The Pit Rock Club, London
Your safe, friendly and local rock club Scroll Down for Details, Entry Costs and Dress Codes
Every 3rd Friday at Yate's Hounslow
Doors open 9pm. Music & Bar until 2am
Strictly no entry after 1am
Except for special events, entry is £5
The Pit is 18+ and valid Photo ID is requred for all, regardless of age (This is a requirement of Yates' licence)
Yates' will only accept Passports / UK Photo Driving licences and cards carrying the PASS logo/hologram as proof of age (No photocopies!!).
Cloakroom service, ask bar staff for details
Dress Code: Rock & Alternative !!
As a guide....
** Football/Rugby shirts and general sportswear will always be refused.
** White/Smart shirts and "Smart Casual" clothing & footwear will usually be refused.
** Non-alternative street styles will usually be refused
** Trainers are usually OK
** No 'club patches'
** If in doubt wear black / dark clothing or Band Tees or check out our photo galleries for ideas.
Please note - Yates also have the following rules.
** No trackies/jogging bottoms
** Normally no hats to be worn inside. However the are prepared to be lenient with us as long as hats do not obscure the face too much.
All entry is strictly at the discretion of the door staff.
You can also find us on
Twitter @PitRockLondon
Instagram @thepitrockclub
Tell your friends
facebook.comTo all the merry Pit people - we wish you a fantastic and special holiday time & an Pitstrordinary 2018 - from The Pit Rock Club team
The Pit Rock Club, London's cover photo
Timeline Photos
You know.... I can't help thinking there is something missing...
The Pit - April 2016
taken by Licklist
The Request List is now CLOSED!! See you tonight!!! ;) :)
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The final countdown is over....
As we head towards the final Pit at Yates this Friday, we thought it would be appropriate to clarify a few issues that have recently been raised on social media and in local conversations. We wish to make it clear that the essential reason for closing The Pit is that the monthly attendance, for whatever reasons, has dropped to a level that makes the event commercially unsustainable. Red Line Productions, the company created to run The Pit, has never looked to make a profit from The Pit, re-investing any profits back into the event, however when the outgoings of running the enterprise are not met by the income from the door, this cannot be sustained for very long and unfortunately this is the situation we find ourselves in at this time. To their credit, the Yates organisation has not influenced this decision in any way, indeed they have provided us with as much flexibility that their corporation permits. So essentially “bums on seats keep the doors open” The Pit, over the sixteen years it has operated, has been an event where not only have we danced, laughed, cried and drunk, we have celebrated life, love & friendship, remembered others no longer with us and started the dreams of the future. We want to thank you for bringing us into your lives and being part of ours. Although The Pit will close on Friday, the Red Line company will now remain active and will seek a way forward. The social media platforms and web site will continue to keep The Pit family in contact and entertained with regular updates of views of the past and thoughts of the future and we will welcome your involvement in this. Finally, we thank you for being part of, what we consider to be, a unique suburban rock family which we hope will remain intact and hope you will join us in recognising the many folks that have worked so diligently to bring The Pit to reality over the years. The DJs that spun the discs and voiced the embarrassments, the tech team that lifted, plugged plugs and switched switches, the security team that watched over us so diligently, the front of house team that gave us entry (and sweets), the bar staff that served us cheer, the admin team that toiled in the background, the graphics team that designed so uniquely, the social media team that gave us our virtual life extension, the management nutters and especially the partners of all these people that supported us with so much patience and encouragement. Special recognition must be given to the present Pit operations team, that have dedicated so much time and effort to our time at Yates, so hats off (in no particular order) to Fritz, Sam, Jade, John, Simon, Scott, Mark, Gay, Karen, Dan, Steph, Kat, Darren & Dee Hope to see you on Friday…… “we wish you well” Nick (for Red Line Productions Ltd)
Any last requests?? Comment below with your requests for The 'Last' Pit ;) ;) The Request List closes at Noon today!!
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The next Pit is on Friday 15th April - This will be your 'last chance to dance' - The 'Final' Pit - we might not literally be gone 'forever' but the future is, as yet, undecided - so lets make it a great night!!!
The Pit - April
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Put it in your diary... you will want to be there...

#twinsies XD & Dan who photobombed >.> 🤘🏻😝🤘🏻

This will be your 'last chance to dance' - The 'Final' Pit - we might not literally be gone 'forever' but the future is, as yet, undecided - so lets make it a great night!!!

رفته بوديم دوا خوري كريم آقامونم بود 😃

Fun evening with these two 😀🍻

💀 3 Amigos 💀
