Slimming World Kenton
A vibrant and award-winning successful group changing the lives of those who live in Harrow, Kenton, Wembley and nearby.. Hi, I'm Shika and the Slimming World Kenton Group is my group and it is now a vibrant and award-winning successful group changing the lives of those who live in Harrow, Kenton, Wembley and nearby...
I joined Slimming World myself in May 2010 and it changed my life - I have lost nearly 7 stone and kept it off with Slimming World.
We meet every Wednesday, 5.30 and 7pm at the Kenton Methodist Church, Woodgrange Avenue, Kenton. Our group is full of support, inspiration, ideas, encouragement and fun...
Our members are inspirational, fun and we have an amazing community feel where everyone has made life-long friendships...
Come along and join us!! it will change your life too x
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