Scalakids Noticeboard
This is the official noticeboard for Scalakids. Find notices about castings, recalls, bookings, rehearsals and any other news.
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facebook.comEASTER BREAK Scala classes finished on Saturday 1 April and will resume on Tuesday 18th. Parents who haven't got a 2017 Year Planner should pick one up from reception .. I know everyone has different weeks this Easter but .we had dozens of phone calls and e'mails at the office .. someone even rang me at 7.00 keep your planner to hand then you'll know when the holidays was all getting a bit manic. SCALA LIVE 2017 Hopefully we'll have the audition pieces on the studio noticeboard after the holiday. I am just finalising numbers and which groups are doing each section with Jim and Louise before Jim chooses the audition songs. BACKSTAGE TEAM... hopefully it's looking like we will have our core "dream team" again this year and there will be a list on the noticeboard shortly for any parent who can help backstage during the show and dress rehearsal .....we need dressers, chaperones, hairdressers, radio mike ladies, props, quick change whatever your particular talent is - you'll be very welcome. We also need someone to make some headresses for our Babes-so if you're artistic and are willing to have a go please let us know. We had a lovely time at Scala last week with lots of cake and champagne...the legend that is Michael Beard paid us a visit on Thursday...can't believe the man is 80 years young birthday was Sunday so we had Guinness cupcakes and flowers on Saturday courtesy of the lovely Wilkinson clan ...thank you girls. ...the cakes were divine. Lovely sunny day in Scarborough on Sunday ......there we were on the beach when I heard someone singing Happy Birthday .....and there was Louise, Leoni and Maureen singing in perfect about coincidence ...Lou and I did a bit of show devising and Leoni and the boys played frisbee. SCALA BOYS SUCCESSES More Good News ....Max has been offered a place at Laine and James at Bird so a big well done to both. Both boys were late starters at Scala but stuck at it and both became fabulous young performers. It's a shame that a lot of boys give up on dance classes's hard work and you don't get instant results as you do in a drama class but it is so worth it in the end. All our boys who went on to dance colleges ended up in the West End come on you younger boys all need to be triple threat kids...even if you are finding it tough at the moment will get there if you stick at it. ...nice to see ex Scala kid Matthew Beard in Evelyn Waugh's TV adaptation of "Decline and Fall"...he plays Arthur Potts so beautifully... Both Matthew Beard, Andrew Lee Potts and Matthew Lewis of "Harry Potter" fame trained at Scala from a very young age, they worked hard and both had TV roles from the age of 5 years they worked in both TV and Film throughout their childhood years at Scala and beyond. These days if a child hasn't had a TV role after a few months with us they quite often give come on Scala Kids is what it's all about ..... we do it so well and have the results to prove it. night all L x Here's Amy in her "Lego" ad - showing at the moment ...brilliant job Amy
Somewhere in this pic is ex Scalakid Katie Pearson ...wowing them all in 42nd Street ...where are you Katie?
