245 For Your Adventures
•Paddlesports in The English Lake District•Canoe/kayak hire•Instruction•Lake/river guiding•
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facebook.comThank you to all our 2017 Summer customers...and a special thank you to all those that helped in the making of our new promo video for the 245FYA mini slalom course.
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A THANK YOU TO OUR 2016 SUMMER CUSTOMERS, AND AN INVITATION TO JOIN US AS WE ENTER THE RIVER RUNNING MONTHS (part 2) The open waters have now lost their warmth, and the unreliability of the Winter weather dictates the limits to our group open water tours. Where do we focus our efforts now? Like every Summer-to-Winter transition we will strive to meet the expectations of our customers. Open water group tours will still take place, but they will inevitably be made up of smaller numbers, being organised only around windows of good weather. There will be a slight change to en-route activities due to the characteristics of the Winter water too. One-on-one and small group skills training will continue as normal, and with most of our whitewater students now showing rescue and self rescue proficiency, the emphasis now turns to actual river running skills, slalom skills or freestyle skills(depending on the preferred discipline). For those that are ready we will soon be enjoying time at some of our favourite 'intro' park-and-play river sections where we get to experience how our kayaks and paddle techniques work in a dynamic environment. Armed with experience on moving water we will then welcome customers to our social group for river paddling. River running is assumed high risk, and so all paddlers in our social group must accept responsibility for their own health and safety, and the possibility of loss or damage to their own equipment. 245 For Your Adventures accepts no responsibility for social group paddling. As we move deeper into the Winter our focus will transition even further to river paddling rather than open/still water activities.
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A THANK YOU TO OUR 2016 SUMMER CUSTOMERS, AND AN INVITATION TO JOIN US AS WE ENTER THE RIVER RUNNING MONTHS (part 1) The 2016 Summer was like nothing we've experienced so far; record open water temperatures and record Lake District visitor numbers. Our group open water tours have been most enjoyable, and we are so proud of those customers from our one-on-one and small group skills training, many of which are now river ready. 2016 so far has been filled with memorable times out there on the water. It seems that all we did was laugh. Thank you so much for your custom, and thank you for making 245 For Your Adventures the number 1 paddlesports provider in The Lake District.
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OUR 2016 COMMITMENTS (part 2) This could see an afternoon of exploring the remote shorelines of two of the most beautiful open waters of The Lake District in the most modern general purpose kayaks, touring kayaks or open boats/Canadian canoes for as little as £25 per person. Lake Windermere paddling would be a put-in at Waterhead involving a paddle up the Brathay inlet and a trip down the west shore of the lake cross to the open water and back up the East of the lake stopping off at the Langdale Chase hotel for a break and refreshments. The Coniston put-in would be at the Bluebird Cafe involving a paddle out to Peel island and a run down the west edge of the lake stopping off at 245 FYA's private lake frontage venue for a camp fire and barbecue.
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OUR 2016 COMMITMENTS (part 1) An agreement to provide for two new clients this Summer poses possible restricted availability of 245 FYA's resources. We have committed to provide coaching and guiding services during the Summer of 2016 (June, July, August and September). At least one coach/guide for at least two morning sessions per week to host a tour of Lake Windermere and of Lake Coniston is likely required. However, the good news is that we can arrange late notice requests for afternoons on coinciding dates at a substantial discount, since the cost and labour of transporting equipment to the lakes is already covered. The timetable of activities is yet to be finalised, but locations of put-in sites have been agreed. We urge anyone interested in combining their afternoon of open water paddling with our morning sessions to contact us.