of a covenant. At the communion table Jesus presented the CUP of his blood which has two component (God and Man) to be exchanged between God (Jesus) and man (Apostle) as seen in 1 Corinthians 11 The covenant was sealed with both parties drinking the blood which was shared for all who believe to drink. The blood of God and man (JESUS) was poured in a cup and given to God and man to drink. The resurrected Christ now drank as God and the Apostle man. Any believer who partakes of the communion table does not only connect to the covenant God cut with man. he also re-enforces the oath. That is why the communion table is the final stop of every controversy. When an issue of life is presented at the table, it doesn't only remind God of his obligation to man, it pushes him to act in accordance with the covenant, where all he has become ours and all man had become his. PRAYER: Lord Jesus, thank you for the sacrifice of your son Jesus and the covenant you enacted with man. I connect to this covenant by accepting the sacrifice on the cross of Calvary. I receive your life and give mine in exchange by this covenant.
*DOMINION MANDATE DEVOTIONAL* TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 2018 Bible in one year: I Sam 15-20 *COVENANT HEDGE* Read: Matthew 18:15-20 *Moreover, if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault, between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. If he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word shall be established. And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it to the church: but if he neglects to hear the church, let him be unto thee as a heathen man and a Publican.* The bible says “For where there is strife, there is all manner of evil work” James 3:16 Now that we belong to God's family, now that we have been integrated into the community of saints. We must therefore realize that the most crucial thing about our faith is Love. It is the foundation of our faith. God is love. When we walk in love, we reflect whose we are. We tell the world that we are children and sons of God. Psalm 133 says “Behold how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity”. There is a code of conduct expected of members of The Body of Christ. There is a covenant between brethren that runs deeper than blood. When we breach this code, we break the hedge. It is not just a physical thing that happens here, it is spiritual. When Jesus taught on how to go about resolving conflicts between brethren, He said that when you take it to The Church and the person refuses to heed, treat them as an unbeliever. The verses that follow are very crucial...It says 'for whatever we bind on earth is bound in heaven and whatever we lose on earth is loosed in heaven. When we come together as brethren, heaven binds us together and when there is strife and unforgiveness, we go against the very core aspect of our faith and we are in rebellion and there is a breaking away in the spiritual too. The divorce rates between couples; even in the Church is soaring. This is because we have not first mastered the art of treating one another, first as brethren. We are first Christians before we are spouses. If we live with the consciousness of this code of conduct between believers, which even says- ignore your rights, that is, instead of taking your brother to court, choose to be defrauded then peace will continually dwell amongst us. The bible says, if he takes your shirt, give him your cloak also. God has said as much as lies in you, live peaceably with all men. If we can live this way with other brethren, why would any marriage fail? *PRAYER:* *Dear Father, please give me the courage to follow after peace in every aspect of my life. Let my life truly reflect you in all that I do.* *ACTION POINT OR CONFESSION:* *The Love of God has been shed abroad in my heart by The Holy Ghost and now I can love like Christ everyday.*
DOMINION MANDATE DEVOTIONAL* SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 2018 Bible in one year: Mark 5-6 *I WILL BE LOYAL TO YOU.* Read: 2 Samuel 23:15-17 *And David longed, and said, Oh that one would give me drink of the water of the well of Bethlehem, which is by the gate! And the three mighty men brake through the host of the Philistines, and drew water out of the well of Bethlehem, that was by the gate, and took it, and brought it to David: nevertheless he would not drink thereof, but poured it out unto the Lord. And he said, Be it far from me, O Lord, that I should do this: is not this the blood of the men that went in jeopardy of their lives? therefore he would not drink it…2 Samuel 23:15-17* LOYALTY is a combination of love and faithfulness; it is such an attractive characteristic found in a person. In covenant relationship, loyalty is remaining committed to those whom God has brought into our lives and has called us to serve, even in times of difficulty. It is developing allegiance and respect in one another, and not seeking to manipulate the other person. It means I am down with you whether you are wrong or right. But I will tell you when you are wrong and help you get it right. Loyalty will usually put demands on you. When we don’t become comfortable with this truth disloyalty becomes inevitable. You will be called upon to do the unthinkable sometimes, you must be careful not to be