Scalakids Live! 2016 Rehearsal
Hello All - no posts last week as I took myself off for a cheeky week away...left DH and DS in charge chez Walker and my trusty team in charge of Scala... Scala seems to have survived without me but there was a strange smell comng from the Walker washroom and a lot of suspect left overs in the fridge...the cat was highly delighted to see me as I'm the only one who talks to her , DS gave me a welcome back hug which is something I suppose but the DH let himself down badly by telling anyone who asked how he was coping said " Well nothing's different apart from the beds don't get made"......he may have some grovelling to do ! In Scala World - there's lots going on.......we had William, Troy, Callum and Stanley recalled for the McDonalds tvc and Poppy and Mia pencilled for another ad in the same campaign. Troy is pencilled along with 2 other boys for "Worst Witch". Joe and Keldan have a casting for another "Creeped Out" episode and 7 year old Falaq did two auditions in a week for a major film and another for a CBBC luck to all our brilliant Scala Kids...learn your sides and be nice ! EMMERDALE Mon . 27 - Jack ( Noah) Wed. 29 - Katie ( Sarah) Thurs. 30 - Thomas G. - walk-on FEES The new term started last week and unfortunately we have some outstanding fees. .. if you think you may have forgotten to pay could you check your bank accounts and please pay before the weekend.... if we don't hear from you we'll presume your child has left. We have children on the waiting list that we would have liked to have started at the beginning of term. AGENCY HEADSHOTS I have places available this week ...cost £30 ...please book in at Scala reception...not only do we do our Agency headshot but we give your child a full "modelling" experience with fun shots that parents love. SCALA LIVE 2017 Places are filling up quickly ...we have yet another great line up of Musicals for this year's show including crowd pleasers such as "Grease" , "My Fair Lady" "Elf" , "Half a Sixpence " , "Finding Neverland" and a fab Take That Finale...auditions for principal roles and solos will be on Wednesday 3 May from 5-00pm . .... a list of audition pieces from Jim will be on the board shortly.....on that day we are also seeing your "own choice" auditions but remember it's a Scala show not "Pop Idol" so not too many pop songs and more musical theatre songs please.. ..if you have your own sheet music or backing track please bring in with you . Application forms are available from reception and everyone wishing to audition must hand one in so Jim has your music ready walk-ins .. SCALA BABES REHEARSALS These start on Wed. 19 April - straight after the Easter break ... so all applications for the Babes team should be in before we close for the holiday...phew... . Lots of information here but the week is always fab....just to remind you all ..... here's what happened last year. night all L x
Timeline Photos
Hello Lovelies! Bit of a crazy week last week , internet went down, wrong scripts were sent to us for a recall and sadly our lovely Marcin had his heart broken and went back home to Poland ! So you can see it was a bit stressful.....anyway this week is still busy but looking good at the moment...our new member of staff Sarah is happy to take over the streedance classes so everything will carry on as normal . Although we were all really sad to lose Marcin Sarah is rapidly becoming a bit of a icon with our kids ...she is not only a fab dancer but a singer/songwriter . She made it to the judges houses in " X Factor " and is a West End performer....our kids think she's "cool" (or is it "sick" these days) and are already copying her funky clothing . SCALA KIDS LIVE 2017- show-in -a -week 28 May - 3 June Application forms were attached to next term's bills so everyone over 8 years old should have one. Please get your forms in as soon as possible so we have an idea who we have this year before we open it up to non Scalakids. A list will go up shortly for parents who can help with sewing, hairdressing, tuck shop, publicity, chaperoning etc....remember all our profits go, once again ,to Martin House Children's Hospice in Wetherby so we need all the volunteers we can get to help our kids shine in yet another fabulous Scala show! UNDER 8'S...SCALA BABES Our younger PA kids will still be able to participate in the show but won't do the week ...they will rehearse Wednesday evenings with Louise from 5-00 -6.30 . Application forms will be available from reception this week . WHO'S WHERE? Lots going on this week ....Talia is still working her socks off on "Ratburger" ...this week she's working with Sheridan Smith ( think we should make Sheridan an honorary Scala Kid as she seems to be working a lot with our kids this year.) Katie ( Sarah) and Jack (Noah) are both busy with "Emmerdale" , Joe is off to London to interview the Arsenal team ( don't tell them