Lodge Sir Michael 989
Lodge Sir Michael No.989 are based in Kilmacolm, Scotland, UK.
We meet on the second Wednesday of the Month, Sept - Apr
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facebook.comIt's amazing who you meet. Whilst on our summer holidays island hopping from Stornoway Lewis, to Harris, North and South Uist, we decided we would walk from South Uist to the Am Politician pub in Eriskay. Beautiful day in a stunning part of the world. We decided that we would drop in and grab a wee refreshment and something to eat. Being famously NOT observant, it was a miracle I actually spotted our own PM Brother Jim Paton and his wife Diane, sitting having a wee bite to eat. What a lovely surprise and great to catch up. It actually transpired we had been staying at the same site in Balranald North Uist. Jim of course was,(as is always the case), wishing 989 all the very best and was interested in everything that was happening with the Lodge. The ladies, sensing that we would probably make a 989 blether day of things, correctly decided to break up the party! Jim passes on his usual best wishes to the RWM, Wardens and brethren of 989 and promises when circumstances allow he will be back amongst us when he can. He also very kindly congratulated me on my recent commission. A Lovely day. Those 989 folks pop up everywhere! :-) Paul Docherty PM SPGM
The funeral service for the late Brother William Mearns Hill Macfarlane PM217 and Past Provincial Grand Master, will take place at St. Andrew's Church, Church Street, Port Glasgow at 12.30 PM on Friday, 19th July, 2019 and thereafter for committal to Greenock Crematorium at 2.00 PM.
David Bains Prudential Ride London
Brethren From our own Brother David Bain. The amount of time, effort blood, sweat and tears that David commits to raising money towards. Cancer research is absolutely phenomenal. Please share everywhere Together we WILL beat cancer "Dear Bro Secretary, as you may know on Sunday 4th August 2019 I will be taking part in the Prudential Ride London event. This event involves cycling 100 miles through London and the surrounding areas (including approx. 5,500 feet of hills). I am doing so in support of Cancer Research UK, and as such have set up a fundraising page here: https://fundraise.cancerresearchuk.org/page/davids-giving-page-590 I have been training hard for this event, covering over 3,300 miles already since January, and training continues. I was wondering if it would be possible to post a link to this page on our Lodge Facebook page to bring this to the attention of anyone who may wish to donate to this cause. Any donation, no matter how small will be gratefully received, and passed directly to Cancer Research to allow them to continue with their research into this despicable disease. Together we Will beat cancer. Thank you, David 🚲💯"
Brethren It is with great sadness that I inform you of the passing to The Grand Lodge Above of Past PG Master, Bro William M H Macfarlane, who was PG Master from 1988 to 1993. Bro Macfarlane was taken into hospital a few days ago and passed earlier this morning, the 10th of July. We will inform you of funeral arrangements in due course. Yours Sincerely and Fraternally, Bro Alan D Beck Provincial Grand Secretary Provincial Grand Lodge of Renfrewshire West
❌❌😆😂 A man had been convicted of murder and was about to be hanged. Just before the sentence was executed, the hangman asked the condemned man if he had any last words. "Yes", came the reply, "I hate Masons!" "Why do you hate Masons?" asked the hangman. "The man I killed was a Mason", exclaimed the murderer, "the Sheriff who hunted me down was a Mason, the Prosecutor who tried my case was a Mason, the Judge who presided at the trial was a Mason, and all the men on the jury who found me guilty and said I should be hanged were Masons!" "Is that all?", asked the hangman. "Yes", replied the convicted murderer. "Then you will advance one step with your left foot."
❌❌😆😂 A man had been convicted of murder and was about to be hanged. Just before the sentence was executed, the hangman asked the condemned man if he had any last words. "Yes", came the reply, "I hate Masons!" "Why do you hate Masons?" asked the hangman. "The man I killed was a Mason", exclaimed the murderer, "the Sheriff who hunted me down was a Mason, the Prosecutor who tried my case was a Mason, the Judge who presided at the trial was a Mason, and all the men on the jury who found me guilty and said I should be hanged were Masons!" "Is that all?", asked the hangman. "Yes", replied the convicted murderer. "Then you will advance one step with your left foot."
Lodge Sir Michael 989
Reminder of special meeting this evening. Please try and come along and support what promises to be a terrific evening.. PGLRW will also be in attendance. "On Thursday 6th June Lodge Greenock Kilwinning No XII has its Special Summer Meeting at the Greenock Town Hall starting at 7:30pm. As in previous Summer meetings, the main business of the evening is an Entering conferred by our Past Masters. Bro Robert Rolf Grundmann from the German Constitution will also receive Affiliate Membership to No XII All Brethren most welcome to attend."
Brethren, Please find attached post from Bro Malcolm Sinclair of PGL re MHH BBQ . From a Lodge Sir Michael point of view, our own RWM along with (hopefully) RWM Bro Eric Sweeney who will present the cheque for monies raised at Homes degree. We are the closest Lodge in the Province to MHH and we should try our very best to support the BBQ as best we can. Be great to see as many Lodge SIr Michael brethren as possible. "Just a wee reminder to all, if you are free this Saturday the Marcus Humphrey Homes annual fete is on from 1pm till 4pm all welcome, your support would be most appreciated. Various stalls, raffles, widow sons cooking hotdogs/ hamburgers,music etc. PGMM Bro Marcus Humphrey will formally open the fete, hopefully see you there!"
I’m guessing words been getting around, us Masons are dreadful at keeping secrets. I took a Cardiac Arrest on Sunday morning prior to Katowice 1/2 Marathon in Poland. Fortunately a doctor was on the scene very quickly and provided CPR, I’m guessing he was a big lad, it feels like he’s been dancing on my chest. I’m up in an observation ward now and other than a sore chest/rib area I feel fine. All going well I might get out after a few days then flown home a few days later. Thanks to everyone for their best wishes thus far. Hopefully see you all soon. James WSW
A big thank you to the Brethren who helped over the last 2 weekends at our Annual Plant Sale, without your help and support it wouldn’t have been possible. Thanks also to all those who came along and bought plants, baskets and planters and supported 989, I hope our expert planters worked their magic and you have a real show of colour in your gardens over the Summer. See you all again next year.
On Thursday 30th, Port Glasgow RAC hold their final meeting of this part of the session with a Royal Arch Degree. Looking a little further ahead to next week, Lodge Greenock Kilwinning No XII will be holding their Summer Meeting. This is a special meeting on THURSDAY 7th June and will be an Entered Apprentice degree under the excellent control of Past Master Ken MacDougall and his team. A warm welcome is extended to all.