Go:ver Training
GO:VER GYM is an independent results-driven performance gym and fitness centre in Broad Oak, Heathfield run by David Gover and his team.
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facebook.comNever a dull day!
Its Friday and I can feel its going to be a good one! Heres the emphatic Jason McBain , never one to turn a challenge down. Matt Devlin with perfect play by play commentary in the background; 'thats ridiculous'. Have a great day and make sure you attack it!
Three pictures that I found on my phone, all of which added more cheer to this Thursday! 1. Alex and David's original food prep-egging each other on about how much we could consume in a week led to this much broccoli and subsequently never being able to enjoy it again. 2. The mighty Joe Wood keeping it fresh and sexy in his lifting suit. 3. Joe Wilson bullying a 70Kg log press overhead and generally being topless
3 WAYS TO BE CONSISTENT WITH YOUR TRAINING This is my friend Emily 'Powerhouse' Bellhouse! She has achieved fantastic results and pver the last couple of years has really made training part of her lifestyle. With being a mother and running her own business this is no easy task; I sat down with her to pick her brains on how she has managed this, these three gems were completely off the cuff but quite brilliant! Thanks Emily and keep bringing that huge smile in, we love it! GO POWERHOUSE!!
Some people are happy to share their adventures, plans, talents and some people are slightly more introverted. Hayden Rolfe..... grade 8 Cello; what a dark horse!
This gent popped in yesterday to say hello; we don't see too much of him these days on account of his business taking off like nothing on earth! Check out 'Greener Gardening' for his work details. Here is Drew McCann doing some mad bench press/ muscle up combination that only his creative noggin would dream up! Get here when you can Andrew Mccann, we miss you!
From the Vault! This must have been a few years back now but still makes me happy; PT super star Clare Corney getting her first pistol squat! Pistol squats are a tough skill to master but give loads back especially if sports performance is the goal-when you change direction how many legs are you pushing off? Have a chat with Clare re progressions and exercises to help you get the pistol squat into your bag of tricks! Train hard!
PROGRESSION! William Message getting a new 1Rep Max on his bench press; a 110KG lump being pinged off his chest! I've had the pleasure of training with Will for the past six months, its always great fun; he's quick to accept a challenge and even faster to complain about the music! Heavy compound movements followed by some bodybuilding volume has earned Will a big rig that has huge potential for moving big numbers in the future. This video is after only 18 months of training, he's only getting stronger; 120 KG by Christmas is my challenge to you Will! YEAAAH!!!!
Don't miss out!
BROTHERS IN ARMS! Presumably what started as a fierce beard competition escalated to this! Two of my favourites here; Sammi Keylock and Paul Miles enjoying a well deserved recovery shake but mostly each others company by the looks of things!
This is my friend Callum Halit, They make those Halit boys STRONG! This is a 220 KG box squat for a double....BOSH! Its not all grunt that leads to this kind of mad strength. Callum flexed the old brain box muscle and studied Strength and Conditioning at Twickenham University, what he doesn't know on the topic isn't worth knowing! This applied knowledge keeps Callum making progress and offsets the chance of injury with solid programming-knowledge is power and so are big quads! Callum, I'm going to check back in with you for some 1 RM videos at Christmas-Oh boy do we want some big numbers! Like his brother, he’s a really nice gent and I'm always in awe of his strength. Keep it up my man!
Today is the gyms 3rd Birthday! I love to hate a soppy post so this is a tricky one....The people make this pace what it is, your mad characters, open demeanours and willingness to get stuck in right across the board has built an incredible community. I love being part of it and I'm fiercely proud of it-coming to work everyday is always an event I look forward to! We promise to do my best to keep the gym moving forward and make it the best place possible for you all. Heres to the fun years ahead! A big, sincere THANK YOU! David