you're a Newcastle supporter Joe) and the "Hansel and Gretel" kids are off to Belfast . Megan had a recall for "Creeped Out" and we are in the process of doing tapes for another couple of projects but parents have signed NDA's so we can't say much about those. It's that time of year again when our older students start the long audition process for various dance and drama colleges or plan which Universities they will attend in October. We'd like to think that any pupil that has trained with us for a while will be fully prepared for the many dance,drama and singing auditions, so good luck to you all are so ready for the next step. So far dance student Abi has been accepted at Bird ( but is also waiting for offers from other colleges) and drama student Aaron has been offered a place at Cambridge ( A level results permitting of course) ... I'm guessing you won't be doing the Scala show this year then Aaron?) Managed to catch a brilliant Northern Broadsides "Cyrano" at the Playhouse last week, also our drama teacher Laura was a fab Mama Rose in "Gypsy" in Ilkley and saw a brilliant local production of "Made in Dagenham" at the town hall Yeadon....been a busy girl! So that's all the Scala news so far.......parents remember any Castings, messages for parents etc will be on the Scalamums and Dads closed site . and I'll leave you with this weeks "you couldn't make it up"moment. Parent rings me panic sticken saying she's arrived at the address we gave her for her child's audition but there's nothing there quote "it looks like a builders yard" . Knowing the days of Casting Directors occupying plush offices in Regent street are long gone I asked her if there was a door anywhere......there was... I heard nothing more so presume there was some sort of casting suite behind the door in the "builders yard" ......all is not what it seems in this business. Night all! L x Pic is Marcin with Megan, Jeremiah and Wilf ....bye Marcin we'll miss you . L x
All sorted now for the Football boy but for those families interested in the Tesco TVC, please check the noticeboard & we'll post information as soon as we have it
Sorry folks - didn't manage a post this week ....had a last minute panic with audition scripts so spent most of the night trying to contact CDand parents. Anyone wanting info re "Scala Kids Live" can look on Scala Mums and dads site. L x
Hello All! Bit of a dramatic day today as our website has been compromised in a "cyber attack"...we're in the process of disinfecting all our computers so hopefully everything will be up and running as normal tomorrow but if anyone spots anything odd , do please let us know. Lots still going on with our kids this week ....Talia is being kept very busy on "Ratburger" - , Amy is filming a TV commercial for "Lego" tomorrow and Katie is back on set filming her Sarah scenes for "Emmerdale" - she was fab in last Thursday's episode ...real tears and raw emotion -great job Katie ! Our "Hansel and Gretel" kids are off to Newcastle tomorrow and Lucy is in Southampton with "Billy Elliott" We have several kids recalled for various CBBC programmes...Diya for "Worst Witch" , Keldan and Joe for a BBC teen drama ......looks to me like they're doing call backs for this one role at a time. Keldan nearly didn't make it as storm Doris kicked in and his train decided it couldn't pull in to Manchester. The CD was very understanding and he got there an hour and a half late!! Caught our little Matilda in her "Aldi" ad's hilarious...looks like she had great fun in those soap suds! Had a visit from another ex pupil on Saturday ...the lovely Nik. I love it when our ex kids drop in to see us ...some even do classes - especially the dancers who love to be put through their paces by Louise . Unfortunately I didn't get to spend much time with Nik as I had a very busy morning with auditions and headshot sessions but nevertheless it was nice to see him. Talking of ex pupils - did anyone spot Sarah Jane Potts in "The Good Karma Hospital" on Sunday ...the girl's still got it! Not sure who won what at the Oscars but I went to see "Hacksaw Ridge" last week and think whoever did the fight choreography and editing did an amazing job ...the battle scenes were mindblowing! I'm a nightmare to go to any film/show with as I can't just sit and watch and enjoy ...I'm constantly analyzing ...and yes I also bark at the TV!!! And that's it for this week....our workmen have gone... and what used to be a conservatory now has a roof - does that make it an orangery ? DS thinks the ceiling looks a bit like the Sistine chapel so we're considering cherubs and disciples...joke. My tuck shop manager Bobby has done it again....he moved the Martin House collection box to a more obvious spot on the tuck shop and it's now full....I tell you , the boys a genius . night all L x Katie as Sarah Sugden - fab scenes Katie
Here's Scala Babe Matilda in her "Aldi" ad.
