Seahawk Gliding Club
The Seahawk Gliding Club is a services gliding club based at RNAS Culdrose in Cornwall. It is a British Gliding Association (BGA) club run by the Royal Naval Gliding and Soaring Association (RNGSA). The club operates on weekends with five aircraft. We meet at weekends and bank holidays around 0900-0930 at our club house or the Hanger D3 (Hangers nearest the Tower). We have a well maintained fleet consisting of 4 gliders and one motor glider which we use as a glider tug.
Our fleet gives us the ability to train from the basics right the way through to cross-country and competition flying.
We launch gliders by two methods. First by Aero-tow using our Super Dimona motor glider up to 3000ft. Our second method is by Motor Tow using our Dodge Ram truck and a long cable to 'slingshot' gliders into the air. You can get heights varying from 800-1400ft depending on conditions. We are one of two clubs left that use this method! It is similar to winching, which many BGA clubs use, however the acceleration is more gradual compared to a winch.
We offer competitive membership rates for serving RN personnel and the first flight is £5 with a years free membership! So why not try it out.
For more information about the sport of gliding check out the BGA website:
Tell your friends
facebook.comWe have a charity event coming up on the May bank holiday!! We will be offer flights to the public, individuals groups or families all are welcome. So if you or someone you know have ever wanted to try out gliding and see the stunning Cornish landscapes form the air please send us a message for more details!
One of our own glides!
Merry Christmas from all of us at Seahawk Gliding Club! 🎄
A priceless reaction to some inverted glider action.
To club members, friends and family.
Two of our past club members have upgraded form the Junior and Puchacz gliders they prevous flew! Both Jake and Rob flew with the club and attemted a Fleet Air Arm Officers' Association, F A A O A Gliding scholarships with us. Its great to see these guys doing so well in the Fleet Air Arm now as trainee fast jet pilots. We wish you both all the best.
A great weekend had by all with lots of soaring. One member got his 2 hours for the cross country endorsement and another flew the pegase for the first time, as well local flight in our TMG.
Good luck to the UK Junior Gliding Team!
Glide Britain lets support our fantastic sport and help these guys raise awareness so others can get involved!
Nothing says Christmas like a Duo Discus on top the tree! #glidingchristmasparties1of4 #seahawk #postgradgliderpilotintraining

Helston & Culdrose #wingtip

Shameless ray ban selfie

Stuck in traffic just outside Helston

I ❤️ gliding

Smashing day gliding with our naval neighbours at Culdrose.

#flyby #flyfast #flylow #pégase101 #glider

#glider #gliding #Culdrose #SeahawkGlidingClub #rnasculdrose #cornwall #sky #pilot #cloud #flying #fly #soar #aircraft #RNGSA #royalnavy #freedom #adventure #paradise #airborne #amazing #awesome #weekend #friendship #club #sport #sea #dreams #view #performance #flyfast

#UKJG #juniorgliding #sticker #seahawkglidingclub #superdimonaaircraft #motorglider #tugplane #gliding #hanger

#UKJG #juniorgliding #sticker #seahawkglidingclub #superdimonaaircraft #motorglider #tugplane #gliding #hanger
