His Church London
We love, we laugh, we pray, we give, we care, we do friendship, we do life...
Our Church is all about Jesus and everyone is welcome.
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Can't wait to celebrate & honour the DADS in our lives! They deserve every bit of everything awesome. We are grateful for their strong hugs & gentle kisses, their encouraging words and careful discipline. Thank you for embracing and releasing, for every sacrifice and prayer prayed. For every wrestle match and dance. For double bounces on the trampoline and piggy back rides. For 5am wake ups and night time stories. And for everything inbetween ... For being a hero and living legend. We love you DADs!!
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@Charlene Calder shared God's Word in such a powerful, heartfelt, and challenging message to us @hischurchlondon yesterday. "There is an army in heaven that has your back" "We might fail but God never does" "God wants you to live in a wide open space" "Never lose sight of God's promises to you" #lovemychurch #hiswordistrue #heisfaithful
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Because He Lives... Easter Sunday 10am We would to see you His Church London Fern Hill Primary KT2 5PE
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He gave it ALL for you We would love you to join us Easter Sunday 27th March 10am Fern Hill Primary KT2 5PE Can't wait to see you #easter2016 #hischurchlondon
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It's not too late, you can still join us!!! 10am Can't wait to see you -------------------------------------- Sunday March 20th Fern Hill Primary School KT2 5PE
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He gave it ALL for you!! Join us as we celebrate Easter 2016 Sunday's 10am Fern Hill Primary KT2 5PE Can't wait to see you
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Happy Mother's Day! To all the mothers out there may you feel honoured and loved and blessed today and always!
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PARENTING GRACEFULLY Parenting is one of the most beautiful & rewarding challenged ever. Come and be encouraged, equipped & reminded of the beauty of this responsibility. This is for everyone...Can't wait to see you Sunday March 20th 10 am Fern Hill Primary KT2 5PE
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We are so excited to have @Simonhemsley with us on Sunday 6th March & Sunday 13th Match. It's going to be awesome! Can't wait to see you Sunday 10am Fern Hill Primary KT2 5 PE
His Church London
His Church London's cover photo