misguided by what may seem as demeaning tasks and responsibilities. You must maintain your steadiness and positive attitude in every case. The opening scripture showed how men, out of loyalty to their leader risked their lives to quench his thirst. Loyalty is like faith; it means assurance of another. In ancient times, the two words had the same meaning, and referred to one's loyalty to a person, or trustworthiness to a promise they had made. The person receiving the promise was acting on faith and trusting in that person, and that is what loyalty is mainly about. We are to realize this with people, even when it is underserved and unearned. It is also the knowledge that people with whom we place our loyalty will disappoint us. We need to realize that in order to keep covenant relationships functional, we have to be dedicated, trustworthy, dependable, and committed. That means we do not gossip, we do not put down, we do not undermine, we do not play games. Treat everyone with whom we come in contact, with good character- and that means with loyalty. *Beyond all, being loyal exhibits our commitment to Christ by our commitment to one another (Proverbs 17:17; Titus 3:1-2).*
*DOMINION MANDATE DEVOTIONAL* THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 2018 Bible in one year: Job 25-26 *A FRIEND THAT STICKS CLOSER THAN A BROTHER* Read: Prov. 18:24 *A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. (Prov. 18:24)* The bible in the book of 1 Samuel chapter 18 to chapter 20, tells the story of the love between David and Jonathan that was so strong, that they cut a covenant. Even when Jonathan knew that David had been anointed to be king after his father, knowing still, that as long as David was alive there was no way he was going to reign in his father's stead as king, yet as a result of the covenant between them, he found a way to orchestrate David's escape from the hand of Saul when he wanted to kill him. That is the power of covenant. The covenant creates a friendship and a bond of blood that is even stronger than a bond of milk. People who are brothers bound by blood of covenant, are closer than brothers bound by the milk of their mother that they shared. In the movie "Lord of the Rings", Samwise Gamgee illustrates this when on the slopes of Mt. Doom, as weak and tired as he was, with Frodo lying insensate and unable to go on, he said to him, " Mr. Frodo, I might not be able to carry your burden, but I can carry you." And he carried him on his back to the top of the mountain where Frodo was finally able to destroy the ring of evil. That is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. *PRAYER:* *Lord Jesus, help me understand covenant enough that like Jonathan and David, I can be a friend who sticks closer than a brother, to my covenant brethren. Amen.* Plan to attend *CAMP MEETING 2018* from *Thurs March 29th to Mon 2nd April*. Join us @ 243 Selbourne Road, Leagrave, LU4 8NP. Same time, same date. As we all gather from all over United Kingdom. Don't miss out.
*DOMINION MANDATE DEVOTIONAL* WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28TH 2018. *I WILL SHARE MY RESOURCES WITH YOU* Read: 1John 3:17 BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: PS 36-38 But who so hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him? ( 1John 3:17) One other provision of the covenant is mutual ownership of everything. In a covenant, all the resources that one person owns also belong to his covenant partner and versa. This was why God could demand Isaac from Abraham and Abraham had no choice but to offer him up. Isaac no longer belonged to just him, if God demanded Isaac, then God could have him. And Abraham in bringing up Isaac to be offered told God "nothing I have is too good for you, you can have it all." This was what made it possible for God to be able to offer up His own son to sacrificed at Calvary, in fulfillment of his covenant with Abraham. Meaning if Abraham could give his son, then God would also give His own son. Covenant creates commonwealth amongst the parties involved. When people are in covenant, they do not withhold resources from their covenant partner. This is why the bible refers to us as joint heirs with Christ. All that He has we can enjoy by covenant and in the same we should be able to share our resources freely with our covenant brothers. *PRAYER* Lord Jesus, please help me to understand the great love and power in the covenant that made you give all, even your life, that I may be able to give my all as well. Amen.
Stop complaining about it... . . S P E A K L I F E. . . #iDeclare#idecreeanddeclare#propheticdeclarations#DCUK#PGD
![Stop complaining about it...
S P E A K L I F E.
Are You Ready?? . . The First Edition Of ECONOMIC SUMMIT 2018 is here! . . Come and hear testimonial of people who have achieved success from the workshop trainings last year. . . Also, come and get information on how to better position yourself for a sustainable career growth and business success!. . . Register now to book your seats!!! Link in bio
![Are You Ready??
The First Edition Of ECONOMIC SUMMIT 2018 is here!
Come and hear testimonial of people who have achieved success from the workshop trainings last year.
Also, come and get information on how to better position yourself for a sustainable career growth and business success!.
