Kingussie Allotments Association
Kingussie Allotments Association - To foster the development of allotments and growing spaces in the community of Kingussie.
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facebook.comHi, folks, has anyone seen or borrowed Derek's wheelbarrow? he says its missing. Larger size black in colour. Thanks, Simon.
The Sunday work party is postponed as the forecast is poor and the apparent lack of allotment holder interest. Only 4 people showed for the monthly meeting. I am left wondering why Billy, Jan and myself bother giving our time to make the effort to make things happen like keeping the site tidy!
Hi everyone, we will have a plot coming free soon. If you are in contact with anyone who may be interested please let me know. I know that Simon and Lorna had received enquiries and if these people are still interested then please have them contact me - Ray
Hi Folks, just to say that John Macpherson has kindly delivered some cow dung at the top end of the allotments, help yourself if you need it.
Hi Allotmenteers, This is a message for the committee I guess. I have someone in Kingussie that is interested in taking a plot, are there plots available and is there a queue? Thanks Simon.
I wish to remind everyone of the badenoch gardening Club visit this afternoon at 5'30. Please come along and support the visit
Hi everyone. The Badenoch gardening club have asked to visit the allotments on Wednesday 14 Sept at 5.30Pm. I will meet them but it would be a big help if some other members were also there to meet them... Ray
Hi Folks this Thursday is the last of the month so monthly meeting time again.. So Thursday 28 July at 7PM normal venue... Ray
After a busy weekend a small team of volunteers achieved a great deal of clearing, levelling and building. The rough area behind the communal hut has been cleared and levelled. We also constructed a new soakaway to help reduce our exposure to flooding. In addition,we built a large bay for weeds. The weed bay is on the left of the communal hut so please put your weeds into it and please do not dump them on the newly cleared area. The bay will have a sign on it in the next few days. Lastly, we are also part way through building another two bays one for manure and one for compostable materials. These bays are behind the communal hut and they should be finished later this week-- please don't use them at the moment. My sincere thanks to everyone who came and helped with the work your assistance was greatly appreciated! Ray
Can I please remind everyone that today Sunday 5 June we are trying to clear and level part of the area behind the communal Hut. We will also be constructing bays for manure, compost and weeds. It would be a great help if you could spare some time to either help with groundworks or construction of the bays. Please bring a rake and a shovel for ground working, or, if your skills lie in construction bring your own hammer (and a drill if you have one)-- nails and wood will be provided completely free! . Ray
Thanks to everyone who attended rabbit patrol. There was a number of holes in the fence which have been repaired. We have a couple of volunteers who are doing early morning/ late evening patrol. I have also arranged culling support from the Wildlife park.. Please can everyone be vigilant closing the gate,chaining and bolting them tightly at all times Our next meeting is this Thursday(30 June) at 6.30 please attend if you are able Ray