Alex Selby Health and Fitness
Based in Kenilworth, Alex Selby is a Personal Trainer and Weight Loss coach helping people tone up, slim down and burn body fat..visit
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[Kenilworth Worthies Awards] Im not in it for the awards or recognition... However I would appreciate your vote! So Ive been nominated for the 'Young Entrepreneur of The Year' award at this years Kenilworth Worthies. I wouldn't personally call myself an Entrepreneur as I see it as a bit of a 'wanna be' term. Nonetheless, I would appreciate it if you could spare a moment and help me out. **Follow the link, add an email at the top and then scroll down half way to vote.** Also check out the other awards and nominees!
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🎁 🎁🎁 [FREE GIVEAWAY] 🎁🎁🎁 Ive put together a Festive Fitness Hamper Containing... - £50 Training Voucher For Alex Selby Health & Fitness - The Body Coach Lean In 15 Book (New One) - An Overly Priced Water Bottle From Waitrose - And lots of other bits and bobs! Combined value of over £80... Anyone can enter, just visit and fill out the form at the bottom. Will pick a winner on Saturday the 17th. P.S. In addition, people who enter the prize draw will be first to know about any training offers/opportunities in the future.
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[Final Opportunity This Year] Do You Want To Look and Feel Great This Christmas? 3 spaces left this year for the 21 Day Kickstart Program... Click on the link below to APPLY
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🍴 How One Small Trick Can Stop You Overeating This Christmas 🍴 If you struggle with cravings, can't stop eating your favourite food or have an overwhelming urge to eat everything until its gone, this trick is for you! You will be blow away how simple it is... This trick is all about the Delboeuf illusion... But I won't bore you with that! The easiest way you can prevent excess weight gain this christmas is to... Eat from a smaller plate! Now that probably sounds too simple, however it is backed by science...(Which means theres some truth behind the advice!) The size of your plate influences your perception of how much food you are eating! Ultimately resulting in you eating less. Give it a go anyway... It works with glasses as well. So a small wine glass full of wine may feel more satisfactory to drink than a half empty larger wine glass 🍷🍷 #Personal #Trainer #Kenilworth
**Laziest Way To Eat Well Every Day** Not everyone can spend hours each day preparing food! In fact with the stresses and strains of every day life I'm sure you can think of better things to do than prepare, cook and put your food into little plastic boxes... Using the slow cooker, crock pot etc could be the answer to all your problems. Minimal preparation time, minimal mess... To help you Ive put together a PDF of my favourite Low Carb Slow Cooker Recipes... Check out the link below for 5 great recipes... #Personal #Trainer #Kenilworth
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🏃🏻💃🏻 FREE DOWNLOAD [PDF] 🏃🏻💃🏻 Experts Guide to Increasing Flexibility Check out this awesome guide created by London Personal Trainer and Sports therapist Rob Gardener BSc. If you need to improve your flexibility (Probably 95% of you) try these 5 exercises! There's no reason why you can't spend 5 minutes a day doing these exercises... Your body will thank you for it years down the line!
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🍝🍝 WHAT TO DO WHEN EATING AT A RESTAURANT? 🍽🍽🍽🍝🍝 If you enjoy eating out, but want to eat healthily still...check out the following 4 tips... 1 - Check out the menu before you go! Why - Because you are more likely to get excited and make unhealthy choices when faced with the menu inside the restaurant. Enter the restaurant with a clear idea of what you are going to eat. This way you won't get carried away! 2 - Water! Save yourself hundreds of calories from sugary drinks, juices, wines etc and just stick to water! EASY. 3 - You don't have to stick to the menu! Go off piste and make your own meal up. Im sure most places will cater for you even though it is a bit awkward :) 4 - EXTRA VEGETABLES Fill yourself up on vegetables during your main meal. This reduces the temptation for sugary desert. Make sure the vegetables aren't covered in cheese though! There you go... 4 Things to remember when you eat out next to avoid the feeling of regret after you over indulge! Eating healthily doesn't need to be restrictive or boring. #Kenilworth #Personal #Trainer
** People will say this is sped up! ** Great work rate tonight 💪🏼 Men's small group training in the studio on Kenilworth's Old High Street... Visit #Kenilworth #Personal #Trainer
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🍅 ** Organic, Processed, Unprocessed, Local... What Do These Marketing Terms Even Mean? ** 🍅 Everyone has seen these 'marketing buzzwords' and trends in the supermarket, but what do these terms actually mean? Here are some of the words used by food suppliers and what they actually mean. Describing them as vague would be an understatement! NATURAL There is no real definition of natural however it tends to mean foods with no artificial ingredients or colourings. However its increasingly common to see 'Natural' chocolate bars, which regardless of how natural they aren't, can't really be classed as healthy! WHOLE FOODS Again...No definition! Most commonly refers to foods which have not been processed or refined. UNPROCESSED and PROCESSED Processed means foods which have undergone change and obviously... Unprocessed means foods which have undergone change (Unprocessed doesn't necessarily mean healthy though) TIP... Don't get bought into the Organic, Natural, Whole Food marketing trap!
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👍🏽👍🏽 ** Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) ** 👍🏽👍🏽 A common bowel condition which is said to affect as many as one in five of the adult populations! There is no ONE cure, however there are a number of way to manage it... For example an exclusion diet... 1 - Make a list of foods which you may think worsen your IBS 2 - If you don't know which foods are causing your IBS, a good starting point is to avoid coffee, chocolate, nuts, wheat etc 3 - One by one start excluding each food group from your diet and make a note of how your feel! 4 - If you don't notice any improvements after a week it may be worth excluding another food from your diet. 5 - Repeat until symptoms stop! For more info visit ... #Kenilworth #Personal #Trainer
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🍆 [WEIGHT LOSS TIP] 🍆 List of fibrous vegetables to include in your diet... - broccoli - lettuce - cauliflower - zucchini - tomatoes - asparagus - green beans - squash - cucumber - spinach #Kenilworth #Personal #Trainer
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👩🏼 4 Ways the Middle Aged Can Stay Fit and Slim 👨🏼 **First of all, what is middle aged defined as??** "the period of life between youth and old age, usually (in man) considered to occur approximately between the ages of 40 and 60" - Collins Dictionary **And why do people tend to put weight on when 'Middle Aged'??** As you age, your metabolism might drop slightly. A 2005 study from the Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging found that aging was associated with a progressive decline in TEE (total energy expenditure – the number of calories you burn each day.) Also, activity levels tend to drop as people get older however this can obviously be modified. So, how can you stay fit and slim even when 'Middle Aged'... 1 - Prioritise Weights Over Cardio Building and Preserving muscle mass is going to be considerably more beneficial compared to cardiovascular training. 2 - Increase Protein Intake To precent muscle loss, cellulite etc its a good idea to increase your protein intake. Aim for approximately 1 - 1.2 grams of protein per lb of body weight 3 - Track what you are eating. If you aren't tracking what you are eating, how are you going to modify it to encourage weight loss?? 4 - Get the family involved You will get better results if your family are involved with your weight loss. If everyone is following the same goal, its less likely you will go off track! There you go, 4 simple tips to stay fit and healthy! Now you have to take action, I would start with point 3. Use MyFitnessPal to record what you eat as it gives you a breakdown of macronutrients!! If you have been thinking about my 21 day kickstart program there are now only 3 spaces left for September...