Register now to book your seats!!! Link in bio](
Happening N O W!!! • We are live on our YouTube channel- Dominion City Uk 🇬🇧.
![Happening N O W!!!
We are live on our YouTube channel- Dominion City Uk 🇬🇧.](
God made us in his image and likeness; so if he spoke creation into reality, we can do likewise! . . This week, create your reality with your words!! . . Leave nothing to chance!!! . . #ideclare#propheticdeclarations#speaklife#dcuk#PGD
![God made us in his image and likeness; so if he spoke creation into reality, we can do likewise!
This week, create your reality with your words!!
Leave nothing to chance!!!
Your words are spirit and they are life! . . Speak life into your week today! #propheticdeclarations#ideclare#allrounddominion#ispeaklife#dcuk#dcukhq#PGD
![Your words are spirit and they are life!
Speak life into your week today!
Y O U T H S, A R E •Y O U • R E A D Y!!!!! . . Dominion City Uk 🇬🇧 presents . . NATIONAL YOUTH SUMMIT 2018 . . Coming to you REAL SOON! . . Watch this page!! . #nationalyouthsummit#nationalyouthsummit2018#nationalyouthsummitUk#NYS#NYSUK#NYSUK2018
![Y O U T H S, A R E •Y O U • R E A D Y!!!!!
Dominion City Uk 🇬🇧 presents .
Coming to you REAL SOON!
Watch this page!!
Charge up your week with this Prophetic Declaration. • Counter every negative thought or statement with what God has said about you. • Declare boldly and clearly because God has made you a King and a Priest and in the word of a King there is POWER!!! • Hallelujah!! #PGD • #propheticdeclarations#shapeyour2018#speaklife#declarewithNodoubt#thewordoftheKing
![Charge up your week with this Prophetic Declaration.
Counter every negative thought or statement with what God has said about you.
Declare boldly and clearly because God has made you a King and a Priest and in the word of a King there is POWER!!!
PRAY • PLAN • PREPARE. . . FOR OUR FIRST RETREAT in 2018!. . . •PROPHETIC ENCOUNTER • . . This retreat has been orchestrated by God to power you through 2018. . . It takes ONE ENCOUNTER! . . Join us tonight at 7pm. . . Tomorrow is our Water Baptism; a time to identify with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ for us and activate the power to live as sons of God in these times. . . Clear your schedules, BE THERE!
This retreat has been orchestrated by God to power you through 2018.
Join us tonight at 7pm.
Tomorrow is our Water Baptism; a time to identify with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ for us and activate the power to live as sons of God in these times.
Clear your schedules, BE THERE!](
2018 - Pure Gold... • • #dcuk#propheticdeclarations#put2018undercontrol
![2018 - Pure Gold...
Join US today at 13-17 Hartley Road, LU2 0HX for crystal clear direction to make 2018 a SUCCESS. YOU HAVE AN APPOINTMENT WITH GOD HERE @ 9:30PM FOR OUR CROSSOVER SERVICE INTO 2018! SEE YOU THERE!
![Join US today at 13-17 Hartley Road, LU2 0HX for crystal clear direction to make 2018 a SUCCESS.
Merry Christmas to all of you Joyeux Noël à chacun et chacune.
![Merry Christmas to all of you
Joyeux Noël à chacun et chacune.](
THIS TUESDAY • • Our one and only PCJ will ministering live in DCUK!!!! • • There is nothing worth missing tonight’s service for. • • We will be live on all our social media platforms and on our YouTube channel- Dominion City Uk 🇬🇧 • • 7pm prompt • • Dominion city complex • 13-17 Hartley Road luton. LU2 0HX.
Our one and only PCJ will ministering live in DCUK!!!! •
There is nothing worth missing tonight’s service for.
We will be live on all our social media platforms and on our YouTube channel- Dominion City Uk 🇬🇧 •
7pm prompt
Dominion city complex •
13-17 Hartley Road luton. LU2 0HX.](
#thankgiving was liiiit! we totally rocked thanksgiving in style ♥♥
![#thankgiving was liiiit! we totally rocked thanksgiving in style ♥♥](
TODAY WE THANK GOD LIKE NEVER BEFORE. . . Indeed He has done us well. . . THIS GOD IS TOO GOOD!!!. . . Join us on now our YouTube channel Dominion City Uk 🇬🇧.
Indeed He has done us well.
Join us on now our YouTube channel Dominion City Uk 🇬🇧.](