A new ale and gin house in Herne bay about to open
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facebook.comLADIES AND GENTLEMEN !! I give live music at Parkerville once more!!!! Friday 1st of Dec. Ry Robson 8pm !! "Hit me baby one more time" Thursday 7th Dec. Matt Brooke's 8pm. He's very very good . Alcohol will be served at said events Will be good to see you all and I promise I will not sing!!! Regards Mark
Ladies and Gentlemen!!! Just to let you know that our beautiful council have GRANTED permission for the continuation of the playing of music at Parkerville!! Alcohol will be served at said events
Hello one and all!!!! Just to let you all know that after the Remembrance Day parade on the 12th . I'll be opening Parkerville at about 11.15 ish. Hoping for a bit of old time piano about 1pm ish but promise anything at the mo. So when we've paid our respects come around and toast " the long, the short and tall"
Ladies and gentlemen. Tickets behind the bar, £15 a pop!!!!
Ladies and gentlemen!! Unfortunately We Ghost are not playing on the 7th sept!! But watch this space
Very sorry all but Parkerville will be shut from 6pm on the 9th of Sept for one night!! Private function!!! The continuing of gin drink will commence at 1 pm on Sunday afternoon with a rousing chorus of "got my beer on the sideboard here" followed with Pimlico Pete running a quick talk on how big his marrows are at the moment! Cheers Mark
This Sunday boys and girls is the first birthday for Parkerville!! Come down and say hello as we have live music for you in the way of Ry Robson. Will be open from 1pm to 5/6 pm ish! Just a little session Alcohol will be served at said event
Ladies and gentlemen!! We give you live and direct from Parkerville!!!! Matt Brooks this Friday at 8pm. Alcohol will be served at said event!!
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Friday the 14th I give you MATT BROOKS live and direct at Parkerville!!!! Starting 7.30ish Alcohol will be sold at said event!!! YES
Not saying it hot?? Or have my candles been on the GIN!!!!!!!
YES YES YES!!!!! They playing at Parkerville this Thursday . Seriously, treat yourself to a wonderful band. They can put on a show and half . 8pm start. Alcohol will served at said event!
Ladies and gentlemen!! I give an evening with "We Ghost" playing live at Parkerville for your delight!! Direct to you on Thursday 22nd of June @ 8pm Alcohol will be served at said event!!!