Photos from Scalakids Noticeboard's post
Not much of a half term ...seemed to spend most of it working so that can't be all bad ... we've also had workmen in... know the scenario ...due 8.30 on Monday ...turned up at lunchtime ...sucked in cheeks as he viewed the job and subsequently disappeared for the rest of the day...., van broke down the following day so didn't come but lost his phone so couldn't ring us ......and so on ! Spent all Saturday decorating so decided on a day out at the Wildlife Park on Sunday ...I must be giving off bad vibes as it was like a scene from "The Omen" ...all the animals ran away from us or were asleep ! So quite glad to be back to classes this week. On that subject can parents please pick up a 2017 planner when next at the studio ...they'll be on the desk in reception . We had dozens of e'mails and calls from parents enquiring as to whether classes were on in what turned out to be a busy and sometimes frustrating week . Bit of a hairy moment with our Emmerdale one was answering calls or e'mails at the LEA and we had three kids due on set the following day ...anyway we made it by the skin of our teeth but it's simply not good enough. We have to bend over backwards to get licences completed and to the relevant LEA's with enough time to allow them the required number of days to issue them ....least they could do is be contactable. Anyway to the good news , our kids have been firing on all cylinders over the holiday.....8 year old Amy is cast in a "Lego" TV commercial filming next week and 7 year old Martha is standby girl , Keldan is recalled for "Creeped Out" on Thursday... Maddy and Phoebe are touring in "Hansel and Gretel" with Opera North and 17 year olds Thomas and Danny are cast as the leads in a short film for NFS. ....we also have ..... WHO'S WHERE? MON.20 - Ratburger - Talia Barnett (Zoe) TUES 21 - Ratburger- Talia WED 22 - Emmerdale - Katie Hill ( Sarah) Millie P . walk-on Ratburger -Talia THURS. Emmerdale - Katie (Sarah) Jack ( Noah) Ratburger Talia Creeped Out recall - Keldan FRI Emmerdale - Katie Ratburger - Talia On the audition front ...not much this week - we are aware of "Annie" ( oh no not again!) with Miranda Hart ...BUT.... all the kids have to live within the M25..."School of Rock" is out again for auditions in summer.... BUT ... kids need to have amazing "Rock" voices and it helps if they can play an instrument . Went to Opera North's dress rehearsals for "Hansel and Gretel" ..(very different , set in a German high rise, it used fantastic effects from the on stage hand held camera) and "Cinderella" ( hysterically funny....if you want to get your kids interested in Opera - this is the one to take them to) .....our kids love doing Opera North productions ...the company are lovely and the little tours are great training for kids who might balk at a year long commitment in some of the large touring musicals . So that's it for this week - classes resume tomorrow ...hope my tuck shop wizz kid Bobby has it all in hand. Mum's used to do it but they soon got bored...not Bobby ! While his sister is in her drama class he stock takes, fills up the shelves with mind boggling neatness, labels everything , does a spread sheet to see what is selling best and gives me a shopping list ...the boys a marvel ...and all of 11 years old ! We did have a hairy moment when we were left with one lone Bounty bar - he couldn't stand it so he reduced the price by 20%...of course it was snapped up - genius! night all. L x pics are of our gorgeous "Lego" girls - Amy and Martha
Photos from Scalakids Noticeboard's post
Just had a really strange 10 minutes. Casting Director rings to say child hasn't turned up for a Casting and she has to leave the audition venue in 30 minutes .... now that's never good, so I ring the child's Mum who sounds very casual for someone late for an audition. Turns out the childs audition was last week, he went and had a nice chat with said CD , she thinks he is perfect for another project she's casting and asks her assistant to ring us and book him in ....said assistant fails to make the call ....and so on! Anyway we all had a laugh and he's going on Wednesday ...but I wouldn't want to be in that assistant's shoes tomorrow.! There's lots of castings at the moment and we have taken several fab new kids onto our books. Parents who are new to the industry should be aware how the Casting system works. When we receive a brief we submit suitable children's details via either Spotlight or Casting Networks Casting Directors will view your child's headshot and CV on their "on line" profile