St. Mary's Primary School Largs
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facebook.comFairtrade Friday!!! Thanks to all our lucky customers today that managed to buy our delicious snacks before they sold out. We really appreciate your support and Primary 6 will ensure it is restocked and ready to open for business on the first Friday after the Easter holidays.
St Mary's children and staff wore odd and colourful socks today in recognition of World Down Syndrome Day. Great to see the whole school take part in such a fabulous celebration of a true and genuine appreciation of human rights and responsibilities.
Sally received the Sacrament of Confirmation in February in St Peter in Chains, Ardrossan from Bishop Nolan.
Arran outdoor centre awarded some children with the best dorm and 1st place in orienteering.
In Science, Primary 7 have researched and noted facts about plants, and presented their knowledge with the rest of the class.
Thanks to all the parents and carers that came to see our lovely new school today. We hope you agree that it is a super place to learn.
Catering Services are serving a themed menu 'Around the World' on Thursday 22 March.
National Finals for junior band took place in Perth at the weekend. North Ayrshire Junior Band were awarded Silver Plus. Well done to the whole band and to Cameron who plays trumpet.
Primaries 1-3 very much enjoyed a talk delivered by Mr Mitchell from SCIAF. They enjoyed learning all about the work SCIAF do in countries such as Cambodia, and how their Lenten Fundraisers will contribute to this.
Hard at work and loving the Promethean board in our new classroom, Primary 2 have been learning about money this week. So far, we can recognise coins up to £2 and can calculate totals and change within 20p.
Primary 7 were bringing Spring colours to a drab day.