Oak Tree Dental Centre Kilsyth
Oak Tree Dental Centre Kilsyth
offering both NHS and Private 'care not just FOR today but FROM today'
Home of the Emax smile makeover
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facebook.comWe are excited to announce that we are now offering patients Zoom laser tooth whitening. This treatment is carried out in surgery by a qualified registered dental professional. Introductory price of £375 t.01236 826999 to book in for your treatment.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️EMax non prep veneers upper and lower case created by Rico #cosmetics #smiles #veneers #1 #kilsyth #dentist 😁 t.01236 826999👇🏼
We are looking to recruit a dental receptionist to cover maternity leave. Please apply with full CV and cover letter FAO Leanne to oaktreedental@hotmail.co.uk including 3 characteristics that would make you an asset to our team.
Makeover mondays! Non prep emax veneers by Rico #emax #crowns #veneers #smilesbyrico #makeovermondays #smileclinic #kilsyth
‼️Patient selfie‼️ our lovely patient had lip enhancement treatment carried out at Thursdays aesthetic clinic. Amazing results by Rico 💋💉
**Flash Offer** Due to huge demand we are extending this offer throughout all remaining appointments with Rico in November.💉Saving £130! Limited appointments available. Call 01236 826999 to book quoting facebook.💋
What an amazing night we had at the Scottish dentistry awards last night ! We are all truly blessed to work alongside a great team of individuals! #dentistry #awards #thebestteam #makingsmileshappen 😁💫💗 oaktreedentalkilsyth xxx
Massive thankyou to everyone for liking our page 💗 #2500likes 🙌🏽
Positive Patient feedback makes what we do all worth while 👌🏼 Thankyou to all of you who have taken time to review our practice ✨ your kids words are much appreciated ☺️ lots of love team oak tree dental centre K.I.L.S.Y.T.H😘
⭐️ 💗 Team oak tree dental centre 💗 ⭐️
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️The oak tree dental centre team are super excited to be invited to attend the dentistry Scotland awards and to have been shortlisted as finalists ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️