Iona Butlin Photography
A page to showcase the work of Iona Butlin
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facebook.comSome super reviews been written on Amazon for Dad and I's book. If anyone has got a copy and has a chance to add to them, it would be lovely to see some from some familiar names :)
Well that was a busy weekend! Thanks to everyone who came to see me/purchased photos, cards & books at both the Salvation Army Fair on Saturday and today at Southdean. I even got to decorate a Christmas Tree! What fun! It was lovely to see some familiar faces as well as meet lots of new people, I'm well and truly shattered and am putting my feet up for the evening! ....In slightly related news, Books are selling fast and I only have a limited number of copies left now, Please let me know if you are wanting one in time for Christmas before they've all gone! #Photography #CraftFairs #WaverleyBook
Last minute craft fair booking! I'll be at the Salvation Army fair tomorrow from 10am - 2pm, it's a lovely fair with great people and is well worth a visit if you're in the area! I've also still got copies of the book if anyone would like one :)
Really looking forward to being back at Southdean this coming Sunday, Always a lovely fair with friendly people and a great atmosphere! :)
I won't give too much away yet about what Dad and I have been working on today, but here's a photo that Dad took of me after we'd finished :) #Suspense #WaverleyBook
Got myself a new 'gadget' today! #Light #Photography #IBP
Who's seen today's The Hawick Paper then? Dad and I are pleased with the write-up and hope it's seen by a lot of people to advertise the new book! (You will need to be subscribed to read it online - I'll scan a copy of the paper later) We'll both be at the Campaign for Borders Rail meeting tomorrow at the Heart of Hawick with copies of the book and I will be at Denholm Village Hall on Sunday morning if anyone would like a copy!
Look! We found the book in Masons of Melrose! Get your copy today for just £20. We're just investigating other local stockists and do let me know if you see it anywhere on your travels! I will be at the Borders Rail AGM in Hawick on Saturday and at the Denholm Indoor Market on Sunday with a number of copies if you'd like to get one! #NewBook #WaverleyRoute
Looking forward to this event next weekend :) I will have a number of copies of the new book on me if you would like to get one! #IBP #CraftFair
Examples of the work I sell in the form of prints