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Debbie Songhurst Semi-Permanent Make-up

17 Montpellier Parade, Harrogate, United Kingdom
Skin Care Service



To keep up to date with all of my permanent make-up information and offers please add me on facebook or follow me on twitter


Glow Advanced Beauty Harrogate

I am looking for someone to join our team. Unfortunately my waiting list has been getting bigger and bigger and struggling to fit all my fantastic clients in quickly so I am looking for someone interested in electrical facials and skin to work along side me. This would be perfect for an experienced therapist or nurse, please message me and/or share with anybody you think this role may suit 😘xxx

Glow Advanced Beauty Harrogate

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Beautiful Microbladed brows done by me ❤️ for appointments call the salon on 01423 202828 xx

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Best thing about my job is that I get to see my gorgeous clients annually for top ups, they become my friends and I absolutely LOVE catching up with them.... but then I miss them again when we finish 💕😢 xx

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Glow Advanced Beauty Harrogate

Come visit me this weekend at Morgan Clare, I will be available to talk all thing brows and skin on Friday and Saturday 11am - 4pm, I will also be offering shaping and drawing techniques 😘xxx

Glow Advanced Beauty Harrogate

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Absolutely love this brow transformation done by Debbie Songhurst at GLOW harrogate #brows #microblading #semipermanentmakeup #permanentmakeup #permanentbrows #eyes #blogger #browsonfleek #browsinpoint #glowadvancedbeauty #beauty #yorkshire #northyorkshire #harrogate #blueeyes #nomorepencil

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Today's beautiful microbladed hair stroke brows by Debbie Songhurst @glow_harrogate 💕#blueeyes #microblading #microbladingeyebrows #microblade #eyebrows #yorkshire #harrogate #brows #browsonfleek #browsonpoint #permanentmakeup #permanenteyebrows #semipermanentmakeup #semipermanentbrows #eliteartist #tattoo

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Glow Advanced Beauty Harrogate

Excited that I will be adding this to my list of growing treatments. This is an excellent add on to my micro-needling which is fantastic for - Scars - Pigmentation - Stretch Marks - Fine Lines and Wrinkles - Skin Rejuvenation. As the Cryo-Oxygen therapy also works as a vasodilator this will mean there is no down time/redness and will also numb the area so there is limited to NO discomfort xx

Glow Advanced Beauty Harrogate

Can't believe I'm about to talk about Christmas already (it's ok as its Christmas brows) 😆 but just to let clients know I've opened up a few extra days for Permanent Cosmetics between now and Christmas as I am fast booking up, if you are wanting to book in with me please get in touch soon, and we can be excited about Christmas together 🎅☀️💕 xxx

Gail Porter reveals her joy and newfound confidence after having her eyebrows tattooed

In this article, Karen Betts, The lady that I trained with to become an Elite Cosmetic and Medical practitioner, shows how beautiful and confidence building Permanent Cosmetics can be for hair loss clients 💕

Glow Advanced Beauty Harrogate

Glow Advanced Beauty Harrogate

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Keep looking back over at the amazing results of these microbladed brows from last week 💕xx

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A close up of some recent hair stroke brows done by me, these will really soften and blend when healed, my client looked beautiful 💕x

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