Tattooing At Gunpoint, Hove, UK
This is a group for anyone who's been tattooed at Gunpoint to come and share their experiences, it's run by administrators on behalf of the guys at Gunpoint, if you wish to contact Scrow, Wurz or danni you can do so on the number below.01273 206226
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facebook.comFrom Wurz- fresh from the rumour mill, it's been called to my attention that apparently I'm meant to be moving to somerset soon. Here's a quick heads up to anyone concerned-I am definitely NOT MOVING anywhere soon, and certainly not to somerset!! And definitely not til I've retired which is still nearly 20 years away!!!! Meanwhile, here's a few bits I've done recently, thanks for reading and looking.
Hi Facebookians..... Hope you are all well and enjoying this year so far.... As most of you will know i have been on a slightly extended break from the shop but am now pleased to announce the date for my return........ I shall be back on Tuesday the 20th of this month.... So get those fingers dialing (01273 206226) and i will see you in a couple of weeks :) All my love 'n' stuff, Scrow.
We just wanted to wish all our customers, friends and family a very merry Christmas and a happy new year!! Thanks to all who've sailed with the good ship Gunpoint, you've all been heroes and it'll be great to see everyone again next year. The shop'll be shut until the ninth of January then open as usual for hi jinks and mayhem!
Apologies if you're getting a whole bunch of old photos appearing on your news feed and the sheer volume is doing your head in-I'm doing a load of business related internet stuff so it should just occur today. Of course, if seeing some of our stuff makes you wanna get tattooed then give us a holler!! Cheers, wurz
A happy halloween to all you facebookians...... just thought i would give you all a quick sprinkle of some reacently applyed appropriate visual stimulation :) All my love.... Scrow.
A whole bunch of stuff that wurz has been working on recently (and maybe not so recently-I'm rubbish at remembering to bung stuff on here...) if people are having trouble finding 'wurz' on here it's cos the FB police have made me use my real name of 'John Lacy' so contact me there instead or pm via this page as normal. Thanks for looking, wurz
Some more stuff from wurz...
Space sleeve by wurz
A bunch of stuff from wurz recently... In case folk have been trying to get hold of him by looking up 'wurz' and getting nowhere, it's because the FB police have made him use his real name of John Lacy on here. You can get hold of him on his own page or by PM on here. Or on the phone at the shop!! Thanks for looking, wurz
Photos from Tattooing At Gunpoint, Hove, UK's post
Hi Facebookians.... i have a thumb twiddeling afternoon ahead of me tomorrow due to a if you fancy a bit of ink call me at 10.00(thats tomorrow...Saturday...not tonight) on 01273 206226 (the shop number) ......first come first served ok....PS Hope you like the piccy's :).....All my love ...Scrow x
Hi facebookians..... the space that i had for tomorrow has now been filled....sorry to disappoint the rest of take care 'n' speek soon....Scrow x