Michelle Herrington Personal Training
Michelle Herrington Personal Training
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facebook.comHAPPY AND HEALTHY 2018 TO YOU ALL! It's that time of year again where we feel compelled to make resolutions for the year ahead, so here is your challenge....to make 'adding (positive) resolutions rather than 'depriving' (negative) resolutions! For example, rather than going sugar free resolve to increase daily intake of veg/salad instead or rather than giving up alcohol altogether aim to drink a glass of water after every alcoholic drink. You are (by proxy) more likely to not only achieve your initial goal, but sustain it, as it's from a more positive approach 🙂
The temperature has dropped, the clocks have changed, so time to rejig things accordingly. Swap your breakfast cereal to a nice warming bowl of porridge, your lunches to wholesome soups and your evening meals to vegetable laden casseroles and stews. If you focus mainly on cardio exercise during the summer, throw some resistance exercise into the mix during the winter. If you are a fair weather cyclist try a spin class instead at this time of year to keep you going until spring. Remember...variety is the spice of life! Happy Monday 🙂
It strikes me that more and more people in the gym are holding on to the treadmill rails whilst walking or running without realising the pitfalls. Worth knowing, I think, if you or anyone you know does hold on throughout your/their treadmill workout:- 1) Reduced calorie burn - estimated 20-25% less cals burnt when holding on. 2) Reduced effort required - due to transferring load away from the legs and on to the upper body. 3) Increased risk of injury - due to the unnatural way the body is aligned 4) Reduced gains in improving balance - not holding creates valid balance training. HAPPY (EFFECTIVE) TRAINING!!
A nutrition nugget (excuse the pun) for you all - due to their high Glycemic Index (GI) levels, four helpings of traditional potatoes (boiled, baked, mashed) per week raises your risk of hypertension (high blood pressure) by 11 percent!! However sweet potatoes have a low GI, so worth substituting some or all of your traditional spuds with these instead 🍠
According to the European Society of Endocrinology 'sleep loss increases the risk of obesity through a combination of effects on energy metabolism' it states that 'sleep loss can: 1) cause shifts in hormonal balance from those hormones that promote fullness to those that promote hunger 2) increase levels of endocannabinoids which promote appetite and 3) alter the balance of gut bacteria which is thought to play a key part in maintaining a healthy metabolism. Early night tonight then!!
HOORAH SUMMER HAS ARRIVED! With that a quick reminder about hydration. I can't stress enough how important it is to make sure you take on adequate amounts of fluid in this heat. Just 2% dehydration can equate to up to 20% loss in energy and performance! That can present itself in feeling dizzy, faint and/or nauseous. Not nice, so regular sips of water throughout the day is the way to go! Don't forget that eating high water content foods like salad and fruit count towards your daily fluid intake too.
Feeling very proud of my two clients Jason Jones and Justin Stead who completed the Oxford Town and Gown run on Sunday and both achieved what they set out to do! Well done guys! Makes my job so worthwhile :-)
Current weekly exercise guidelines for adults: 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic exercise (such as cycling or fast walking) and two or more sessions of strength (resistance) training per week. Happy Easter to you all :-)
Flexibility is a vital component of fitness and regardless of age, weight or gender can always be improved on. Try to allow an extra 5 mins at the end of every workout to focus on this area by stretching. Hold each stretch for 30 seconds and perhaps repeat 2-3 times for particularly tight muscles.
A quick, healthy idea for dinner this eve! Add a bit of salad on the side too for a well balanced meal.
As we (thankfully) start to head towards Spring thoughts about getting outside to do a touch of gardening creep in. Remember that when you do venture out to mow, weed, dig etc... treat it like a workout session... have a bit of a warm up/mobilise beforehand and definitely a good stretch after! xx