and arrange auditions for those they think fit the brief. Sometimes they see everyone we suggest , sometimes none...there's no logic to it. We will only contact the parents of children who have been selected by the CD to attend an audition - several new parents were surprised we didn't ring to say their child hadn't been chosen...that doesn't happen I'm afraid. We also rarely get feedback ....if your child has done several auditions and is down to the last two or three for a role then the CD quite often likes to chat with the agent about the child but feedback for initial auditions is rare . Any way ...moving on... Thought Sheridan Smith was extraordinary in "The Moorside" last week , and Scala's William was fab as her exasperated son Peter, Scala Mum Sally also impressed in her TV debut as Sheryl and has since been taken on by an agent ...go girl! . I always remember back in the old days of Yorkshire Television and Granada, whenever our kids had an audition , they used to groan if Sheridan was at the same casting ...she was so talented even then and no one else got a look in. As well as Will in "Moorside" watch out for Scalakid Katie who is making waves as Sarah in "Emmerdale" at the moment ", Jack ( Noah) and Huey ( Kyle) are also doing stirling work in the soap , Talia is off to London this week for "Ratburger" rehearsals and 5 year old Matilda will be featured in an "Aldi" commercial that goes out on the 22nd. Great job kids! That's it for this week and all have a Happy Valentines... Ever the romantic I asked my beloved if he'd skip the red roses and have my car valeted instead......let's see if he remembers!! night all L x Pics are of Katie as Sarah in Emmerdale and William as peter in Moorside
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Hello Lovelies! UNIFORMS Firstly - the "hoodie" order is in ...we've had so many children wanting hoodies and onesies...we are now fully stocked...Just a note for parents , it's a good idea to name your child's uniform .. so if your child loses theirs as they undoubtably will at some stage...we know who it belongs to .....Anna Forshaw - you left yours on Saturday - it's hanging up in the girls changing room........see it works! AGENCY It's becoming apparent that non Spotlight children are not getting called for audittions. Over the past few weeks we've had dozens of Castings and a pattern is emerging that the same children are called to meet the Casting Director ...non Spotlight kids aren't getting seen which is a great shame as we have some fab young actors who are not on the link. This applies mainly to TV drama's and CBBC programmes. Casting Networks seems to work for commercials castings . So it's up to the parent to decide...if your child is keen to "get on" then I'm afraid they need to be on Spotlight. If they're happy going for commercials and extra work then it's not necessary . We have forms on reception but do please speak to me first to check your child is suitable ...they need to attend our drama workshops and have passed the required audition for the agency. WHAT'S HAPPENING? This week we have lots of children off to Manchester for a new teen drama and also "Worst Witch" good luck to all those. Talia is in London for readthrough for "Ratburger"....she met the man himself today ( David Walliams...that is) and apparently it all went rather well. Our fab "Emmerdale" kids Katie ( Sarah) , Huey (Kyle) and Jack (Noah) currently have great storylines and are loving their time on set and I went to see Phoebe and Maddie in Opera North's brilliant new production of"Hansel and Gretel" last week.. Ballet girl Lucy is in Southhampton with "Billy Elliott" Our adorable Siena was a sweetie in " The Secret Life of 5 year Olds"...can't wait to see what they get up to this week .... and tomorrow we'll see our own William Hunt as Peter Bushby in the long awaited "The Moorside " with Sheridan Smith.... but out for some choice language from our angelic looking Will. And that's it for this ...nothing too exciting......DH found a so called "lovely walk" for us to do yesterday...took us nearly two hours to get there and it was basically a four mile treck round a farm track views just mud and cow pats. We did however spot a beautiful barn owl hunting in the hedge and met a charming girl cat called Stephen ....curious! night all L x
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It seems that our Photo sessions are getting popular! We do lots of fun shots as well as the formal portraits. We still have some vacant slots available for this Saturday. Call us if you want to book in.