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Greenways Community Forest School

Hartpury, Hartpury, United Kingdom
Public & Government Service



Forest school visits, holiday clubs, toddler groups, forest school parties. For children of all ages.  


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Forest School childminder group starting this Thursday 10am until 12pm. Feel free to bring a picnic for an early lunch. First session FREE. Come and meet this lovely bunch of friendly and supportive childminders.

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CPD Forest School taster course on Saturday 30th July at Hartpury College is nearly fully booked, only 3 spaces left on the morning session. Only £10 a head. 10am until 2.30pm. Suitable for anyone interested in children's wellbeing at home or in education! We have bookings from childminders, teachers, TA's and interested parents. Email for a booking form. I promise it will be fun! x

We are running a fun Forest School taster training day on Saturday 30th July at Hartpury College for childminders, early years practitioners and teachers. We will be running a morning and afternoon session for adults and can do this at the subsidised rate of only £10 a head. A BARGAIN! We will introduce some ideas and theory that you may be able to use with your children within your setting and ideas to impress Ofsted. We were awarded Outstanding by Ofsted last year. If you are interested please email us at for your booking form by 15th July. Please share with fellow practitioners , limited places.

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FOREST SCHOOL OPEN DAY SUNDAY 19th JUNE 11am - 'Official' opening of round house and find out, about holiday clubs, what we have achieved this year, and our plans for the next year. You are then welcome to stay and play, build a den, wood and clay craft, have a go at wood turning, try an elderflower fritter, swing in a hammock, find a bug or two, catch up with friends... until about 2pm. Welcome to bring a picnic, or BBQ. Come for half an hour or for the whole session. Jemma Mulraney will be there taking natural informal, individual, group or family photos, as will the local paper! Great opportunity to get a fabulous photo of dad on Fathers Day. Hope to see some of our lovely volunteers, families and children, everyone welcome. Let me know if you would like to attend.

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Just a reminder that the open day has been postponed until Sunday 19th June. Will post more details nearer the time.

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Please let us know if you would like to book! I will be photographing the Greenways open day on Saturday and also taking informal portraits in a natural setting. Photos will be uploaded to:

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Very proud to be working with Gloucester Deaf Association (GDA). Deaf Friendly Forest School Clubs will be running in the school holidays led by our qualified Forest School leader Rosemary Morgan! Love the leaflet GDA!

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Forest School Association

Powerful words that explain one of the reasons I am so passionate about what I do! For me fortunately, it is mainly happy faces covered in mud, the excitement of achievement, woodworking, making a den, digging a ditch or finally getting that spark to light the fire! But also the sense of satisfaction at the end of the day when I know new friendships have been made; confidence has grown; skills learnt and best of all, happy childhood memories imprinted. We know from the plethora of research evidence that having a positive 'memory bank' supports the mental health of our kids, something that an ipad just cant do!.....

Forest School Association

I am on a mission today to source more funding to help support the 'social' side of what we do in FS! I am trying to enable those children that wouldn't normally be lucky enough to be able to come to Forest School and to be able to run affordable Childminding and Home Ed groups, so as many children (and adults) as possible can benefit from what it offers! I am also applying for funding for another FS Leader and lots more training; outside play therapy, emotional literacy and promotion of well-being! Anyone out there that feel they can help me with the funding applications, or is interested in being FS trained in exchange for helping us build on the fabulous work we are already doing?

Education Studies at the University of Gloucestershire

Awww - Lovely write up thank you! X

BA Educations Studies visit GWFS

Rosemary and Natalie had the best of days today teachng these BA Education Studies undergraduates...What a lovely bunch of students! They embraced the whole FS philosophy, didnt fall sleep in the lecture and created the most amazing 'magic' in the woods today. See... even grown ups can have fun in FS... Brilliant day, cant wait to do this all over again with another bunch of next generation FS converts!...Thank you BA Ed's, I hope you enjoyed today as much as we did! x

BA Educations Studies visit GWFS


had so much fun being a child again at Greenways Forest School 🍃🌱🌿🌳

had so much fun being a child again at Greenways Forest School πŸƒπŸŒ±πŸŒΏπŸŒ³


NEAR Greenways Community Forest School