Wingate Private Day Nursery
Based in Keighley we offer world-class childcare and can cater for all of you and your child's individual needs from a Childcare Provider
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Today in Cygnets we continued to explore our colour of the week 'orange'. We put paint in a tray and the children put their hand in it and then made prints on their paper. Some of the children didn't want to get their hands messy so used a brush to make marks instead. We also updated our reception board today. The theme is 'In Cygnets we like to...'. We have then added various headings such as '... Play in the sand', 'sing songs and do the actions' and 'take on a role in our play' etc. We have then added pictures of the children taking part in these activities. For this reason, a photograph of the display has not been shared.
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Today we revamped storks reception board creating some lovely group artwork prices displaying some of the babies favourite nursery rhymes including: - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star ⭐️ - Incy Wincy Spider 🕷 Storks got their hands messy making a sunshine and some spiders for Incy Wincy. They also carried out a glueing and sticking activity to create clouds and stars. The children thoroughly enjoyed participating in all the activities and have been pointing to the board to parents and practitioners.
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Wingate Today in Cygnets the children made some stars to display with our song of the month which is 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star'. The children put the glue on their paper and chose collage materials to stick on. We also incorporated our colour of the week into the activity which is orange. The children used language such as 'glue', 'stick', 'paper', 'yellow' and 'orange' during the activity. Some used a palmer grasp with the glue spreader and others used a pincer grip which showed off their fine motor skills. There was also lots of singing along the away too!
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Wingate Today in Pre-School we have been talking about our different features such as hair colour, eye colour and skin colour. We then used this opportunity to paint our own self-portraits while looking in a mirror. During this activity we also talked about what our different body parts are used for such as our nose is for smelling, eyes for looking, ears for hearing, hands for touching and mouth for tasting. We then displayed the children's portraits on our display board in reception. The children were very excited to show their parents which portrait was theirs.
Photos from Wingate Private Day Nursery's post
The Babies colour of the week is Blue 🐳 The children have been exploring/ investigating the different blue objects that are on display in our room. Babies have also been creating large stroke mark making pictures using big blue chalk developing their fine motor skills using their full hand grasp 🎽🚙💎💙
Photos from Wingate Private Day Nursery's post
Our colour of the week in Pre-School is green. The children enjoyed finding green objects throughout the room and adding them to our tray. We also experimented in green water play.
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Wingate Lots of the children in Pre-School have been commenting on how cold it is outside. Therefore we decided to develop this interest and add ice to our water tray. We did this by making boats by freezing coloured water in tubs and adding sails to them. The children enjoyed talking about how we could make them melt, watching them float and watching the colours run from the ice making the water in the water tray turn colour. We are looking forward to following up next steps for this activity and adding objects to tubs outside to freeze over night and think of ideas on how to get the objects out of the ice! ❄️
REMINDER: if your child is starting primary school this September your application needs to be complete by 15th January. Please let us know if you need any help
We are just compiling all of the policies and procedures for the new mini buses. I have advised all team members that we will notify parents of events and outings prior to the event through our parent email system. In line with our Safeguarding policies we will never announce outings etc on here in advance.
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Photos from Wingate Private Day Nursery's post
Kingfishers colour of the week (blue) all ready for next week. The children have made some fantastic painting using different paint tools and gluing and sticking using blue materials and paper.🐳💦👕 This morning we have been talking with the children about how cold it is outside and have made our very own 'frosty footprints' using paint and glitter. The children have been using a pair of wellies to make their marks and have had a lot of fun. ❄️
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In Storks lots of the babies have developed the habit of posting objects in many different places in our room including behind furniture and inside cupboards! To meet this interest we have created a small ramp from an old cardboard box which has posting holes and a basket at the bottom to gather items that have been posted! Babies have kept going back to this activity all day and took a real liking to posting the different coloured balls into the holes and watching them roll out! We have also put a shape slotter with our toys in our room which some children have taken an interest in as well